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mathmatica 2022-03-03

2022.2.21, Out for Review, no template, own tex template will suffice.

yanyanhu 2022-02-23

Did the teacher ask for a resubmission? Is there a LaTeX template for the submission?

mathmatica 2022-02-20

Submitted on January 11, 2022 through the new system at https://accounts.taylorfrancis.com/identity/#/login?authorize=true&client_id=59f21242bb410562f60413514f5108d80ede3086581e834d9027687f7a875502&response_type=code&scope=mail&redirect_uri=http:%2F%2Fapi.taylorandfrancis.com%2Fv1%2Fauthclient%2Fcallback&state=&brand=rptnf. It has been 40 days since then, and it is still "With Journal Administrator." Does anyone know what's going on? Is it because the new system is not being managed or should I submit to the old system? Thank you, everyone.

数学人 2021-05-24

Does anyone know how long it takes for an article to be online after it is accepted by this magazine?

mathmatica 2021-05-10

What does "With Journal Administrator" mean?

26 2021-04-25

How long did it take for you to find an editor in this state?

数学人 2021-04-08

After more than 2 years of submission time, the article is finally accepted.

数学人 2021-03-19

After writing two reminder letters, I received a notification for minor revisions on March 6, 2021. I submitted the revised version on March 14, 2021. I'm not sure how long I will have to wait this time.

yangyangli 2021-03-10

I have received two articles, one took 16 months, and the other took 14 months... They are mainly for helping junior students graduate... If you value academic reputation, be cautious about submitting to this journal, as it might be kicked out of SCI any day. Also, the journal has a strict policy on publishing, even accepted articles that are published online still need to wait for a year or two to be officially published.

xiaowoniu 2021-02-07

Has the original poster sent an email to the editor to inquire about the progress? It feels like it's been a bit too long.

数学人 2021-02-05

The status is still under review.

xiaowoniu 2021-02-01

May I ask how your article is doing after the second revision? Was it accepted?

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