认证评论 - Results in Physics
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sunguangrong 2023-08-08

Sending it is meaningless, this journal has very few articles that are not fraudulent. It was included in the 2016 SCI, but now it is only at 5.3. The JCR has increased so much in just one year, thanks to all the falsification. Otherwise, how else could it rise so quickly?

rocklee 2023-07-21

How are your results in physics now? I have submitted three, and received two opinions back, showing review completed. Are your three returns for decision? Let's communicate about it.

J.DK 2023-07-20

4.25 Submission
4.27 Review submitted
5.25 Major revision
6.2 Revised version returned
6.5 Major revision resubmitted
6.6 Accepted
6.8 Online
6.14 Proofreading
6.17 Published
The editorial process is fast, with Editor taking almost no more than two working days. The reviewers' comments are very constructive.

学渣的选择 2023-07-19

It has been 4 months since submission. The editor invited reviewers within a week, but since then there has been no response. No reviewers have accepted the review, and attempts to contact the editor have gone unanswered. I submitted the article with the intention of a quick response, but since that hasn't been the case, I will not submit again in the future.

12344444 2023-07-19

Second review, it has been half a month since the reviewer made a decision and I still haven't received it. It's really difficult to evaluate! I originally went for the speed, but it turned out like this.

sunguangrong 2023-07-10

Water journal, a major fake publication, seems to have undergone peer review, but actually says nothing. There are so many fakes, and the quality is much worse than OC. If it weren't for the editor-in-chief being from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, how could it possibly be in the second tier? Who would recognize it!

12344444 2023-06-06

Waited for twenty days, major repairs.

y3 2023-06-02

When the review started, the editorial department sent a link. By clicking on the link, you can see the invitations sent to several reviewers, how many of them accepted the review, and how many review comments have been received so far.

nikoe 2023-06-02

How can I not see how many reviewers there are for this?

y3 2023-06-02

This may be rejected.

y3 2023-06-02

After the second review comments were received on May 19th, it became "required reviews completed". Until now, it is still in this state. It seems that all three review comments need to be received before further processing can take place.

y3 2023-06-02

After receiving the second review comments on May 19th, it changed to "required reviews completed." Until now, it remains in this state. It seems that all three review comments need to be returned before processing.

nikoe 2023-06-01

I am currently in the state of "required reviews completed" as well. How long have you been waiting? How is it going now?

y3 2023-05-30

This situation feels like a rejection.

一之濑夜 2023-05-26

I have seen "decision in process" in other Elsevier journals, but not in this journal. It is probably because my submissions to this journal have been processed quite quickly.

12344444 2023-05-26

Hello, may I ask if there is a "Decision in process" stage after your peer review is completed?

12344444 2023-05-26

Submission on March 28th, peer review completed on May 18th. It has been a week since then and the journal is still in the "Decision in process" status! Why is this open-access journal so slow? Should I write a letter to urge the editor? It's really difficult... I'm worried.

一之濑夜 2023-05-25

Is it because your direction is too niche or something? Generally, reviewers have a deadline of around 2 weeks for reviewing. If it is easy to find reviewers, I think the response from this journal is actually quite fast.

y3 2023-05-20

Recently, the time for completing Required Reviews has been a bit long.

安东尼奥 2023-05-17

3.28 sub - March 28th submission
4.20 revision - April 20th revision
5.1 revision sub - May 1st revision submission
5.17 accept - May 17th acceptance

chaos_ 2023-05-13

My under review has been for two and a half months already... Opening up has made me feel lonely.

sunguangrong 2023-04-26

This journal has always been accepting single-core anti-resonance optical fibers, regardless of their performance. This nonsense is also considered.

一之濑夜 2023-04-26

Brother, I suggest you write a letter to the editor for this journal, similar to comments in other journals. These types of articles are free of charge and directly present evidence to point out their issues, which is a more reliable way to raise doubts.

sunguangrong 2023-04-26

May I ask if the article on High birefringence single-polarization composite structured anti-resonant fiber published in 2023 is about anti-resonant fiber? Anti-resonant tubes have no effect, this is photonic crystal fiber. Is it not possible to have a 10-2 photon crystal by hand? Does this journal have reviewers?

sunguangrong 2023-04-26

May I ask if the article titled "High birefringence single-polarization composite structured anti-resonant fiber" published in 2023 is about anti-resonant fibers? Anti-resonant tubes do not have any effect, this is photonic crystal fiber, and photonic crystal 10-2 can be done with hands. Is there a reviewer for this journal?

Mycroft 2023-04-21

3-28 submitted to journal
4-02 with editor
4-04 under review
4-16 accept

The submission was rejected for not aligning with the journal's scope, but surprisingly, it was accepted after only 12 days of review. I am grateful to the editor and reviewers! This process was much faster than my previous submission to OE, which took two months.

一之濑夜 2023-04-18

3.27 - submitted to journal
3.28 - with editor
3.28 - Under Review
4.13 - minor revision
4.17 - resubmitted
4.17 - With Editor
4.17 - Under Review
4.18 - Accepted

This time, we chose this journal again because we need to submit our project results before the mid-year. The review speed is relatively fast on average. Additionally, the impact factor this year may exceed 5.2, which is different from what I initially thought. This year, it might really stabilize in the second quartile, and our investment won't suffer any losses.

dudupipi 2023-04-12

You can write a letter to WOS customer service personnel and explain the situation, they will reply quickly.

彬彬11 2023-04-12

Hey buddies, have any of you encountered the situation where your paper in this journal was missed during the review process, while other papers from the same period were indexed by SCI? Seeking advice.

一之濑夜 2023-03-22

Replying to the comment above, previously it was only the basic version of Zone 2, while the upgraded version has always been in Zone 3. In addition, before the release of the subzones last year, there were two events: firstly, this journal dropped from Q1 to Q2 in the JCR rankings, and secondly, after that, the Chinese Academy of Sciences no longer released the basic version. Therefore, it is difficult for people to believe that this journal will remain stable in Zone 2 in the future. However, this year the impact factor of this journal may exceed 5, so at least for the next two years it should remain stable in Zone 2. If you have a positive outlook on this journal, you can also cite its articles more frequently.

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