注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

决心 2023-05-10

Submitted in September 2021, revised in May 2022, accepted in July of the same year, and published in August. The speed is moderate.

Yetta 2022-10-28

7.25 Submission
7.27 Technical inspection returned
10.6 Repair commencement
10.14 Repair submission
10.28 Accepted

The journal editor and reviewers are very friendly, and one of them is a statistical reviewer. Except for the time it takes to find reviewers, the rest of the process is fast.

胖娃娃 2022-10-03

One major repair and two minor repairs later, it took more than three months to complete.

Jervis1987 2021-11-16

It took more than 9 months, what a long journey.

TTCSH 2021-09-26

The reviewer is very professional and their comments are extremely valuable. This journal has been growing year by year, and the articles published in recent years are also of high quality. Generally, they have practical clinical significance but may lack some innovation (the highly innovative ones are published in top-tier journals). Overall, this journal is still considered good. If you don't mind the publication fees, it is worth submitting your work as the review process is fast.

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