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NanoMicro Dog 2023-07-18

Wasn't this journal always around an impact factor of 10? Why did it drop so much this year? Although it is considered a well-established and influential journal, it should still manage its impact factor a bit. A factor above 10 is also a graduation requirement for many universities, so an impact factor of 8.6 is unacceptable.

Porous Powder 2023-04-25

Can I choose this deputy editor myself?

营养果粒多 2023-03-04

Ah, only the big shots can publish in prestigious journals. It's too difficult for a small research group like ours to submit an article to such a top-tier journal.

营养果粒多 2023-03-04

How many reviewers are usually involved and how long does the review process take?

诚诚不是成成 2023-02-23

I have always enjoyed reading the articles above since I started doing research. They give a reliable and informative impression, allowing me to learn a lot. I remember that its impact factor was around 10 at the beginning, which was considered as a top-tier journal. However, it is surprising that after so many years, the impact factor has hardly increased and still remains at 10. Nowadays, there are many journals with impact factors above 10, so it takes effort to keep a journal running.

凌锋 2023-02-19

The flagship journal of the American Chemical Society in materials science, most of the articles are solid and have theoretical depth. It has maintained a good reputation for many years. There are more articles published by prestigious universities in Europe and America, while the number of articles published domestically is relatively small. Currently, it still ranks first in terms of the number of articles published by the United States, considered one of the few materials journals that have not been taken over by Chinese researchers yet, haha. However, it's a bit excessive for the Chinese Academy of Sciences to downgrade it to a second-tier journal this year. ?

zzzzz11 2023-02-09

Angew, let it go. The articles published in this field are generally mediocre, and there is a high proportion of Chinese authors. It is even no better than AM.

巴山夜话 2023-02-08

The main focus of the journal is on materials chemistry and materials physics research, which differs from journals that emphasize applications such as AM. This puts it at a disadvantage in the current evaluation mechanism because there is no separate category for materials chemistry or materials physics in the sub-area classification, resulting in a lack of advantage in the ranking. Although its impact factor has been around 10 for many years, it seems to have not been able to integrate into the recent surge in IF of materials journals in the past two years. However, in the field of materials chemistry/physics, its influence can already be considered top-notch. The journal's community is mainly composed of top institutions in Europe and the United States, such as the University of California system, Stanford, and various national academies, which contribute a large portion of the published articles. The relatively low sub-area classification of the community and the Chinese Academy of Sciences may be the reasons for the relatively fewer domestic publications. The editor's taste is quite unique, seemingly not enthusiastic about chasing hot topics. Many former JACS leaders will eventually retreat to CM. However, it may also be due to the community that many articles from renowned research groups have been published, which lowers the overall quality of the journal. In previous years, there was more emphasis on the comprehensiveness and solidity of the work, with slightly weaker requirements for innovation, but the requirement for writing skills has always been high, resulting in a good reputation. In recent years, the difficulty of submitting manuscripts has significantly increased, and there is also a high demand for innovation. Due to its focus on the physics or chemistry of materials rather than applications, there is no strict requirement for the inclusion of application data in manuscripts.

YC_seu 2023-01-30

Can I submit in the field of physics and metamaterials? It seems like the number of submissions is quite low. I see quite a few articles related to physics, so can anyone who has submitted before let me know if it's difficult?

浪浪山打工仔122 2023-01-23

You should go to the top 985 universities and see for yourself. The ones that constantly mention being in the first district of the Chinese Academy of Sciences are the ones truly of high quality. They must have published in top journals in the industry. As for representatives from our school, if someone publishes in journals like Advanced Materials (AM) or Journal of the American Chemical Society (JACS), it becomes a topic of discussion. If nobody has heard of anyone publishing in the first district of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, it becomes a topic of discussion as well. The classification system of the Chinese Academy of Sciences is so rubbish; it's even worse than my personal rankings. What's the point of domestic journals like Nano-Micro Letters having impact factors above 20 if almost all the work in them is just A+B or B+C, with fancy graphics but lacking substance? I haven't published in Chemical Materials (CM) yet, but I have learned a lot from the work published in it. True high quality is when a journal in the first district of the Chinese Academy of Sciences brings someone down to the second district; it's just laughable.

大窝瓜 2023-01-23

No fate without JACS, yet I ended up with a body full of JACS disease. A second-rate journal really thought highly of itself. Can't afford it, can't afford it. Goodbye, have fun on your own.

大窝瓜 2023-01-23

The workload of the articles in this journal is huge. With all this effort, wouldn't it be better to split it into several letters and publish them? An impact factor of around 10 is no longer considered high, and it is not recognized in the domestic division. Those reviewers are also difficult to deal with. Unless there are no other suitable options, there is really no need to submit articles to this journal. It is really not rewarding. I do not recommend this journal.

