注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

小宇 2023-07-18

The following text translates to English as: "Well-recognized journals in the field of coastal engineering, with professional peer reviewers."

shooter 2023-04-12

Key top-level journals in the field indeed.

czy 2022-12-01

This journal is very suitable for water transportation technology workers to engage in academic exchanges and publish their works.

须眉绛凯 2022-02-03

Brother, have you figured this out? This is indeed difficult. I am from the Department of Marine Engineering. It has been several years since we had a student who succeeded. Some people from the coast have succeeded. No exaggeration, this is definitely the top journal in the Department of Marine Engineering.

Leslie 2022-01-01

The coastal engineering ace journal usually has top experts in the industry as reviewers, whose opinions are profound and sharp, making it difficult.

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