认证评论 - Science Bulletin
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番茄霜 2021-11-05

Submitted on July 5th, the first review took nearly two months, with four reviewers providing mostly positive feedback. The editor requested major revisions, which were completed within three weeks. After another two weeks, the paper was formally accepted.

QLZ 2021-10-30

I have never submitted to this journal, so I don't know how there are so many negative comments in the reviews. I hope domestic journals can maintain fairness and quality, and more and more domestic journals can go global.

小白牙呀 2021-08-04

I want to ask if the original poster has been rejected in this state.

小白牙呀 2021-08-03

I want to ask, how many days does "under review" take? Is it still in the editor's hands? It has been almost a week for mine.

iamxyqu 2021-07-30

Garbage journal, submitted twice and directly rejected. Furthermore, it took nearly 10 days. Almost got accepted by ACS Nano. Ended up submitting to other internationally renowned journals. The domestic circle does not include us.

我是一阵风 2021-07-24

It is recommended to thoroughly investigate those who advocate for this journal and other representative works of domestic journals. Most likely, these individuals have vested interests with these bureaucratic journals. Unable to publish in top-tier international journals, they rely on personal connections to publish in low-quality domestic journals, causing harm to the scientific research community in China.

我是一阵风 2021-07-08

Did Shuijun owe any fees? Why are all those protector accounts quiet?

Objectively speaking, Science Bull should be comparable to PLOS ONE and Scientific Reports.

If you don't believe it, go read the articles. If you don't believe it, don't read the articles.

penguin 2021-07-06

This journal is heavily hyped, claiming to be a top domestic publication. I read an article in it and to be honest, the quality was quite poor. People in our field of materials have a low level of recognition for this journal. Last time I mentioned this journal, others also didn't think highly of it. It's probably just worth reading as a JMCA at most.

xwzj 2021-06-30

The overall quality of this journal article is average, but the impact factor is outrageously high. It is widely known that this is achieved by exploiting loopholes in the calculation of impact factors and manipulating operations. It is suggested that relevant authorities restrict or ban this journal, otherwise it will affect the academic atmosphere.

jack 2021-06-25

There are not many domestically produced awesome periodical articles in this form. Many of the papers have poor quality, which is why it's not surprising to hear a lot of criticism in the comments section.

吕强 2021-06-14

Trashy journals, and they still support domestic journals? They can send articles for review to foreign journals ranked as second or first tier, but they won't even send them for review to domestic journals. I'm done, I won't consider submitting good articles anymore. I can't afford to offend powerful people, let domestic journals play by themselves~

organomaterials Yu 2021-05-31

Actually, I don't really care where my articles are published now. It's very easy for my articles to be cited more than 20 times within two years of publication. So, instead of looking at the impact factor of journals, it's better to look at the personal impact factor of the author. Even though there are many prestigious journals, there are also many articles that are just going through the motions and dragging down the journal.

organomaterials Yu 2021-05-31

I just did a search, and there were a total of 563 articles (valid papers) published from 2018 to 2019. Among them, 54 articles had zero citations, and 99 articles had citations of one or less. In other words, after two years of publication, about 10% of the articles had zero citations, and about 20% of the articles had citations of one or less.

My published article is ranked in the top 10% based on the number of citations received, ranking around 50th place.

organomaterials Yu 2021-05-29

There are many good journals. There is no need to submit this one. Since we are building a network, there is no need to waste time submitting or referencing it in the future.

SCi吴彦祖 2021-05-26

Post on January 9, 2021, editing notice on January 15, has not been submitted for review, and then transferred to an internationally renowned journal (already accepted). Let me talk about my feelings about the submission: in response to the country's call, I decided to publish my research results on the land of my motherland. Therefore, I chose to submit my most proud scientific research achievement during my Ph.D. to the "Science Bulletin" (referred to as SciB). However, the editor did not send it for review, which is really speechless. The editor is very unprofessional. The submitted paper was rejected by several experts (including top experts in both domestic and foreign disciplines). Personally, I believe that the quality of the article is very good, but the editor's reason for not sending it for review is: the work is good but not groundbreaking enough. Then it was transferred to an internationally renowned journal and accepted. SciB has a particularly high standard and the editor is very unprofessional, but I feel good about myself. I hope that domestic journals will continue to improve, rather than just shouting slogans and hiring a group of editors who like to show off and build relationships. The road ahead is long and arduous, and I will continue to seek progress.

