认证评论 - Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
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sci菜狗 2023-07-19

Excuse me, did you receive it?

-流星雨- 2023-07-14

The current status is Decision, how long does this status need to be maintained? It is a bit nervous.

张学友 2023-07-14

Supplement the following time nodes:
2023.5.3 major revision
2023.6.1 resubmitted to journal
2023.6.16 decision in process
2023.7.10 accept
Two reviewers, one major revision, lasting for three and a half months, thanks to Editor She.

共此明月光 2023-07-12

As known to all, this industry journal has a very good reputation, and the editor-in-chief's level is extremely high, showing a promising development trend.
Except for the fact that the "decision in process" lasted for more than twenty days, which is a bit too long, everything else is perfect.
3.13 submitted
3.22 under review
5.15 major revision
5.21 revision submitted
5.23 under review
6.16 decision in process
7.10 accept

鸭绒 2023-07-10

A very pleasant submission experience, I am very grateful for the hard work of the editor and the three reviewers. They have greatly helped improve the quality of the paper, especially one of the reviewers who even directly helped me revise the language of the original text. I am deeply moved. I wish the journal continued success!

Attached is the complete timeline of the submission:

22-12-27 submitted to journal, under review the same day
22-12-30 under review, with three changes in the middle dates
23-04-09 required reviews completed
23-04-16 major revision
23-05-15 revision submitted to journal
23-05-16 with editor
23-05-18 under review
23-07-10 accepted

张学友 2023-06-29

Reply to "freedom fighter": I have two reviewers on my side.

hjl1998 2023-06-12

Hello, how is your article coming along?

自由者 2023-06-04

How many reviewers are usually assigned now?

张学友 2023-04-25

Reply to friend II172: still showing under review.

ll172 2023-04-23

Excuse me, has the author received the first review comments?

top飞仔 2023-04-08

I would like to ask all the experts, after submitting, the initial review gave me a request for revision. After revising, it has been one month and it is still showing "Decision in Process". What's going on?

dudupipi 2023-03-30

After the reviewers accept the manuscript, the editorial board will reevaluate the quality of the paper to reach a final conclusion. This means that a portion of the papers accepted by the reviewers will be rejected by the editorial board.

德芙 2023-03-29

May I ask if it did not pass the first round of review? Currently, it is under repair. I am not sure which stage your situation is referring to.

张学友 2023-03-29

2023.3.21 submitted
2023.3.22 with editor
2023.3.28 under review

2023.3.21 submitted
2023.3.22 with editor
2023.3.28 under review

dudupipi 2023-02-26

Citation [LSQ-JRMGE], Published on: 2021-11-30 07:12:18
Currently, JRMGE adopts a centralized review of 22-25 papers for potential acceptance, so there is a threshold. For those below the threshold [minimum score], it is possible to have papers that are approved by the reviewers and scientific editors, but unfortunately rejected in the end. After analyzing the papers that were rejected by the editorial team/editorial board, I found that the reasons mostly concentrated on the following aspects: 1) Language issues [not just simple grammar errors, but the logic, structure, and emphasis of the paper]; 2) Novelty of the paper [comparing with papers already published in JRMGE and other journals]; 3) Readability of the paper [logic between paragraphs, results description, discussion section, etc.]; 4) Issue of excessive text duplication in the paper [papers are checked for plagiarism, and if the ratio exceeds a certain threshold, i.e., a single paper exceeds 5% and the cumulative total exceeds 15%, it will be recorded]; 5) Possible authorship issues in the paper [where authors are unaware but still listed], etc. On the other hand, due to the current low acceptance rate of JRMGE [approximately 8%], it is planned to transition to a monthly publication in 2023 and gradually increase the capacity to allow more scientists to have the opportunity to publish good papers in JRMGE. Once again, I would like to thank all the experts for their constructive feedback and corrections.

onetheodore 2023-02-21

Has the result come out, bro?

lilyleung 2023-02-09

Submit on December 1st
Second trial on January 8th
Decision in Process on February 9th
Unknown follow-up

科研菜鸟 2022-12-19

Results came out today. There were four reviewers, one minor revision, two major revisions, and one rejection. In the end, the editor gave a rejection. Ah, the difficulty was a bit high.

abaaba 2022-12-07

Accepted after one major revision. A very nice journal, worth submitting to. It is a second-tier journal in the mining field of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (RMMS, RMRE, IJMST, JRMGE). Although the impact factor of this journal is not the highest, it is advantageous in terms of faster review and publication cycles, and it can also be helpful for job applications. The opinions of foreign reviewers are very professional, with 11 professional suggestions and numerous annotations in the manuscript. Some directly point out how to modify and improve sentences, greatly enhancing the quality of the paper. It offers the highest cost-effectiveness and is worth submitting to. Attached is the complete timeline:

07.12 submitted
07.12 with editor
07.27 under review
08.01 under review
08.07 under review
09.01 Required Reviews Completed
09.20 Major revision
10.17 submitted, with editor
11.03 under review
11.13 Required Reviews Completed
11.16 decision in process
12.07 accept

科研菜鸟 2022-12-07

No, is yours like this too?

土木打工仔 2022-12-06

Has the result come out, brother?

科研菜鸟 2022-12-03

Hello experts, my thesis has been in the "Required Reviews Completed" status for about a month and a half after the first review (November 15th). Then, there was an update on November 28th, but the status did not change. Is this normal up until today (December 3rd)?

abaaba 2022-11-25

According to the reply from Teacher Lin, if there are no results in the next 5 days, it means you have won.

LSQ-JRMGE 2022-11-24

Thank you for your strong support for jrmge! After the second review, the scientific editor will submit their opinions to the system (decision in process). The next step is for the chief editor to make the final decision. The fixed time period for the decision is from the 15th to the 20th of each month (excluding the final version submitted by the author and any holidays or other time constraints). Generally, if the scientific editor submits an opinion of acceptance, the result will be available in about 5-30 days (unless there are issues such as academic misconduct, excessive text duplication, or authorship issues, in which case it is generally accepted). If the scientific editor submits an opinion of rejection (also in the decision in process state), the decision is usually made within 0-5 days. If you have any further questions, please email jrmge@whrsm.ac.cn for consultation. Thank you.

土木打工仔 2022-11-22

Did the older brother's thesis have any results?

土木打工仔 2022-11-22

May I ask, after the second trial ends, if it shows "Decision in Process" on the 18th day, how long will it take to get the result?

LSQ-JRMGE 2022-11-17

After the paper is accepted, we will assign a responsible editor in the system to be responsible for the editing, revision, and other related services of the paper until it is online. Generally, it takes around 30-50 days for the paper to be online (on the ScienceDirect database platform with a DOI number). The corresponding author can contact the responsible editor at any time to inquire about the progress of the paper editing. They can also send an email to jrmge@whrsm.ac.cn for consultation.

LSQ-JRMGE 2022-11-17

Thank you for your strong support of JRMGE!
After receiving the comments submitted by the scientific editor, the chief editor will make the final decision. The fixed time period for the decision is from the 15th to the 20th of each month (excluding the final version submitted by the authors and the influence of holidays and other time factors). The corresponding author can freely contact the responsible editor at any time to inquire about the progress of the paper editing.

abaaba 2022-11-17

Excuse me, can I ask the experts who have submitted manuscripts, how long does the "Decision in Process" status last after the second review before the result is given?

沉沦ing 2022-11-07

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