认证评论 - IEEE Access
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gsdf 2023-04-21

I really hope everyone takes a good look and see if what I said makes sense.

gsdf 2023-04-21

Don't hold too much hope. Some reviewers don't even understand matrix multiplication and confidently reject other people's manuscripts. It's really speechless.

gsdf 2023-04-21

I really don't understand what kind of people are the reviewers. They are so terrible. Let me share my real experience. I am working on graph anomaly detection.
1 For a graph with N nodes, the shape of the adjacency matrix A is (N, N). I input the data into GAT and get the hidden vectors, forming a matrix of dimension (N, M) which I denote as Z. Then I perform decoding operation to form A_hat = sigma(Z multiplied by the transpose of Z), which should definitely have a dimension of (N, N). But that person actually said that the dimensions of the original adjacency matrix and the reconstructed adjacency matrix are different? (Don't they understand matrix multiplication???)
2 I use alpha to represent attention scores and a to represent edges, but that person couldn't even distinguish between them and said it was unclear (Oh my, even though they look similar, they are definitely not the same thing!)
3 For other stages, that person criticized the most common practices in the industry without understanding them properly.
The first question, not understanding the dimensions, led to confusion in understanding the subsequent formulas, and then they raised 3 or 4 more questions. The second question was the same as the first one and they raised 3 or 4 more doubts. Finally, they pointed out two misspelled words in the entire article and had the audacity to say that the paper lacks innovation and has fatal errors, ultimately rejecting it without allowing resubmission. I am speechless...
How can someone who doesn't even understand matrix multiplication be a reviewer, and then confidently reject others' papers? How bad can this journal be?
It's okay if a journal doesn't accept my submission, but this reviewing process is infuriating!!!

好难过xcx 2023-04-20

I used a Word template, and both reviewers rejected it (updates required before resubmission). The latest model I compared previously was from 2019. Both reviewers asked me to compare it with models from the past two years, and there were more formatting and other minor issues.

rymandlx 2023-04-19

2023.3.17 Submission
2023.3.19 Under review
Currently, still waiting as of 2023.4.19

top不是梦 2023-04-19

Are you using LaTeX or Word document to format?

top不是梦 2023-04-19

I have received the revision comments from both reviewers on April 18th. May I ask if there is a "reject" in your reviewer's comments?

好难过xcx 2023-04-19

3.14 Submission
3.27 Sent for external review, email notification received
4.17 Rejection with encouragement to resubmit
4.19 Revision returned
Both reviewers are experts in the same field. The first reviewer is a Ph.D. from a prestigious university, and the cited references are all top-tier publications. The main concerns raised by the first reviewer are related to formatting. The second reviewer is also an expert in the same field, but they believe my work is only incremental and do not provide a high evaluation. The main issues raised by the second reviewer are also related to formatting and some technical matters. Overall, both reviewers are quite rigorous. Further updates will be provided as the status progresses.

隧道TOP刊附体 2023-04-16

Is this journal better than the initial screening? I heard from the institution that once it passes the initial screening, it can be accepted.

米糖咖啡 2023-04-16

Replying to top is not a dream, the submission has been received for a total of 46 days without any modifications.

xiongruiping 2023-04-16

2023.3.30 submitted (ID was assigned on the same day)
2023.4.4 We have started the review process for your article. (Editor has been assigned, external review has begun)
2023.4.14 Rejected but encouraged to resubmit, two reviewers provided 7 suggestions.

Overall, the process has been very fast. Currently making revisions, will publish once we have further updates.

akining 2023-04-15

This journal takes only one month when it's fast, and it can take two to three months when it's slow.

好难过xcx 2023-04-15

I submitted it on the 14th of March, and it has been 30 days since the submission, but there is still no news. I will receive an email notification for the external review, which was sent on the 13th day.

秋裤。 2023-04-14

It has been nearly 20 days and I haven't received the notification for external review. What's going on?

秋裤。 2023-04-14

Excuse me, are you a notice for external audit that is only sent once every few months?

秋裤。 2023-04-14

Does not sending the external audit email mean that it has not been sent for external audit?

zhao 2023-04-13

So far, it has been under review and not updated.

好难过xcx 2023-04-12

I am also a contributor for 3.14. I submitted it on 3.27 for external review, but still haven't received any updates. It has been almost a month.

top不是梦 2023-04-12

3.14 submitted
3.14 under review
3.22 Sent an email for paper review
There hasn't been any feedback for revision until now. I wanted to ask if this is normal, as it seems like the reviewing speed of this journal has slowed down recently.

zhao 2023-04-12

Will an author without an ORCID ID not be rejected?

zhao 2023-04-12

Posted on 4.7, reviewed on the same day, and assigned journal contact on 4.12.

zhao 2023-04-12

There is a difference, you can check whether the journal's contact person has been assigned or not.

akining 2023-04-10

I will reply, don't worry, I will probably give a reply in about a month.

秋裤。 2023-04-10

Are you all "Under Review" or "Under review"? Is there any difference?

秋裤。 2023-04-10

Does anyone know if sending for external review requires sending an email? The status of the review has been "under review" all along for ten days, and the external review email has not been sent. Does this mean it's not going to happen?

top不是梦 2023-04-10

May I ask how long the first trial took?

xuqewwq 2023-04-04

How long will it take to receive a reply after your first submission?

ZWHssss 2023-04-03

The first review took more than 60 days, which was very slow. There were three reviewers, two of whom rejected the submission but encouraged resubmission, while one accepted it. Each reviewer provided more than 5 comments and suggestions. It feels like the reviewers have a certain level of expertise, as they raised good questions. After addressing all 18 questions, the second review was accepted in approximately one month.

xuqewwq 2023-04-03

Hello, I would like to ask, how long does it usually take to receive a response after the first submission?

中二也要做科研 2023-04-03

Hindawi has been expelled from dozens of publishers, while MDPI is spreading rumors of being expelled, yet this journal is still popular.

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