太阳花@love 2021-05-14

Did it take so long to decide to reject the manuscript? It was under review by the editor for almost 10 days before the decision to reject was made? ....

太阳花@love 2021-05-14

Excuse me, does "under Review" mean that the journal has just been submitted? Is this the initial review or the final review? How long does it usually take to get a result?

5555555 2021-05-12

Master's comprehensive journals actually only accept articles from a few hot topics. You can tell just by looking at it. Such journals are meaningless; they can only survive if they are not cited.

未发文章 2021-04-20

The mentor said it should be a rejection, sigh, thank you.

organomaterials Yu 2021-04-19

It's not easy to cite articles from this journal. The number of articles is too small. But it's very easy if you don't cite their articles. There are plenty of good journals, so there's no need to reference a crappy one.

未发文章 2021-04-16

Submitted on April 7th, the status changed from "waiting to be assigned" to "under review" until April 16th. Then on the afternoon of April 16th, it suddenly changed to "Draft". I don't know what this means. Does anyone know? Please let me know, thank you.

organomaterials Yu 2021-03-29

Last year, I submitted an article to SB but it was not sent for review. I then submitted it to another journal and it was published. It became a highly cited paper in the ESI that year, and it still maintains a high citation status.

This year, I submitted another article to SB and it is currently under review. The comments from the two reviewers are very positive. One rejected it, so I submitted it to another journal and it was also published. Let's wait and see. I am more confident about this article for this year. If SB does not accept this article, it will be their loss. This article's content has already been industrialized. In the future, when we sell our products, the article will be provided as supplementary material to customers, including many academic customers (as a reagent sales). At that time, the influence of this article will be significant.

organomaterials Yu 2021-03-29

Recently, SciB's impact factor has been increasing rapidly. However, there is one fatal flaw, which is the low number of articles. It is indeed effective to increase the impact factor by reducing the number of articles, but the consequence is that the influence is not high.

Usually when reading literature, I rarely come across articles that cite SciB.

If they implement a membership system where only articles from influential authors are reviewed, it will lead to everyone avoiding citing them, which would not end well.

In reality, there are many good journals available now. However, there are not many highly cited authors. Currently, it's a market for authors.

SciB often promotes influential authors, but many of their articles are not highly cited. They are often used to help students graduate, and after publication, no one bothers about the citations. Metaphorically speaking, it's like "use and discard".

organomaterials Yu 2021-03-29

SB is currently studying Chemical Science, and only top-notch articles are sent for review. In that case, let the experts do the citing. We ordinary folks should refrain from citing. Let's see how high the impact factor can go. After supplementing CS, SB will be even worse off than before, as there are numerous disciplines with very low citations dragging it down.

organomaterials Yu 2021-03-29

I have published a few articles in the past few years. Recently, it has become difficult to publish, mainly because they are not being reviewed. If someone influential needs to be listed as an author, I let them read and quote the articles. I am now avoiding citing articles from Science Bulletin.

I have seen Chemical Science following the footsteps of Science Bulletin.

Last year, the articles that Science Bulletin did not review were published in another journal and became highly cited according to ESI. The related work also received a provincial-level award. I believe that the loss is not mine, but Science Bulletin's.

I mainly rely on practical applications for development, rather than publishing articles. I don't really care where the articles are published.

Njust 2021-03-09

After I submitted the article, it directly showed "under review". Does it mean that it has really been sent for review?

1233321 2021-03-07

They kept urging us to submit to domestic journals, but domestic journals do not value us. We can submit to better international publications, at least they would go through the reviewing process, whereas domestic journals just reject us outright. It's quite arrogant!!! I am increasingly disliking domestic journals!!!

天才Gini 2021-03-07

I submitted two articles, but neither was sent for review.

ww-geo 2021-03-06

May I ask, how long did it take for the moderator to review your post? Mine is also under review directly.

ww-geo 2021-03-06

I want to ask the original poster, have you submitted it for review?

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