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娜娜的大熊 2022-11-24

Sincerely fast, mainly for testing domestic journals, feeling that there is great potential. After changing the journal publisher, the impact factor (IF) will inevitably rise, and it is estimated to fluctuate between 2-5-8. Due to limited publication volume, the few editors we have recently found are very active in the field. The improvement in quality is inevitable. It is suitable for submission now, and it feels like this journal may emerge. If you ignore it now, you may not be able to reach it in the future.

cc-thri 2022-11-23

Making people laugh is simply incredible. You think I'm not practical? Then present some data. After you've checked, share it. Moreover, it's already on letpub. Just scroll up on this webpage and you'll see it. You're so ridiculous.

organicchem 2022-11-22

@cc-thri, please always seek the truth and reference from Web of Science, do not quote randomly. Typing on the keyboard is easy.

organicchem 2022-11-22

@cc-thri, you must search from Web of Science. Where did you collect your data from?

cc-thri 2022-11-21

2015-2016 Self-citation rate 61.7%
2016-2017 Self-citation rate 52%
2017-2018 Self-citation rate 55.4%
2018-2019 Self-citation rate 48.9%
2019-2020 Self-citation rate 45.6%
2020-2021 Self-citation rate 31.7%
2021-2022 Self-citation rate 32.5%. As you requested, I will be honest... I said he is making progress and deserves recognition. But you also saw the numbers. Please do not accuse JACS of self-citation. Their highest self-citation rate in ten years is 7.2%, and they are a top journal. Thank you. Who hasn't conducted investigations? Who hasn't collected data? Is it acceptable for one out of three citations to be from one's own journal in any field?

organicchem 2022-11-19

Which two issues did you post in the field of structural chemistry, author [cc-thri]? Please be factual.

organicchem 2022-11-19

@cc-thri replied: I didn't ask you to praise, nor did I ask you to belittle. How and when did they deceive readers?

Reply: Your opinion itself lacks factual accuracy. You mentioned self-citation at 30%, but without investigation, you have no right to speak. Go to Web of Science and find out for yourself. Don't casually quote baseless statements to draw your own conclusions.

Reply: Which field? What is so outrageous? Are you referring to citations? Are your data accurate? How did you obtain the data? Don't foreign journals like JACS cite their own articles? What citations are considered legitimate and what are considered improper? You must have some basis to make certain conclusions.

Reply: No investigation, no right to speak? You said yourself that we should seek factual accuracy, but then you reply with "shuijun" (meaning "who cares").

cc-thri 2022-11-12

Firstly, intellectuals should have the demeanor and vision of cultured individuals. It seems contradictory to attack others personally right from the beginning, which goes against the original intention of reading. Should I just ignore it because I made a cheap purchase? What kind of mentality is this? Must I praise the article every day because I bought it? The reason for posting an article is to gain recognition in my field of work, what does this have to do with being a good person? Are you also deceiving readers and having issues with your character?

Secondly, researchers should pursue truth and have a clear understanding of their own field or industry. I have already acknowledged the progress made after the revision, but there is still a long way to go to reach the standards of top-tier journals mentioned by the person above. This is a fact. Moreover, this has nothing to do with the confidence of a technologically strong nation. Being a technologically strong nation does not mean being a strong journal country, and increasing the influence of domestic foreign-language journals does not equate to cultural confidence. Don't label things so broadly. You can't handle it.

Thirdly, those who have completed graduate studies should at least understand how to speak with data. The 32% self-citation rate is mentioned above, and anyone familiar with SCI knows that this is extremely alarming in this field. Are you referring to this journal with a 30+% self-citation rate as a representation of being a technologically strong nation?

Lastly, domestic journals need support and attention, but they do not need blind followers.

