认证评论 - Chinese Journal of Catalysis
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

时不我待 2022-01-10

The evaluation of this teacher is deeply agreed upon! Currently, the issue of foreign countries restraining our country's technology is becoming increasingly prominent. Therefore, the country regards technological self-reliance and self-strengthening as the strategic support for national development. It is devoted to constructing our own top-tier academic journals and academic platforms, which holds great significance in protecting the discourse power and first-hand intellectual property rights of our scientific researchers. Our country's scientific journals started much later than international ones and have faced great difficulties in development. At this stage, they still require the support of all scientific researchers. With the financial support of the country, everyone should contribute genuinely excellent work to be published in our own journals instead of treating domestic journals with contempt while submitting subpar work and feeling dissatisfied if rejected. Based on my personal experience and the experiences of colleagues around me, the acceptance of manuscripts by our country's journals is based on their quality and innovation. Truly excellent manuscripts will not be buried; even if a prominent figure's name is on a poor manuscript, it will still be rejected. In conclusion, everyone should establish true cultural confidence, avoid belittling ourselves, and not consider international journals as genuine while regarding our own journals as counterfeit. This is equivalent to self-sabotage.

7788 2022-01-09

The quality of papers published in the Journal of Catalysis has been greatly improving this year, truly deserving its status as the flagship journal in the field of catalysis in our country. It is expected to have an impact factor of 12 or higher next year. Currently, the review process is extremely strict, with an average of 5 reviewers, and the review speed is very fast. It is estimated that it will soon surpass the impact factor of ACS Catalysis, with both speed and influence advancing rapidly. It is definitely worth having!

cc 2021-12-30

I don't understand why so many Chinese people look down on this journal. China contributes so many SCI papers every year, but does not have its own flagship journal. Every year, so many excellent papers are published in foreign journals, always considering others' opinions, how pitiful. Using national funds to boost foreign journals. It's already difficult enough to make the decision to create our own national journal, but there are still a bunch of people criticizing it. It's true that this journal is not doing well at the beginning, but without support from the country, it will always be looked down upon by others. Who would be willing to submit their excellent work to it? Only with support from the country can the journal become better and of higher quality. This requires a process and the support of every worker to contribute to the Chinese journal. Stop talking about how great the big shots are and stay within your own circle. Can the big shots bring traffic and increase citations? Are there no journals like JACS or Angew? Why criticize domestic journals? Have you even considered if your own work is qualified? If you do well, editors won't be foolish enough to reject you. If rejected, one should reflect on their own problems. Domestic journals will definitely rise in the future. A scientific research powerhouse like China cannot be without its own core journal.

拉粑粑小魔仙 2021-12-24

"cjc has indeed improved a lot."

bepop 2021-12-23

h-icdex is an index that cannot be influenced by controlling the amount of posts. The huge disparity between jc218 and cjc45 is unbelievable. It's better for the Chinese Academy of Sciences not to divide and instead go and take a look at the field of neuroscience.

zzzyyyjjj 2021-12-20

JC upgraded version of Zone 2, outrageous.

891005l 2021-12-15

Since 2016, this journal has completely changed its purpose and severely restricted academic dissemination and communication. It has adopted measures such as reducing the number of acceptances and rejecting articles that do not have comments from other top journals in order to increase its impact factor. It has been forcibly included in Zone 1 by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, but has lost its value as an academic exchange platform. Currently, the academic atmosphere of domestic journals is very poor, and it is also related to the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

哈哈哈啧啧啧 2021-11-16

The national forcibly elevated journal has too many connections. Previously, there was a big shot in the institution who was an editor. Articles that were rejected elsewhere were easily accepted by this journal. However, after the big shot left, none of the articles were accepted by this journal anymore.

JLHAUST 2021-10-06

It has been seven to eight months, and it has not gone online yet.

Juicy orange 2021-10-02

Previously, I submitted my paper to ACS Catalysis and it was rejected after a month of review. They provided a lot of revisions but I decided to submit it to this journal instead. However, it was rejected within 5 days of submission. Chinese journals are really strict now, I wonder if it's what they call "you know what".

Yi-Leo 2021-09-15

If there is no expert in the group, it's better not to submit. I submitted the same article, only adding a few people from our group, and got the same result as you did. But after about 20 days, we contacted an expert from a university and they agreed to add the authors, so we resubmitted it. The acceptance of the whole article took a total of 16 days. Isn't this just playing around?

HJsch 2021-08-12

I would like to ask how long it takes to receive the edited manuscript online? It has been three months and I still haven't received any news.

爱他明月好 2021-07-04

The review process is fast, but the publishing cycle is relatively slow. Comrades who are in a hurry to use the article should be cautious in submitting it.

未发文章 2021-06-09

Do I need to submit the manuscript according to a template?

未发文章 2021-06-09

May I ask how is the outlook for this journal? Is there a submission template? Or is it not necessary to use a template? I noticed that the publishing format is quite complex, so I would appreciate it if any brothers or sisters who have submitted before could provide some assistance. Thank you.

未发文章 2021-06-09

May I ask how is the prospect of this journal? Is there a submission template? Or is it not required to use a template? I noticed that the publishing format of the articles seems to be quite complex.

多发paper 2021-03-22

May I ask if it is necessary to include the reviewer's comments and our response to those comments in the cover letter when submitting to journals with an impact factor of 10 or higher, even if the paper has been rejected?

puhang 2021-03-17

Tell the truth, even though I got published in one of the journals, the quality of this journal is really poor. I won't submit to it again in the future. The previous low-quality journal quickly became a top-tier journal in Zone 1, which is indeed a form of favoritism. The Chinese Academy of Sciences should not compromise on quality to protect domestic journals. Hopefully, they can improve it in the future.

飞星流 2021-01-28

If the quality of the manuscript is high, why not submit it to the Journal of Catalysis?

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