认证评论 - Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation
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jqd583 2023-07-29

Although the impact factor has dropped and is now in the second quartile, the difficulty remains high, and the journal quality is relatively high.

The editing efficiency is low, and the speed is too slow. However, every time I complain to the editor-in-chief, the associate editor in charge will handle it immediately.

Abinstyle 2023-04-13

Experience of Submission:
Topic: Nonlinear Dynamics (Bifurcation, Multiscale Coupling)
12/19/2021 - Submitted
3/25/2022 - Received review comments from three reviewers. The reviewers asked very professional questions. Reviewer 1's comments were partially positive and partially negative, while Reviewers 2 and 3 thought the work was very good. The questions asked were also very crucial. Made modifications seriously according to the reviewers' comments. Due to the period of applying for Ph.D. and being busy with graduation, it took over two months to complete the revision and respond to the review comments.
6/6/2022 - Revised according to the review comments
8/17/2022 - Accepted
8/23/2022 - Online
Overall, the submission and review process was relatively slow.

math-yang 2023-04-07

2022.7 Submission
2022.11 Received first review comments from three reviewers. The comments were fair and objective as all the reviewers were industry experts. They raised professional questions and provided one month for revisions. If additional time is needed, an email can be sent to the editor for an extension. The editor is accommodating and will grant an extended deadline.
2022.12.21 Revised manuscript submitted.
2023.2.15 Received second review comments from one reviewer, recommending acceptance.
2023.3.7 Received an email from the editor, accepting the manuscript.
2023.3.10 Available online for viewing.
2023.3.18 Issue page numbers assigned. The article information can be seen and downloaded from the CNSNS website.
However, it is not yet available on Web of Science. I wonder how long it will take to appear on Web of Science.

The waiting time for review is quite agonizing, especially when constantly checking the review status and seeing it change back to "with editor," it feels very nerve-wracking.

啊! 2023-04-05

May I ask if you have any news?

XL最靓 2023-03-28

No, you should be building your submission PDF. After it is built, you still need to click confirm.

pxu3347 2023-03-28

Upper right corner displays: Please be aware that PDF builds are currently taking longer than usual. Your PDF request is queued and will build in the order received. Aries technical teams are aware of the issue and monitoring performance. It has been many days, I don't know what's going on, and I don't know if it has been submitted...

PeterPoly 2023-03-15

This journal is relatively slow. It takes about two months for the initial review to receive a decision. After submitting the revised manuscript, it takes about a month to enter the external review with the editor. Then, after the external review is completed, there is another month of waiting for the results. If you want quick results, it is advisable to be cautious about submitting to this journal. Overall, the journal has a good reputation and is also a top journal, but the review process is really slow.

学术小辣鸡一枚 2023-02-08

Feb 2, 2023投 (Chinese characters) translates to "Feb 2, 2023 with editor" in English.

PeterPoly 2023-01-23

Revised manuscript on December 30th, January 7th with the editor, and still with the editor until today, the 23rd. There are only four or five suggestions in total. I don't know what this journal is up to.

stranger 2023-01-17

Hello, any news? How long has the editor been finished?

爱学习的东东 2022-11-10

Hello, how long does it usually take for WITH EDITOR? It's been almost a month without any news.

吃鱼不用猫 2022-11-10

Do the brothers have any news now?

leeroket 2022-08-30

Computational Fluid Dynamics field
2022.8.18 with editor
2022.8.30 with editor
The speed is really slow, much slower than JCP. This paper is mainly a trial, trying our luck, not sure if it will be submitted for review.

动力系统吴 2022-08-26

Journal reviewers are all experts in their respective fields, and the questions are very specialized!

努力去做好自己的事情 2022-07-28

20220613 Submit - Submitted on June 13th
0613 With Editor - Under review by the editor on June 13th
0723 Transfer - Transferred on July 23rd
0728 Reject - Rejected on July 28th

XL最靓 2022-07-19

Enjoying good luck, I have been with the editor for half a month now.

一念执着 2022-07-12

2022.05.17 submitted to journal;

2022.05.18 with editor;

2022.06.07 under review;

2022.06.29 under review;

2022.07.02 revise;

2022.07.09 revised submitted (with editor);

2022.07.12 Accept

一念执着 2022-07-09

2022.05.17 submitted to journal;
2022.05.18 with editor;
2022.06.07 under review;
2022.06.29 under review;
2022.07.02 revise;
2022.07.09 revised submitted (with editor)
Keep up the good work! Best of luck...

一念执着 2022-07-04

2022.05.17 submitted to journal;
2022.05.18 with editor;
2022.06.07 under review;
2022.06.29 under review;
2022.07.02 Revise
Keep going! Good luck...

一念执着 2022-06-30

2022.05.17 submitted to journal;

2022.05.18 with editor;

2022.06.07 under review;

2022.06.29 under review;

moon21 2022-06-14

How long did your required review last?

moon21 2022-06-14

How long did your required review last?

一念执着 2022-06-09

2020.06.07 under review
Blessings... Keep going!

一念执着 2022-06-09

2022.05.17 submitted to journal
2022.05.18 with editor
2022.06.07 Under Review

feiyu1 2022-05-23

How long does it take for the experts to submit their modification suggestions and get results?

一念执着 2022-05-19

2022.05.18 Avec Éditeur

2022.05.18 With Editor

一念执着 2022-05-17

2022.05.17 submitted to journal

chaos and bifurcation 2022-04-29

cnsns is really slow. The homepage says the review time is 9 weeks, but I didn't expect it to take over a month with the editor.

哇sci accepted 2022-03-31

It's really too slow, there hasn't been any progress for 5 months.

sajiasheng 2022-03-26

I have been with the editor for over three months. The manuscript was given minor revisions after two weeks of review, and it has been with the editor since the day I submitted the modified version. It has been over 20 days now.

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