催而化之 2022-11-05

This author, cc-thri, I really don't know how your article was posted. You have gained benefits and yet still speak ill of others, showing a great problem with your character. The overall quality of articles in 2022 has indeed improved significantly since the reorganization of the editorial department of this magazine and its collaboration with Elsevier. The magazine has truly undergone a transformation. We should neither underestimate ourselves nor aim too high. Without cultural confidence, we can never become a technological powerhouse.

cc-thri 2022-10-04

Sorry, in April, I recorded one article as a first author, and in June, I was listed as a contributor for another article. Since the revision this year, the efficiency of the journal has improved a lot, and the quality has also seen some improvement. However, compared to before, there are still plenty of low-quality articles. If this journal doesn't cite itself, who will? It's not like the more than 30% self-citation rate is made up. Progress should be acknowledged, and I hope it continues to improve. But don't take big steps and claim to be on par with top international journals or at the level of first-tier journals. Have you even read any articles from first-tier journals?

organicchem 2022-08-13

The Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry has been completely revamped. Please visit the new website at www.cjsc.ac.cn. It has also collaborated with Elsevier and will soon be launched. The submission and publishing systems, as well as the editorial team, have all been updated. Please support the development of this long-standing domestic journal.

organicchem 2022-08-13

The website homepage has a template www.cjsc.ac.cn. It has undergone a complete reform and is now operating internationally. It will be launched on Elsevier soon. Manuscripts are welcome!

organicchem 2022-08-13

In 2022, all reforms have been implemented, adopting new submission and publishing systems, and eliminating page charges. The current manuscript quality has reached the first-tier standard.

organicchem 2022-08-13

This journal has been reformed since 2022. The page fee has been abolished, and the submission system and publication process have undergone a complete overhaul, adopting an international approach.

organicchem 2022-08-13

The journal website has templates, but submitting without using a template is also not affected.

organicchem 2022-08-13

Is it because the article has recently been rejected that this person mentions self-citation? When does this journal rely on self-citation? There should be evidence and facts to support it, instead of just saying it. Have you read any articles from 2022?

cc-thri 2022-06-27

Don't exaggerate it too much, it's just a sleazy way of showcasing oneself. Constantly self-promoting will only increase the exaggeration and make things more inflated.

srz楠楠 2022-06-08

Hello, did you use a template when submitting the article? I couldn't find the template on the magazine's homepage.

噗噗 2022-05-05

After the revision, the reviewing process of this journal is very fast. Within two weeks, three review comments will be provided. At the same time, the speed of the editor's handling is very fast and responsible. They will provide many suggestions on details.

778899catalysis 2022-04-16

I agree with the opinions of the student above. The journal's division and impact factor do not match its article level. In the past, the Fujian Construction Institute had a great influence nationwide, and this journal was very influential at that time. I sincerely hope that this journal can quickly regain its former glory. I hope it can enter Zone 1 and achieve an impact factor above 10. Become a landmark national journal! Let's go for it!

创新之祖 2022-04-16

An overlooked journal, the quality of the articles is clearly at a level of Zone 1, for some unknown reason, the impact factor has not yet risen. It seems that the journal has recently undergone a revision, and it is said to have started collaborating with Elsevier Publishing. If this is true, I estimate that the journal will have the ability to break through a factor of 10 in 3-5 years, after all, it is a classic and well-established journal. I hope it can quickly rise up and provide a high-quality base and stronghold for us, the researchers in structural materials.

organicchem 2022-04-14

After the new version, it will be reviewed within one day, and three review comments will be provided within 10 days, which are quite professional. After revisions are made, they will be accepted three days later. And it will be published online within a week. The efficiency is extremely high. No page fee.

晓世 2022-04-14

The description of the journal is as follows: After passing the initial review, it will be sent for review. Within two weeks, feedback will be provided with at least three professional review comments. Once the manuscript is accepted, it will be published online within one week. From submission to publication, the average cycle only takes 30 days.

Based on my actual submission experience, it is indeed the case. The editorial processing speed is very fast, and the editors are very professional. They provide relevant suggestions on paper formatting and other aspects. Additionally, this journal does not charge any publication fees, which is great.

正极材料 2022-04-14

The review speed is very fast, and the review comments are returned within half a month after submission. The editorial team is very diligent and responsible, with great attention to detail. After making the revisions, the article feels greatly improved in terms of both layout and readability. I support domestic journals and aim to publish my research work on the land of our motherland.

yanmei111 2022-04-14

The review process is fast, and the review comments will be provided within half a month. The editorial team is professional in handling and timely communication is possible for any issues. The quality of journal papers is getting better and better.

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