认证评论 - Computers & Industrial Engineering
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miumiu1998 2023-08-07

Ah, I only submitted when I saw that the journal had relevant content that I had worked on. I didn't expect to be rejected just two days after submitting. I feel lost.

论文暴击者 2023-08-05

Look forward to upgrading to the first district of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2023.

yyjjff 2023-08-03

submitted: 2022.11.6
first revision: 2023.2.12
second revision: 2023.6.16
accepted: 2023.8.3

Overall, the timeline is quite long, but the score distribution is very good. It is possible to go for it, and overall it is challenging, but not particularly difficult.

Xiaoma 2023-08-01

My RRC has been four days already, and it has been half a month since I watched the RRC. I hope to have good results.

康帅 2023-08-01

Bragging, hired directly. Look up to the big shots.

康帅 2023-08-01

I will return to you on July 26th RCC. Both reviewers have too many issues, which is very disappointing.

Xiaoma 2023-07-30

How long will the first-round RRC status of this journal last?

miumiu1998 2023-07-28

I made a mistake. The question above is asking when it will be delivered to the editor. Thank you all.

miumiu1998 2023-07-28

How long does it usually take from submitting the manuscript to "with editor"? Do all authors need to open the link in the email to confirm their authorship before the manuscript can be sent to the reviewers?

糖糖 2023-07-26

It has been almost two months and I am still at the editing department.

湛然想去月球 2023-07-22

CAS Zone 2, ABS2. Based on my previous review experience and my friend's submission experience, the difficulty seems relatively appropriate. It is suitable for beginners to practice their first SCI paper, as it is not very difficult and the level is also decent.

糖糖 2023-07-16

It has been a month and a half, still at the editorial department.

康帅 2023-07-15

The two reviewers who received the manuscript have now completed their reviews. Currently, the RRC (unknown acronym) is taking a long time to edit. I hope they will provide the revision comments as soon as possible.

Xiaoma 2023-07-14

That's still alright, my first-instance trial took three months. Now, looking at the time it takes for the first-instance result to come back, it will be at least five months.

BeCalm 2023-07-13

Yes, it took a total of 3 months from submission to receiving the first review result.

康帅 2023-07-11

You are too outstanding, the pace is so fast.

康帅 2023-07-11

Delivered on April 1st, returned and redelivered on the 9th, sent for review on April 18th. Afterwards, it was gradually delivered to a total of 14 reviewers, with 2 of them accepting. On June 14th, one reviewer completed the review, but I don't know about the situation of the other reviewer...

康帅 2023-07-11

I would like to ask how many reviewers there are? We invited 14 reviewers, of which 2 accepted. One of them finished reviewing the manuscript on the 14th of last month, but the other one hasn't even started.

江海平 2023-07-09

Posted on November 5, 2022
Received first review comments on March 10, 2023, with one month given for revisions
Submitted revised draft and comments on April 1, 2023
Received second review comments on May 11, 2023, with several comments given and 20 days given for revisions
Submitted revised draft and comments on May 25, 2023
Received third review comments on June 25, 2023, with no other comments
Accepted on July 7, 2023
Truly appreciate the reviewer's professionalism and meticulousness. The comments provided were very helpful and the reviewer is definitely an experienced expert in the field.

Xiaoma 2023-07-06

It took me 3 months before it was under review.

糖糖 2023-07-04

It has been a month and I'm still in the editing department. I don't know if it's considered fast or slow.

Xiaoma 2023-07-03

I spent three months on the first trial. OP, did you spend three months on the first trial as well?

BeCalm 2023-07-03

Overall, it takes 6 months, with the first trial taking 3 months.

江海平 2023-06-30

May I ask how to determine whether it is a major repair or a minor repair?

Amiee1111 2023-06-19

Submitted to the editorial office on April 24th, 2022. Received first revision comments on January 15th, 2023. Received second revision comments on March 31st, 2023. Received acceptance notification on June 19th, 2023.

Chew Jader 2023-06-17

Yes, it's possible that it's the same editor, just lucky.

zzsj 2023-06-16

The paper has been successfully accepted. Let's share the experience~
Submitted in November 2022
First review comments received in December 2022 (took 45 days)
Revised manuscript submitted in January 2023
Second review comments received in March 2023 (took 42 days)
Revised manuscript submitted in April 2023 and accepted 15 days later
Wishing everyone a smooth submission process~

Xiaoma 2023-06-16

Hey bro, did you check it out? Mine is also under review, but there is no link.

Xiaoma 2023-06-16

Brother, when was your journal tracking website launched? Was it after the acceptance by the reviewers or after the external review?

Xiaoma 2023-06-16

So fast, my three months just passed the external audit.

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