认证评论 - Journal of Advanced Ceramics
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我爱吃泡芙 2023-07-26

Several catalytic papers above, with very few data, were directly accepted. The work I did myself had much more abundant data, but after submitting, they said the direction was not consistent...

追光1 2023-07-12

Just listen to his opinion. I have already sought professional help to polish it, but he still said my English is too poor. It may not be excellent, but it's not that bad either. Besides, should we focus on the content of the article or the English itself? I have never been questioned about my English when submitting my work.

追光1 2023-07-12

Comparing European and Chinese ceramics is much more difficult. No matter how innovative or systematic your work is, it all depends on the chief editor's decision. They either reject your submission by claiming that your language is not good enough, or your formatting is not acceptable, or your introduction is not up to the mark, or your abstract is inadequate. In short, there are always reasons for rejection. However, looking at the articles they have already published, they are just average. A few people around me have submitted and been rejected, but then they submitted to European and Chinese journals, and their papers were accepted.

追光1 2023-07-12

At that time, I submitted the manuscript, but the editor was not satisfied with the introduction. After carefully rewriting it and resubmitting, it still didn't meet the editor's requirements and was rejected. Then I directly submitted it to Euroceramics, and Euroceramics accepted it after making minor revisions. Therefore, the ranking of this journal is definitely higher than Euroceramics.

祎祎 2023-06-30

It is completely self-indulgence among insiders. I didn't win when I invested in this (journal) back then, but I definitely succeeded when I switched to Ceramic International. The reason for rejection was a formatting issue in the early stages, which is really laughable. At that time, my supervisor was even a member of the editorial board, constantly urging everyone in the group to cite articles from this journal. However, the way they treated manuscripts was still the same, unbelievable!!!

Till-I 2023-06-28

It's all about having connections. Even if you don't have any connections, your application will still be rejected. It won't be sent for review.

小小苏苏 2023-06-20

Raising the price of a European pottery by one yuan a year, it's okay to invest cautiously.

你好321 2023-04-30

It is suggested not to invest if it has no relevance, as it would be a waste of time!

Trifles 2023-03-10

Moved to SCIOpen

X22 2023-03-05

May I ask why there is no "submit" option in the submission system?

X22 2023-03-02

Does anyone know why there is no "submit" option in the submission system? Are there any other submission URLs available?

Trifles 2023-02-19

The editing process is very fast, and it is reviewed on the same day. There were five reviewers who raised a lot of questions. After the revisions were submitted, the re-review and acceptance were quickly done.
Hoping for continuous improvement.

拉粑粑小魔仙 2023-02-09

Instant IF 15.8, the new IF in June will definitely surpass 16. This journal is rising so quickly, it may become even harder to invest in the future.

zzzzz11 2023-01-21

The impact factor is increasing at an extremely fast pace.

依依归来 2022-12-21

For those who work on ceramic energy storage, others have published a lot of papers with slightly higher density. I thought my own results (above 6) would be several times better than theirs, and also not inferior to articles in other reputable journals (lead-free). I initially planned to submit to this journal because its impact factor has been increasing and it may develop even better in the future. However, later I realized that I was wrong. Although the editors are also involved in ceramics, it seems that the results of the paper are not important to them. Only people who have a connection with them will have their papers reviewed (I heard this from other industry insiders). They said you need to send a separate email to the editor, and even if you do, there is no guarantee that it will be reviewed. They believe that only those who have a potential future relationship with them will be reviewed.

李力 2022-12-09

It's completely a journal run by insiders. The low number of published articles easily allows the editorial board to manipulate the impact factor. Each editor has a quota of how many times their articles should be cited in a year. Now that the impact factor has exceeded ten, it's really a joke for ceramics journals. After surpassing ten, it becomes difficult for outsiders to have their papers reviewed, but papers with poor quality from the journal's editors can still be reviewed, and they even specifically invite reviewers recommended by the editors. I often receive review invitations from this journal, where the author is one of the editors. This is enough to show that it's a game played by insiders. Domestic journals shouldn't be run like this. The responsible executive editor for initial review should be replaced, and I will no longer cite papers from this journal unless absolutely necessary.

wdy1234 2022-11-26

The person downstairs should be the so-called insider of the WeChat group, right? Truly high-quality work wouldn't choose this journal.

多投多中 2022-08-09

No background, to put it simply, that's how it is.

wc1 2022-07-12

Submitting to this journal is just a waste of time.

Winston 2022-06-28

2022 Impact Factor: 11.534
2021 Impact Factor: 6.707
2020 Impact Factor: 2.889

What is "快乐飞奔" in English?

samsam 2022-03-22

It's difficult for those outside the circle.

li 2022-02-02

In this journal, the second article (the first one was in 2018), to be honest, the overall quality of the journal article is average, but the two rounds of peer review were truly strict. There were three to four reviewers who raised very professional questions, which greatly helped the authors. The response to the second round of review comments was nearly 8000 words long.

doubleelves 2022-01-26

According to the current classification system of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, this journal is actually a high threshold for ordinary people in the field of ceramics. Promoting this journal is actually dragging ordinary people down, and there is one less option for choosing high-level journals!

nnsz107 2022-01-22

Ceramics or European Ceramic Co. is still ranked number one. When this newcomer arrived, it pushed European Ceramic Co. down. Let's see if it can handle the competition. Should Guo Ceramic Co. and American Ceramic Co. be placed in the third zone?

king-8888 2022-01-14

You said it very well, most of those who can contribute to this journal are people with connections!

king-8888 2022-01-14

I used to hear a lot of negative news about this journal before, but I still had some illusions and submitted an article. The result didn't disappoint me at all, it's really amazing. Domestic journals are not to be underestimated. What embarrassed me the most was the editor-in-chief Gong, who replied to me in Chinese with four words, "Your English is poor." I couldn't stand this kind of insult. If your English is so good, why reply in Chinese? You didn't even point out what was wrong with my writing. It can only be said that Gong's mindset is too narrow! Out of anger, I submitted to Europe Journal and it's already under review!!

加油哦 2022-01-11

The manuscript was rejected by JAC, indicating that it indeed did not meet JAC's requirements. It has nothing to do with whether the author is an insider or outsider, and it is also unrelated to articles occasionally published by JAC that may not meet the requirements. If a manuscript from an outsider (or insider) gets rejected, and people say that JAC follows "circle culture" or that JAC is a low-quality journal, what can be done? Well, I have no choice but to explain in a voice as small as possible: JAC is just a small temple. It was overwhelmed with joy when receiving manuscripts of the same quality as NSC and accidentally pressed the "Reject" button. A mistake! Apologies! It's just a "low-quality journal," so please understand.

加油哦 2022-01-11

Can't eat grapes, so saying grapes are sour, hahahahahahahahahaha

烧陶瓷专家 2022-01-04

This journal is like cheating, soaring all the way. Even with the support from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, it shouldn't be like this. It seriously goes against the basic rules of scientific paper development and has become a laughingstock in the development of Chinese scientific papers. What's even more terrifying is that the quality of the papers in the ceramic field is really mediocre. I hope the Chinese Academy of Sciences can develop Chinese scientific papers steadfastly and realistically. Don't be eager for quick success and immediate profit, satisfying the interests of a few people.

sddn 2021-11-22

This journal is truly a scam, creating many WeChat groups just to boost their impact factor by inviting people. If you have a good idea, definitely do not submit it to this magazine. Its reputation is extremely poor.

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