认证评论 - Biomedical Engineering-Biomedizinische Technik
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

aflonzo 2023-05-18

Submission cycle: 7 months
Submit -- 2022/11/18
Reject with resubmission -- 2023/1/17
Resubmit -- 2023/2/17
Minor revision -- 2023/3/27
Resubmit -- 2023/4/3
Accept -- 2023/5/15

According to the journal's official website, the response time is 6-8 weeks, usually sticking to either 6 weeks or 8 weeks for a reply. It requires some patience. The reviewers' comments are constructive, and the editors are friendly and respond promptly. However, sending reminders doesn't really help and will only make you wait longer. Graduates should be cautious when submitting, and those with ample time can give it a try. The journal is selectively open access, and non-open access should not require any publication fees.

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