大窝瓜 2023-01-23

What the hell, this is not as reliable as the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

浪浪山打工仔122 2023-01-22

During the Chinese New Year, I have leisure time to review the performance evaluation criteria of many prestigious universities in the "985 Project". I have summarized the classification of various journals in the field of materials and chemistry. The ranking of each journal is not in any particular order, strongly challenging the classification system of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

1. Nature, Science (top-tier journals)
2. Sub-journals of Nature and a few sub-journals of Science (sub-journals)
3. Joule, Matter, Chem, JACS (Journal of the American Chemical Society), Angew (Angewandte Chemie), PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences), AM (Advanced Materials), Nano Convergence, SA (Science Advances), National Science Review (top journals in the industry)
4. ACS Nano, ACS Energy Letters, ACS Materials Letters, Nano Letters, AFM (Advanced Functional Materials), AEM (Advanced Engineering Materials), AS (Applied Surface Science), Cell Reports Physical Science, Nano Energy, energy storage materials, EES (Energy & Environmental Science), science bulletin, materials today, Chemical Science, etc. (well-known journals in the industry)
5. Carbon, JMCA (Journal of Materials Chemistry A), ACS AMI (ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces), JPS (Journal of Power Sources), CC (Chemical Communications), CEJ (Chemical Engineering Journal), Journal of Membrane Science, Small, etc. (well-known journals in the field)

Fangxy 2023-01-19

CM is an established comprehensive materials journal, with most authors or reviewers being top experts in the field, so its authority is unquestionable. It may still lack a bit of recognition as a top-tier journal, but it can be considered a top journal for materials synthesis. If you are in the fields of physics or chemistry and do not work on or have the capability to work on devices, environmental or biomedical applications, you can give it a try. It requires a very clear and comprehensive analysis of the relationship between material structure and properties, or very novel properties of the materials themselves. It has become more difficult to get published in it in the past two years. The competition within the materials field is too intense.

Fangxy 2023-01-19

I don't quite agree with the opinion downstairs.

The quality of a journal is determined by its author community. Since that incident, many big names have withdrawn from the editorial board of Angew, leading to a steep decline in the community's level. In the past, Angew had many interesting works and some novel discoveries, and its content was very chemical. Most articles could be understood directly by those in the field of chemistry. Back then, the number of publications was also small, so it was very proud to have an Angew publication. In the past two years, there have been too many low-quality publications in Angew, and I see many articles in physical chemistry that are on par with the quality of JPCC or JPC letters, some even slightly worse. Now many master's students even have one or two Angew publications, so it cannot be compared to before.

In addition, looking at the editorial board of ACS Materials Letters, I feel a strong bias towards certain circles, especially in the field of nanotechnology. The impact factor is also low, and I estimate that its future direction will be similar to Nano Letters, which will not be able to surpass ACS Nano. Although the editor from NTU is promoting it everywhere, the quality of the articles is not ideal and currently still has a long way to go compared to AM and AFM.

Times change, and journals also change. There is no need to cling to the past. Of course, if it comes to evaluating academic titles, Angew is definitely stronger, after all, the reputation of the two top chemistry journals speaks for itself.

浪浪山打工仔122 2023-01-18

Nonoletters' comments are interesting. Angew can't really beat AM because they are both equally mediocre. Currently, AM has also been flooded with low-quality articles from domestic sources. Beating AFM is just a piece of cake. AFM is at most on the level of ACS Nano and cannot be considered a top journal. Angew being compared to ACS AMI? That's a joke. Even if Angew has fallen, it is still a top-tier journal. Ten articles from ACS AMI cannot match one from Angew. However, Chemistry of Materials is indeed a good journal. The quality of the American Chemical Society's journals is excellent, such as JACS, ACS Nano, Nano Letters. Recently, the American Chemical Society has also launched their flagship materials journal, ACS Materials Letters. I often refer to and benefit greatly from these journals. I hardly ever read those so-called top journals in China with impact factors above 20 because they lack substance.

Nonoletters 2023-01-13

It's ridiculous to say that ACS is suppressing CM. Many articles on CM are actually ones that were previously published in JACS. Now that the research direction has cooled down and they can't publish in JACS anymore, they have switched to CM. So the quality of the articles on CM is good, it's just that many research directions have become less popular, haha.

Nonoletters 2023-01-13

This analysis is knowledgeable, there are many experts on CM, it is difficult to invest and has received a lot of niche fundamental research, and it is not well received in terms of zoning in the country, it is also difficult and unrewarding to publish articles on it.

