认证评论 - Microorganisms
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

江城小陈 2023-01-02

Posted on October 20, 2022, first revision on November 6, 2022, second revision returned on December 8, 2022, article accepted on December 14, 2022, and article published on December 20, 2022. The journal is mainly focused on microbiology and belongs to the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) Zone 3. All publications are special issues (selected during submission, not assigned by the editor) and affiliated with MDPI. The speed is fast. The research of the article is in the direction of antimicrobial activity of microemulsions. The article processing speed is relatively fast with two reviewers who are quite professional and provide detailed questions. The first revision required additional experiments and only provided a 10-day deadline, which was too tight. I requested an extension of 15 days from the editor. The second revision was a minor one. From submission to publication, the article took exactly two months.

尽快投稿 2022-12-14

22.12.10 submitted
22.12.14 rejected

lam 2022-11-29

Hello, did you download the mdpi-article-template you are using from https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/mdpi-article-template/fcpwsspfzsph? Thank you.

Jack 2022-10-24

The journal review process is very fast.

水煮鱼1994 2022-08-24

The journal is very fast!
Submitted in the afternoon of July 20th, and the editor sent it for review the same evening.
Received three reviewer comments on July 28th. Opinions were different, so the editor sent it for review again.
Major revisions were done on August 9th.
Minor revisions were done on August 15th.
Accepted on August 22nd.
The editor is great, responds to emails quickly, and proactively helps to solve problems. The submission experience was perfect!

水煮鱼1994 2022-08-24

The journal is very fast!
Submitted in the afternoon on July 20th, and the editor sent it for review the same evening.
Received comments from three reviewers on July 28th. Opinions were different, so the editor resubmitted it for review.
Major revision on August 9th.
Minor revision on August 15th.
Accepted on August 22nd.
The editor is great, responds to emails quickly, and proactively helps to solve problems. Perfect submission experience!

玄清 2022-08-02

I have always heard that MDPI's journals are unfriendly to Chinese people, especially in the field of medicine. Any submission from domestic hospitals is instantly rejected. I decided to give it a try and, as expected, my submission was rejected on the same day. It seems like they didn't even properly review the manuscript. Anyway, if you want to submit something from China, don't have high hopes unless it's an exceptional article. Even exceptional articles can easily be accepted by other journals with a score of 7-8, but this one is a bit of a pitfall. Don't offend any influential figures in China, or you might end up on their warning list.

hui 2022-06-29

May I ask when you will submit for external review and how many days for submission?

石小峥 2022-04-17

The magazine is fast-paced. I am engaged in research on silage feed, which may involve the impact of condensed tannins on silage microorganisms, which is relatively niche. The paper was written according to the template provided by the magazine. The relevant raw data, sequencing data, and appendix tables were uploaded together. It was submitted on March 29, 2022, and the next day the editor put it under review. On April 15, the first reviewer's comments were minor revisions, with a total of 10 points raised by two experts. The editor's comment indicated "accept after minor review". The revisions were completed and submitted on the same day, April 16, and the editor accepted the article directly on that day.

Yyyyaoayao 2022-01-06

Hello, I would like to inquire about approximately how much money this journal would cost. As long as the content is fine, it should be quite fast, right?

陈dqdq 2021-12-30

12.1 submission, 12.20 major revision, requiring revision within 10 days, revised by 12.26, accepted by 12.29, very fast speed!

人民子弟兵 2021-12-21

Can't the special issue graduate? Is it a school regulation? I just plan to use it for graduation...

海大富 2021-11-27

This journal has regular issues and special issues. May I ask, when accepting articles, will the editor confirm with you first whether they will be published in a special issue or a regular issue? (Because special issues cannot be graduated, right?)

海大富 2021-11-27

Does the editor of this journal confirm with you first whether the article will be published in the regular issue or the special issue when it is accepted for publication?

海大富 2021-11-27

This journal has regular issues and special issues. May I ask if the editor will confirm with you in advance when accepting the article, whether to choose to publish it in a special issue or a regular issue?

海大富 2021-11-27

Does this journal have regular issues and special issues? When the articles are accepted, do they first confirm with you whether it will be published in a special issue or a regular issue?

April13 2021-11-23

Submitted on October 23, revised based on the review comments within 10 days after November 8, and resubmitted. Accepted on November 19, online on November 22.

ljmff 2021-11-20

What magazine are you switching to? What are the results?

qianxi 2021-10-12

Begging for the official website link of the journal, can't find it, thank you all.

小茶人 2021-07-07

My friend submitted an article in the first half of last month, and it was published in just 15 days.

tumuge13 2021-03-28

The layout fee is slightly expensive, around 14,000 RMB. There doesn't seem to be a time difference, and there is also a branch of MDPI publishing house in Wuhan. Emails sent to the editor during the day are replied to quickly.

tumuge13 2021-03-28

Environmental microbiology direction, specializing in solid waste treatment.
Under review 4 hours after submission.
Minor revisions after about two weeks (minor revisions are automatically accepted).
Received feedback after 5 days of revisions, accepted the same night, with a total processing time of 19 days.
It can be said that the editor was quite prompt.

大壳大 2021-03-26

How much is the budget for submission?

世界第一等2 2021-02-02

You can directly call to inquire about the situation of the article.

世界第一等2 2021-02-02

After being rejected, reapply.

世界第一等2 2021-02-02

Posted on February 5, 2020. Notification of major revisions on February 15, 2020. Revised on February 19, 2020. Accepted on February 23, 2020. Published four days later.

Fair and just peer review process, strict implementation of conflict of interest rules, ensuring that certain reviewers' unfair practices, speed, and quality are average, suitable for urgent graduation and well-funded submissions.

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