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观天澜 2022-01-18

I just feel that there shouldn't be any "decision in process" or "under review" status at all. It should directly be "major revision/minor revision/rejection" based on the opinions of the three experts, which can be decided at a glance. Why bother with all these statuses?

坐在街头看文献 2022-01-18

2021.12.16 Submission
2021.12.17 with editor
2022.1.17 Decision in Process
This situation is likely to result in rejection, and the result will be known within one or two days. It is frustrating that it took the editor over a month to reject it, as it feels like a waste of time. It is important for everyone to choose a suitable journal for submission based on their own achievements.

坐在街头看文献 2022-01-13

I have been with the editor for almost a month now, but they haven't rejected or reviewed my submission. Does anyone know what's going on? Anybody in a similar situation as me?


Initial Date Submitted: 2021.09.03
Revised: 2021.11.03
Accepted: 2022.01.02

观天澜 2021-12-29

Isn't the mentality exploding directly???

向北horizon 2021-12-28

In the editor's hands for 4 weeks, directly rejected.

Chem Worker 2021-12-20

From submission to acceptance, it takes 2.5 months.

HeRoy 2021-12-19

Classmate, have you submitted yours for review? I've also submitted mine for over ten days and haven't received any news.

观天澜 2021-12-17

Miscellaneous periodical, with the editor for half a month, not doing anything at all, WTF!

雷雷1912 2021-12-09

Why was it repaired twice?

雷雷1912 2021-12-09

How is it now, OP?

Peekoot 2021-12-09

The text translates to: "After submitting (on Friday night), on the third day it's with the editor, and then 10 days later it's under review. I hope for a good result."

观天澜 2021-12-08

I have been working with editor for 1 week, feeling upset!

Rosej 2021-12-08

Most likely it has been rejected, but they were very prompt in replying, I got a response in just one day.

观天澜 2021-12-08

What is the result? Should we switch to another journal directly?

christo 2021-12-02

The day after submission, it was with the editor. Twelve days later, the status changed directly to "decision in process". Now, one month has passed and the status has remained unchanged. There is a high probability that it is a rejection, but why does it take so long to receive a rejection letter? Can any expert clarify?

悦悦子 2021-11-29

Can I still apply for Part A if I have been rejected for Part B?

红色石头 2021-11-01

2021.8.25 submitted to journal
2021.9.10 required review completed
2121.9.16 major revision
2021.10.5 submitted
2121.10.08 under review
2021.10.15 decision in process
2021.11.1 accepted

wt20211029 2021-10-31

Feels pretty good, sent for review in two to three weeks, four reviewers, gave good feedback, a total of 25 questions, after making the revisions, it's like being reborn with a new body!

osechill 2021-10-15

March submission, June major revision, August minor revision, September acceptance.

卡卡卡卡 2021-10-14

I would like to ask, when submitting an article, do we still have access to our submission record in the system after the corresponding author's approval is required? My advisor has not given consent yet, and I noticed that I couldn't find my record in the submission system.

ap 2021-10-11

I invested last week and I don't know how long it usually takes with the editor. Why does everyone generally take three days to process?

DDWB 2021-10-11

I think in most cases, it's because the editor cannot find enough reviewers or there are not enough feedbacks provided.

mechanicsaaa 2021-10-11

Brother, did you transfer after the review?

啦啦啦BPS 2021-10-10

I really envy you guys. It's been almost two months since I submitted my transfer, but the "under review" status has changed dates twice and I still haven't received any feedback.

伯乌77 2021-10-08

First review took one month, exactly 30 days. There were four reviewers, one major revision, two minor revisions, and one rejection. The editor provided a major revision, with a deadline of one month. Two weeks were given to complete the supplementary experiments and characterization, and a response was expected three weeks later. The reviewer who rejected the manuscript agreed to accept it after the editor proposed replacing two references, presumably for the impact factor. The acceptance was changed back on the same day. The manuscript was pre-published online on the day of acceptance. The journal number was provided three days after proofreading.

不方便透露姓名的知情人士 2021-10-05

2021.8.1 - submitted
2021.8.3 - with editor
2021.8.3 - under review
2021.8.27 - decision in process
2021.8.29 - major revise
2021.9.11 - revision submitted
2021.9.14 - with editor
2021.9.15 - under review
2021.9.17 - decision in process
2021.9.18 - accept

mechanicsaaa 2021-09-30

Admiration, tears of envy flowed from the corners of the mouth.

做最好的自己123 2021-09-29

This is the fastest SCI journal I have ever experienced. Two weeks after submission, I received the reviewer's comments. There were four reviewers, one major revision and three minor revisions, and the editor requested a major revision. After 25 days, I resubmitted the revised manuscript, looking forward to a positive outcome!!!

啦啦啦BPS 2021-09-15

8.16 Transferred from ESM
8.16 Under review
9.14 The date has been updated, but the status is still Under review.
Does this mean it has been resubmitted for review again? That would mean the previous month was wasted, sigh!

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