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Taylor26 2023-02-03

02.01 under review

Pacemaker 1 2023-02-01

2022.11.8 submit
2022.11.9 with editor
2022.11.14 under review
2022.12.06 decision in process
2022.12.15 major revision given one month
2022.1.25 minor revision
2022.2.1 accept

The editing efficiency is high and the reviewers are very professional. They provided a lot of constructive comments, which were very helpful for further improving the paper. I hope this journal will continue to improve and increase its influence!

木木子呀 2023-02-01

Fast speed, professional reviewers, and very professional questions.

木木子呀 2023-02-01

Return to the reviewer for re-examination once again.

DDWB 2023-02-01

Two months with the editor? That's a bit of a problem. Just write a letter directly to the editor.

tombriderLara 2023-01-31

The first two rejections I received were quite prompt. The editor made a decision in less than two days, and then I was rejected quickly.

小曹同学 2023-01-31

Can I bother you to ask if the revised version will be sent back to the reviewer again or will the editor directly approve it? Thank you.

小曹同学 2023-01-31

Could you please clarify whether the first revision will be sent back to the reviewer, or will the editor directly approve it? Thank you.

rurara 2023-01-31

Hello, I would like to ask how many days will the editorial department reply to you after applying for an extension?

木木子呀 2023-01-31

Received 9 November 2022
Revised 24 January 2023
Accepted 26 January 2023
Available online 30 January 2023
Version of Record 30 January 2023

Received on November 9, 2022
Revised on January 24, 2023
Accepted on January 26, 2023
Available online on January 30, 2023
Version of Record on January 30, 2023

lanfengxue 2023-01-31

November 25th, Year 22, Submitted
November 27th, Year 22, With Editor

It's really rare to see this. I sent two emails to the editor through the system during this period. The first time, they ignored me. The second time, they replied and said that our manuscript was not forgotten. But after that, there was no further response. Even if the editor and the editor-in-chief are celebrating Christmas, New Year, and Spring Festival, they should have finished by now. At least give us a result. It's really causing delays.

Taylor26 2023-01-26

01.03 Submitted
01.04 With Editor (It has been over 20 days...)

DDWB 2023-01-19

Summary 4%, ACS Nano summary 7%, Small summary 15%, this is not easy at all.

DDWB 2023-01-19

A publication quantity of 700 articles annually, covering all areas of composite materials, with a self-citation rate of less than 10%, and an increase in impact factor is a good thing.

阿斯顿飞规就 2023-01-18

I have won several times and I have to say that this journal's operation is quite impressive. The completion rate of its instant impact factor has reached 98%, while other journals (e.g. ACS Nano, Small... etc.) are still at 80%. At this rate, it is estimated that the next impact factor will exceed 15...

Bright-zhang 2023-01-11

I am also a dip. It seems like we will have to wait for a while longer.

Bright-zhang 2023-01-11

1.2 submit
1.3 with editor
1.10 Decision in Process
It is a bit uncertain, and I don't know when the next status update will be.

sung912 2023-01-06

Correction: The editor-in-chief is Professor Joong Hee Lee, sorry for the mistake.

sung912 2023-01-06

9.18 submit - Submitted on September 18th
9.25 with editor - Under review with the editor on September 25th
11.27 major revision - Major revision requested on November 27th
12.26 submit(1st)- Resubmitted on December 26th (1st revision)
01.06 accepted - Accepted on January 6th

The editor-in-chief is Professor Joong Hee Hee, a member of the Korean Academy of Sciences. There were three reviewers.
Professor Joong Hee Hee promptly submitted the paper for review, but initially, there were no reviewers available, which caused some delay in the review process. However, it turned out fine. All three reviewers were highly professional and raised critical questions. After making the necessary modifications, the entire article felt refreshed. Best wishes for the continued success of Composites Part B.

无名123 2023-01-04

After dip, a few days later, there will be a new state.

无名123 2023-01-04

The dip has been good for several days, and it feels like it's going to cool down.

紫露可可 2023-01-04

12.20 submit: This means that something is due or needs to be turned in on December 20th.

12.21 with editor: This indicates that on December 21st, something will be reviewed or worked on by an editor.

12.29 DIP: This phrase is not clear without further context. It could potentially stand for "Document Improvement Plan" or have a different meaning depending on the context it is used in.

大海1991 2022-12-12

DIP is estimated to be a tragedy.

something 2022-12-09

Early results, early decisions. Don't waste time, stop dawdling!

caicaixn 2022-12-08

I'm the same as you, one day dip.

something 2022-12-08

11.27 submit
11.28 with editor
12.06 with editor
12.07 decision in process
Most likely, it will be approved.

大海1991 2022-12-07

Submitted, outcome unknown. Submitted on 11/24, still with editor.

爱吃鱼骨头的猫ing 2022-12-07

The date has changed, but the situation remains unchanged. What is going on?

塔塔1202 2022-12-07

May I ask how are you doing now, OP? I also had a change in plans, still with the editor...

爱吃鱼骨头的猫ing 2022-12-03

Oh, ah, then why not just reject directly instead of creating a dip status? It's been many days and still no rejection.

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