注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

水泥核聚物 2021-07-22

It has been one week since submission, why does it still say "Submitted to journal"? How long does it usually take for "Submitted to journal"?

Youngzhou 2021-07-10

Has your opinion been returned? How is the progress going?

明年发nature的何同学 2021-06-17

The research direction is cement-based materials. It has been submitted for a month and just went under review yesterday. At least the initial editing stage has been passed, hoping for good news.

lemoncc0908 2021-06-10

Do you have any news now?

Shawnd1031 2021-04-21

The direction of simulating the transmission of concrete materials was done, and the next day after submission, it was transferred to an unknown magazine by the editor, completely inexplicable. After sending the email, I received a reply after a week or two, politely declining, stating that the article was too focused on numerical simulation and did not fit the direction of ccr. I feel that ccr prefers more experimental articles, so I transferred it to ccc.

北边的大鱼 2021-03-16

Initial Date Submitted: Sep 23, 2020
Accepted: Mar 02, 2021

It took nearly six months, with one revision and two expert reviewers who were very competent, probably industry experts. This is a top journal in the civil engineering field, with a relatively low acceptance rate, but the handling editor was very responsible and the processing speed was fast. Thank you, teacher~ This is my first article during my doctoral studies.

燎原 2021-03-01

Submitted for review. Waiting silently.

cemcon 2021-02-16

The years before 2020 had high demands, but now it seems to have decreased significantly.

燎原 2021-02-10

The second time submitting CCR. In the field of construction materials, I dream of having a CCR. This will be my final work, making a wish for the new year, hoping that I can edit it and submit it for review.

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