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Soulreader 2022-09-11

8.22投,8.24 with editor, until now it's still in the same status. Previously, a submission was reviewed quickly, but this time I don't know why it's so slow.

Mao毛 2022-09-10

Wow, now it's still with the editor. Why has it been so slow recently?

Mao毛 2022-09-08

May I ask how it is going now? Mine has also been 8 days already and it is still with the editor.

36 2022-09-07

I would like to inquire about the current status with the editor. A week ago, I found "View Reference Checking Results" in the system. When I clicked on it, it said, "Reference checking is done for journal citations. If the journal citation has a Scopus or CrossRef link, it has been validated. If 'Not validated' is displayed, the citation could not be validated and is probably not a journal citation."

Summarized Results:
File not processed - Microsoft Word cannot open the file.

However, the preview files I received after submission can be displayed normally. If there is an issue with the format, will the editor provide feedback? But it has been several days and there is no update from the editor. There is also no action available on the system. Has anyone encountered this before? Any suggestions?

山色空蒙雨亦奇 2022-08-31

Second BB Submission:
2022.08.18 Submitted to Journal
2022.08.22 With Editor
2022.09.09 Under Review
2022.10.17 Required Reviews Completed
2022.10.25 Under Review
2022.11.04 Reject

点点不倒翁 2022-08-30

Submit BB
Submitted on 20220719
Received review comments on 20220808
Returned for revision based on review comments on 20220823
Accepted on 20220829
Overall, the process was fast, and the reviewer's comments were reasonable and professional.

小呆子123 2022-08-24

Currently still with editor.

CNS-Asura 2022-08-24

Hello, what happened later? Was it submitted for review?
It has been half a month since I submitted it to the editor.

aiwobiezou 2022-08-23

How about the editing by Dr. Jiri Homola? The major revision was given one month's time, and as it's nearing the deadline, I would like to apply for a few days' extension.

Witeye 2022-08-22

Your research direction: Medicine | Public Health, Environmental Health, and Occupational Health. None of them are related to wearable sensors. Have you submitted any work in this area to BB? Please speak responsibly and do not make unfounded statements, just like one of your collaborators.

p.s: The editorial board of BB has always been committed to improving the level and quality of articles.

Witeye 2022-08-22

In addition, if the moderator wants to modify my post again, please also modify their posts at least. I believe in the need for fairness and impartiality, treating everyone equally.

小呆子123 2022-08-22

08-22 Still with editor, one month has passed.

Witeye 2022-08-21

Research direction: Medicine | Public health, environmental health, and occupational health, none of which are related to wearable sensors.

P.S: The editorial board of BB has always been committed to improving the level and quality of articles.

CNS-Asura 2022-08-21

Hello, has it been reviewed now? I submitted it, and it is still "With editor."

MEG 2022-08-12

Due to the large volume of submissions, BB usually requires three levels of editing and screening before deciding whether to submit for review. This approach increases the chances of articles being accepted after review. This is done in order to effectively reduce the workload of reviewers. We hope everyone can understand. Lastly, we suggest that if the quality of your article is not high enough to reach the level of ACS Nano, it is advisable not to submit it.

小呆子123 2022-08-11

08-11 with editor the status has remained unchanged.

小呆子123 2022-08-11

How is your article doing now? Mine has been with the editor for three weeks, but there has been no change.

MEG 2022-08-09

Some articles are obviously not up to the standard of BB. I can responsibly say that this article will not even be reviewed on BB.

MEG 2022-08-09

Some articles are obviously not up to BB's standard.

lyj155 2022-08-07

I am also a part of this journal. Without giving any reasons, they suggested that I switch to Talanta and Sensing and Bio-sensing Research.

小呆子123 2022-08-02

How are you doing now?

小呆子123 2022-08-01

May I ask how things are going now? I have also been with the editor for a week.

小呆子123 2022-08-01

Posted on July 23rd
With editor on July 26th
With editor on July 29th There was a change in status in between, it should have been handed over to another editor for review.
I feel that BB is quite strict in controlling the external review process.

CASAL 2022-07-21

What's happening now?

陈艾酥 2022-07-15

It was submitted on July 13th, hoping for good luck.

MEG 2022-07-01

Not necessarily. BB's submission volume is very high, around 5000 articles per year. Editing requires time.

MEG 2022-07-01

In addition, SNB, iScience, and others are all journals that can be recommended for submission after being rejected by BB in the editing handling system. Their relationship is similar to that of Advanced Materials and Advanced Materials Technologies.

小小牛-2 2022-06-30

Bosses, I've been working on this for almost three weeks and it's still in the editing phase. Can someone explain why? Is it going to be a tragedy?

MEG 2022-06-29

On average, the annual publication volume is around 900 articles. Is this considered low?

First, conduct some research on the publication volume of the journal before making any statements. The latest impact factor is 12.545, with a total citation count of 79417.

"This is why nobody considers BB as a representative work when applying for national natural science grants (whether it's for young researchers or general researchers) when there are journals like ac, cc, lab chip."

This proposition itself is wrong. Whether or not BB is considered a representative work depends on whether the author has published any papers on BB.

Furthermore, do you have any survey data to support your conclusion? Did you conduct a project application? It's not enough to just make claims without evidence.

Lastly, do you have the ability to publish a BB paper yourself and give it a try?

MEG 2022-05-28

The acceptance rate for submissions is comparable to ACS Nano! Established in 1985, Biosensors & Bioelectronics currently ranks #1/41 in Electrochemistry, #3/131 in Biophysics, #7/282 in Biotechnology, and #6/229 in Biomedical Engineering.

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