认证评论 - Frontiers in Materials
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

路在远方 2023-05-31

May I ask how long it took for you to receive a response? Why haven't I heard anything for a month and a half?

路在远方 2023-05-31

"May I know if it has been received now?"

路在远方 2023-05-31

How long has everyone been out and still no news? Why is it that I have been waiting for a month and a half, and there has been no progress after receiving feedback on the ninth day?

张世博 2023-04-21

One day, the manuscript was rejected by the editor and not submitted for review.

滕海灏 2023-02-21

May I ask how long the final recruitment process takes? How much is the layout fee?

NSL- 2022-11-10

It has been almost a month since submission, and I received feedback from a reviewer. However, I urgently need the paper. I wish it will be accepted before the 25th.

邢肖杰 2022-08-06

7.13 Submission
7.25 Reviewer's Comments
8.3 Acceptance

KiDDD 2022-07-20

Three reviewers, one and a half months for acceptance. The quality of articles in this journal has noticeably improved in the past two years, hoping for an increase in categorization!

半π 2022-07-20

Don't worry! Guoan will always strive for the first place!

EchoGee 2022-05-25

I read an article related to my field, and it's really shallow. So I came to check the journal's ranking on letpub. Upon seeing the Impact Factor (IF) being around 3, I realized it's not low. Then I looked at the journal's ranking, with some being in Zone 3 and others in Zone 4. I had a general understanding. Then I looked at your comments, saying it's in Zone 2... Is it really that easy to get into Zone 2 now?

文章发发 2022-02-07

Employment took about a month, with three reviewers. The system is quite clear, and as soon as each reviewer's feedback comes in, an email is sent without delay. Let's go, hoping to move up to Zone 2.

文章发发 2022-01-26

Can I apply for a discount on the publication fee, please?

文章发发 2022-01-26

Can the publication fee be discounted?

哈哈 2021-12-09

The layout fee is about 17,000 yuan, which is a good journal.

dad 2021-08-23

How long after accepting, friend, will you provide the proof?

Researcher_SCI_NSC 2021-08-06

It is an open-access journal with four pricing tiers: A Type (US$ 2,950); B Type (US$ 1,850); C Type (US$ 450); D Type (Free).

For more information, please refer to the website: https://www.frontiersin.org/about/publishing-fees

Researcher_SCI_NSC 2021-08-06

Excuse me, is this journal an open access journal? If so, how much is the fee for each article? Thank you~

Researcher_SCI_NSC 2021-08-06

Excuse me, is this journal an open access journal? If yes, how much is the fee? Thank you~

water-mo 2021-07-28

May I ask if this article is open source or not?

学术小新 2021-04-21

How much does the magazine layout cost?

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