认证评论 - IEEE Access
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

Yellow 2021-01-22

There are many open access journals that are better than IEEE Access, such as some open access journals under Hindawi, and they are not on the blacklist either. It's all just internal struggle within the Chinese Academy of Sciences. It is suggested that the Chinese Academy of Sciences first create a warning list for itself.

小马王 2021-01-21

In recent years, the number of doctoral students has been increasing, and even master's and undergraduate students have started to publish papers extensively. However, the expansion speed of reputable journals cannot keep up with the increasing demand for papers. Now, open-access journals are being banned, blocking all avenues. It is unknown whether the rate of doctoral students facing difficulties in the future will continue to rise.

有朋自远方来 2021-01-21

In terms of the review process, the evaluation of quality is not intended, but the review process is very formal and the reviewers are very professional. It is helpful for improving the quality of the paper.

Record the process:
2020-09-24 Submission
2020-10-28 First review result, suggested revisions and resubmission
2021-01-21 Resubmitted after revisions, result not yet available, hoping for acceptance soon to graduate.

To answer whether to decide to submit to this journal, the biggest characteristic of this journal is its fast publication cycle, but the review process is no different from other journals and the difficulty can also match journals of the same level. Each individual can decide based on their own circumstances, no one is forcing you to submit. For students who need to graduate and there is no explicit rule prohibiting its use for graduation applications, there is no problem with submitting to this journal. If you have enough time and are not in a hurry to graduate, and at the same time, you believe that your level is very high, you can choose not to submit, there is no need to criticize this journal.

xixi123456 2021-01-21

Speaking of awards, it's okay to let it go, but saying that one cannot graduate is truly not giving people any way out. Since it has come to this, there are actually quite a few who cannot graduate.

xixi123456 2021-01-21

If I were to say this, I would have to report some of the previous graduates who have already graduated but stayed in school. It is necessary to retrieve their degree and graduation certificates because since the graduation requirements stated in the training manual are the same and they were accepted for publication before the warning, it cannot be said that everything is fine after graduation. We should all graduate together or not at all, as we must strive for absolute fairness!

xixi123456 2021-01-21

There are still some journals on the warning list that have very few non-open source articles, but many journals published by Hindawi, which are in the fourth zone and have extremely high publication fees, are not included. Last year, a fellow doctoral student in our cohort won a scholarship with an article from one of these journals, which bumped our EI ranking and won first place. It doesn't seem fair, does it? His journal is on the blacklist of Fudan University, but it is not on the warning list of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Moreover, many students have already published before the warning list came out. If it doesn't count towards graduation requirements, then they might as well jump off a building. Furthermore, many journals with poor reputation are not on the warning list. It's too drastic to directly prohibit graduation based on such a trial list. Moreover, according to the consultation with professors from Zhejiang University, they still count, and our research group has just published three articles.

二仙桥居士 2021-01-21

Can you reveal which university says that it cannot be a graduation requirement? Maybe it's an alumni.

小鱼儿 2021-01-21

Is it? I wonder which school your esteemed institution is. I only know that even top universities like Tsinghua University and Zhejiang University only allow students to publish in top-tier journals. Moreover, it is not just restricted to access, but any journals outside their designated A-list. However, I don't know which school explicitly states that access is not a graduation requirement. I hope you won't use privacy concerns as an excuse; only mentioning the name of the school does not involve personal privacy.

二仙桥居士 2021-01-21

May I ask which university you are from?

muziwwwwdwe 2021-01-21

Our school is not good, as it does not recognize academic achievements and does not allow graduation. Moreover, even if we meet the graduation requirements (such as publishing papers in other journals), it is best not to mention having published in Access.

muziwwwwdwe 2021-01-21

After being employed, the Chinese Academy of Sciences released a warning list. The research office of the university issued a notice stating that all papers on the warning list will not be considered as research evaluation results. Now, the preparation for withdrawing the submission is underway.

135467841321 2021-01-20

Does not affect students' graduation, but affects students' scholarships, teachers' year-end performance and evaluation of professors. Scholarships are only increased by 60%.

Mrblack 2021-01-20

Send an email to ask and see what the situation is. It has also been nearly a month for me.

ysl6782195 2021-01-20

I haven't heard from you for a long time!

希夷微旨 2021-01-20

Submitted on the 7th, in the early morning of the 20th, it was directly accepted by email. In the past, Chinese core submissions were never accepted this quickly. Both reviewers recommended direct acceptance.

微波与电磁场 2021-01-19

It shouldn't affect graduation.

111111w 2021-01-19

11.05 Submission
11.23 First review (two acceptances, editor requested resubmission)
12.03 Revised and resubmitted
12.18 Second review rejection (one rejection)
1.1 Revised and resubmitted
1.16 Accepted (three acceptances)
This is my first SCI paper as a master's student, regardless of the reputation, I know the level of my paper and whether it is worthy of a better journal. So, I have no regrets.

chickchen 2021-01-19

Does it affect graduation? Can it still be used as a graduation requirement?

