认证评论 - Materials Today Physics
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陌上轻尘 2021-04-06

The speed is quite fast, with a review and revision in 9 days. Since I had previously submitted additional data to ACSami and was rejected, this time I only supplemented a few data points. It took 4 days for the revision, and then it was accepted after two days. It was particularly efficient and saved my graduation. I hope this journal will continue to improve and prosper. Best wishes!

QJS 2021-02-11

submit 2020/12/27
with editor 2020/12/31
under review 2021/1/1
Required Reviews Completed 2021/1/16
Decision 2021/1/18 Major
Reversion submitted 2021/2/5
under review 2021/2/5
Accepted 2021/2/10
From submission to acceptance, it took a total of 45 days, which is great. Thank you, Editor-in-Chief Ren.

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