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光头大魔王 2021-01-30

9.25 Submission
11.04 Major Revision
12.18 Revised
1.30 Acceptance
I submitted to this journal for the second time, and I made a lot of changes in terms of format and length, which was really annoying. The review process indeed seems to be long and the editorial efficiency is low, but as long as the results are good, it's fine. Additionally, the predicted impact factor for next year is around 7.8, which is a promising increase. The journal's quality, category, and impact factor are all quite favorable, so I should consider submitting again in the future.

光头大魔王 2021-01-30

9.25 Submitted
10.04 Major revision
12.18 Revised
1.30 Accepted
I submitted to this journal for the second time and made many changes to the format and length, which was very annoying. I feel that the review process is indeed too long and the editorial efficiency is low, but as long as the result is good, it's fine. Additionally, the predicted impact factor for next year is around 7.8, which is a promising increase. The quality, ranking, and impact factor of the journal are all quite favorable, so I should consider submitting again in the future.

爱你521 2021-01-23

What kind of article did you submit?

Godfrey 2021-01-22

Editor10 days later rejected, reason is that the research content is not within the scope of the journal.

Godfrey 2021-01-20

I am also still with the editor, it has been 11 days already. If there's any update, please kindly leave a message in the comments section. Let's encourage each other and hope we all get accepted.

取个什么名字好呢 2021-01-18

My daily check, every day is "with editor", never seen "under review", it has been 22 days but still "with editor".

hello2015 2021-01-18

Displayed with the editor for a few days, then "Under review" for about a little over a week, and now it has been "With editor" for about two weeks. It feels like the progress is so slow.

取个什么名字好呢 2021-01-14

2020.12.28 With Editor
20201.01.14 With Editor
Why is it still not under review? It seems like it's going to be rejected again. I still can't switch journals.

mike 2021-01-11

Nov 05, 2020 submitted
Nov 07, 2020 under review
Jan 10, 2021 under review
Two months later, the date under review changed. Could it be that they found a new reviewer? Can anyone who has experienced this situation provide an answer?

WUHU~ 2021-01-08


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