微波与电磁场 2021-01-19

I heard that some units have already taken measures against the magazines on the list, prohibiting them from participating in the evaluation of funds, professional titles, and scholarships.

微波与电磁场 2021-01-19

Early warning can still reflect some situations.

Mrblack 2021-01-19

I have been waiting for 26 days and still have not received any news.

小马王 2021-01-19

Did you get your supervisor's approval when you submitted it initially? Each paper has a submission date, if it was submitted before the warning was issued and your supervisor agreed at that time, you can communicate with your supervisor again and there is no need to withdraw the submission. If it was submitted without your supervisor's knowledge, then it becomes more troublesome.

This warning is only a trial version, and the official statement is to submit cautiously, not to prohibit submissions. Even if it is on the blacklist, it will only not count as an achievement and the expenses will not be reimbursed. Strictly speaking, academic misconduct must be proven to be considered a stain. It is possible that your supervisor cares too much about their own reputation.

chickchen 2021-01-18

In theory, being on the warning list should not significantly affect the graduation conditions for students. Does it mean that your supervisor cannot apply for funds or something like that anymore?

小鱼儿 2021-01-18

Anyway, it's just a type of academic pick-up artist, and the requirement for SCI is also led by a certain institution. After dividing into different levels, they further compare and rank individuals. Finally, they pit the masses against each other. Please, isn't the reason why Chinese researchers need SCI because of this damn requirement for SCI? If the evaluation system has problems, shouldn't we modify the system? Why are some people targeting it like this? It seems like it's implying that Chinese researchers are worthless just because they have a high percentage. What about the confidence we talked about? There are also many non-open access journals and conferences that charge high publication fees. No one says that access is better than traditional transactions, right? Everyone works hard to conduct experiments and write papers, normal submission, normal revisions, and normal acceptance. We don't steal or rob, and all the results are achieved through hard work. We just want to earn a living after graduation. Why does it feel like making a mistake or being disgusted by some people just because of publishing in access? This is at least close to a 4-point impact factor, isn't it? Isn't this fake? The real-time impact factor in 2020 is 4.637, isn't that fake? Access has higher quality than many ordinary SCI journals in the third and fourth quartiles, isn't that fake? Access has not been involved in any academic misconduct or retraction news, right? JCR hasn't issued any warnings, right? If anyone truly discovers academic misconduct or papers that don't meet the level of SCI, please provide the links. Access is open source, and everyone can see the links. Post them, and I will be the first to write a report to purify the academic environment, okay?

吴丽 2021-01-17

Came here from the neighboring International Journal of Energy Research, it seems that more than one institution has been both highly praised and warned. The gentleman from a certain institute is quite funny this year, haha. Let's watch the power game in 2021.

GetOutOfHere 2021-01-17

How does the liability law work? If the supervisor has several articles in the past few years that are on the warning list, how many are there?

gg 2021-01-17

You can request a refund. If you withdraw your submission, the IEEE publishing house will directly refund your account. Publishing this journal is shameful, and your mentor has also been affected by your actions.

jackson 2021-01-17

Modified twice, feel that the editor and reviewer are still quite responsible. Although the questions raised were vague, answering them seriously is sufficient. Moreover, it's my first SCI paper as a PhD, so I am still quite happy. I hope future achievements will continue to improve.

J.S 2021-01-17

On the day of submission, the editor-in-chief was assigned, and on the same day, an Indian deputy editor was finalized. The Indian deputy editor also acted quickly, and should have sent out the review invitations on the same day.

IEEE Access limits the reviewers to return their comments within 7 days. Several reviewers accepted the paper with minor edits, and the editor-in-chief (or deputy editor) directly approved it.

After two days, I made the revisions, responded to the review comments, and submitted the final files. The next day, the copyright was transferred and the submission fee was paid.

Everything happened unexpectedly fast. However, now that the publication fee has been paid and the proof has been confirmed, we are waiting for the online publication, but my advisor is requesting a withdrawal. The reason is that this journal has been included in the warning list of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

I know that I cannot solely rely on this to submit a major research paper, but without this publication, I don't know how to explain it to my family. My advisor considers this a stain and wants to withdraw it. But how can we withdraw it when the publication fee has already been paid? Even if we withdraw, we won't get the fee refunded.

I am currently at a loss and feel suffocated in my heart.

xixi123456 2021-01-17

If all teachers were like you, the days of doctoral students would be much better. I know a doctoral supervisor from Zhejiang University who is very considerate of his students. Even though he has around 26 representative works (including about 10 translations), he does not discriminate against open access journals when it comes to the graduation of his students. I genuinely hope that there are more supervisors like him who have a conscience and truly support and uplift their students, instead of hoping to satisfy their own selfish desires by exploiting students.

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