Nonoletters 2023-01-13

Just kidding~ Germany's applied chemistry is dominating AM and AFM? Now, Germany's applied chemistry has become a domestic paradise for spamming. They dare to publish anything, which is a waste of the top journal reputation that ACIE has accumulated over the years. AM can control the number of publications to over 1000, while Angew is approaching 4000. If things don't go well, it will develop into the next ACS ami and become a domestic journal. Regardless of the research direction, AM has a high impact factor and impressive work, which is recognized by foreigners. Can jmca's energy journal compare with these? Let it compete with AEM and see which one can be considered a good journal. The problem with this CM is that it mainly publishes articles in the fields of solid-state chemistry and physical chemistry, which already have a low impact factor. Moreover, it is classified under the most competitive materials category, it's not surprising that it's not in the second quartile. It should be placed in the chemistry category, at least in the first quartile, half a step lower than JACS. However, they have managed to control the number of annual publications to below 1000, which shows some integrity.

Raes 2022-11-25

Completely agree, CM requires high creativity, and ordinary work simply cannot be submitted, yet it is assigned to the second tier. That so-called advanced ceramics journal, with an impact factor increase of only one per year, still boasts itself as a top-tier journal. I heard they even plan to reach a 20 impact factor by tomorrow, it's total nonsense.

拼嘻嘻 2022-11-10

JMCA and SMALL have become big bosses in the water-spamming paradise, and this CM is also quite similar. There is a reason why it falls into the second district.

atoma 2022-09-16

JMCA has become a good journal now...

佩洛西骚老马子吃屎长大的 2022-08-28

Some people either pretend to be asleep or are really ignorant. This journal can crush many domestic journals. This journal not only requires high innovativeness but also demands overall article quality. I really don't know what those people at the Chinese Academy of Sciences are doing. This journal has been pulled into the second tier, which is ridiculous. It's even more unfortunate that some people blindly believe in the impact factor. Oh, it's just sad. Let me give an example: take the German journal of applied chemistry, for instance. It can easily outperform many high-impact factor journals like AM, AFM, and so on. Although the impact factor of German applied chemistry is not high, they have substance. The innovativeness of their articles is always in the forefront, unlike some journals that blindly pursue high impact factors and neglect the consideration of article innovativeness. I can only say that CM, JMCA, SMALL, and other good journals being pushed into the second tier is truly a result of not knowing how to operate. Additionally, some nature sub-journals may not have high impact factors but they are still impressive. If you only look at the impact factors of these impressive journals, I feel like you are insulting them. I really don't know what some people are thinking. Returning to the overall situation, the quality of a journal cannot be solely judged by its impact factor or classification. It should be based on the general consensus of the academic community, not just the opinion of a few impressive individuals. If the opinion of the academic community is being manipulated, then it's truly a pitiful situation. Scientific research is not easy, so we should cherish it while we continue to progress.

allensys 2022-07-27

I feel that the peer review has always been strict, and the editors are also very serious. I have previously submitted twice and both were rejected. Finally, this time it has been accepted. If there are good results, I will continue to submit.

222很尴尬 2022-07-12

I believe this sand sculpture has never submitted an article before, sand sculptures only care about the Chinese Academy of Sciences' classification.

Thuamr 2022-06-30

Hehehe, go and ask how domestic journals and journals with many domestic editors operate the impact factor. They can go from 1.0 to over 10 in two or three years. A certain institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences assigns tasks to researchers and the circle, requiring them to cite a certain journal 12-16 times each year. Do you think the impact factor is being manipulated? The bottom line of the Chinese Academy of Sciences is quite frightening. It's quite disheartening to think that these people hold the power of discourse in Chinese scientific research. How did AEM and other journals rise? How did energy journals manipulate their impact factor?

JACS and Angew have also dropped to the second quartile before. You are just ignorant.

mjklll 2022-06-29

If you can't do it yourself, then don't seek a sense of existence here. Truly excellent journals will not stoop to the second tier. I will believe your claims of suppression when JACS and Angew drop to the second tier.

mjklll 2022-06-29

If you can't make it on your own, then don't try to seek a sense of existence here. Truly excellent journals will not stoop down to the second tier. I will believe what you say about suppressing when JACS and Angew drop to the second tier.

zhgong007 2022-06-29

The classification system of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) is a joke and is despised by scientific researchers. CM (referring to a specific journal) is definitely a top-tier journal, but it has been suppressed and downgraded to a second-tier journal. There is a crazy suppression of top international journals from abroad, while domestic journals are elevated to first-tier status. However, the internationalization of domestic magazines is very poor, with 60-70% of submissions coming from Chinese authors, such as InfoMat and research, for example.

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