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cysky 2023-07-26

Are you going directly from the "with editor" to "dip"? May I ask if there are any latest developments?

songbp 2023-06-15

I have invested in CAD again, and it has been ten days since DIP. Based on the experience of two submissions, the editing efficiency is indeed a bit low.

songbp 2023-05-22

Submitted on 22.07.06, I created a simulation of the appearance of textile fabrics. The reviewers were experts in computer science.
Around 23.01.10, after 6 months, two reviewers requested major revisions, including the addition of a comparison with state-of-the-art methods, with a deadline of one month.
On 23.02.10, I completed the revisions within a month, responded to the reviewers' comments, and explained the reasons for not including the comparison.
On 23.05.10, the reviewers emphasized the need for the comparison and requested major revisions again. The editor considered the overall feedback and rejected the paper.
In summary, it was a waste of time.

Lucky_s 2023-03-03

May I ask how long it takes for your article to be edited with an editor?

Lucky_s 2023-03-03

May I ask how long your article with the editor will take?

songbp 2022-10-14

The simulated direction of the textile fabric was created and submitted on July 6th, but there has been no response so far.

undefined 2022-08-11

Received an email three months after submission, allowing one month for revisions. After making the revisions, it was resubmitted and received two weeks later. The efficiency and rigor of the journal is still quite good.

嘌呤与嘧啶 2022-07-06

About 1 month after submission, major revision;
After revising, about 1 month for minor revision;
After further modification, it will be accepted directly;
Overall, the journal's reputation and speed are quite good.

HyperChen 2021-08-05

Posted in early December 2020
Received first review comments around May 2021
Submitted revised version one month later
Received second review comments in July 2021
Submitted revised version one week later
Accepted in August 2021

232323 2021-04-13

I give up. This journal is not even in the first zone. It must be a top journal in the field of computer-aided design. They say they support industrial software development, but it feels like this journal is not being taken seriously.

IGA 2021-03-29

The top-level journal in the CAD field, second to none. In China, the development of CAD software is highly valued, and being able to publish a paper in this magazine is very prestigious!

Seager 2021-03-10

Yes! Maybe I didn't post enough articles, so no one recommended it.

清一 2021-02-04

Top-tier journal of computer-aided design, the speed of review is uncertain, the first review may take 5-6 months, and the journal includes fewer articles.

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