认证评论 - IEEE Access
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随便搞搞 2021-03-26

There is no concept of rejection in this journal. Instead, there is a possibility of resubmission. Generally, results are given within two weeks. This means that as long as one persists and continues submitting, there is a high chance of success, around eighty to ninety percent.

JerryLCC 2021-03-26

Sharing progress for everyone's reference:
1. 28-Dec-2020 Under Review
2. 07-Jan-2021 The manuscript is too large, with a limit of 40MB. After making modifications, it will be resubmitted.
3. 08-Jan-2021 Under Review
4. 11-Feb-2021 Feedback: After making modifications, it was resubmitted. Four reviewers, one Accept, three Reject.
5. 27-Feb-2021 Submitted revised manuscript
6. 01-Mar-2021 External review
7. 24-Mar-2021 Feedback: Accept, three reviewers accept (presumably the same reviewers who previously rejected it).

lili liu 2021-03-25

How did a biased reviewer like you, who capsizes a whole group of people with one stroke, become a reviewer?

逍遥一世 2021-03-21

What's so great about you as a reviewer... In foreign journals, as long as you indicate your willingness to become a reviewer when registering, and have a few articles, they will send you an email asking for your help in reviewing. Don't pretend to be someone important here, it's ridiculous.

阿阿阿辉啊 2021-03-20

2021.02.14 First submission
2021.03.03 Received reviewers' comments: Two reviewers, Reviewer #1 (rejected, encouraged resubmission), Reviewer #2 (rejected, encouraged resubmission), Editor (rejected, encouraged resubmission)
2021.03.08 Second submission
2021.03.12 Accepted
No need to argue over a journal, as long as it suits oneself.

昨渊 2021-03-19

The review process has become stricter, and it has even entered the warning stage. It is not recommended to submit this for graduation anymore.
A student from the research group downstairs went through one initial review and a second review for a total of 6 months, but it was still rejected.

神经的科研人 2021-03-18

I have poor research ability. Submitting this paper is solely to meet the graduation requirements set by my advisor, and not for the purpose of winning awards or honors, nor for applying to universities or finding a job. My opinion is that articles and abilities should match the appropriate journals. There is no need to overestimate or underestimate, as everyone is striving to graduate and enter the workforce as soon as possible.

九折 2021-03-18

Don't be so critical, if you don't submit your own work, you can't comment either. Besides, I think I have been very objective in my statement. It's true that I don't steal, cheat, or fake, and the impact factor is also real. However, the reality is that some schools require master's degrees to publish in Chinese core journals. You always boast about how good and superior this core journal is, but deep down, we all know the truth. There is a professor in Nanjing who published 20 articles in Access in one semester, boosting the ranking of the field. Is this reasonable? Ultimately, everyone feels that the high return on investment has disrupted the balance of the system, creating a distorted pursuit. The pride of publishing the first SCI journal and the first batch of SCI Access journals are different, aren't they?

奥里小给给 2021-03-18

The comment section is too negative. To be honest, since you have submitted to this journal, it proves that none of us have the qualifications to evaluate it, including both criticism and praise. It's fine to observe whether it is good or bad. Each person has their own needs. It's normal to pay for something and receive the corresponding service. If you don't like it, you don't have to submit. Who is forcing you? Is it interesting to criticize one moment and praise the next? The comment sections of other journals are for discussing review time and experiences. But here, it's like future inheritors of Einstein fighting naked. Shameful. Let's return to the original source, the path of righteousness!

If you have nothing to do, why don't you clean up the cesspool at the entrance of our village?

九折 2021-03-18

When it comes down to it, everyone's love for this journal is due to its fast review speed and its suitability for graduation. What they dislike is the deeply rooted traditional concept of OA journals. A roommate from my undergraduate days went to a school where some people would submit to access just to win awards. Not to mention the quality of the articles. Everyone reads papers to find ideas, not to read experimental reports, right? So, I think it's better to directly look for renowned top conferences and journals in the field instead of searching aimlessly. Correspondence students feel that they also have a bachelor's degree, so why should they face discrimination? Students from regular universities feel that correspondence students lack skills and rely on shortcuts. Both have valid points, it depends on individual choices. Of course, access is not a place for fraud or cheating, but I also don't believe that anyone spends their time researching access papers every day.

小鱼儿 2021-03-17

Downstairs, he took out his old account and went crazy again. I suspect that you are the one causing trouble and making jokes here recently. Your writing logic and wording show your level. You can't go without using foul language for three sentences. In the first sentence, you claimed to have only reviewed a draft once, but later you showed that you have reviewed many drafts. Your words are like farting. Professor X has published 300 IEEE papers in three years. What are you trying to express? Are you saying IEEE is rubbish? Is publishing in IEEE embarrassing? Wow, you're really amazing. If IEEE and Access are as easy to get into as you say, why don't you start a paper black market? Why don't you comment on other low-quality journals? Are IEEE and Access insulting your ancestors? I guess you must be making millions by now, instead of acting like a loser and causing trouble here.

学术小混混 2021-03-14

This garbage journal actually still receives submissions from people. I am a reviewer, and as long as it comes to me, I reject all of them. A certain professor has published over 300 IEEE papers in 3 years, but he has embarrassed himself by publishing them abroad. Chinese people are still kneeling and licking this kind of journal that steals money from Chinese researchers. Just bring along an IEEE member, and even if your paper is mediocre or trash, it can still get accepted.

学术小混混 2021-03-14

In this journal, there are so many people willing to contribute even though there are stains on their reputation for evaluating funds. I'm truly amazed. I will share with everyone the secrets of this journal, there are two in total: one is having connections, and the second is having multiple formulas and simulation diagrams. This way, stability can be achieved.

学术小混混 2021-03-14

I have also served as a reviewer for this trash journal once. Damn, the 14-day deadline is just like those top journals Applied Science, Sensors, and PLOS One. The article quality is extremely poor, it's like eating shit, all the figures are photoshopped (just flipping others' figures and putting them up). They combine and flip 10 lines together in a figure, it's a garbage journal. Those who submit to this journal, don't you have any sense? With a submission volume of 30,000, a 47% acceptance rate, 7 days for the review process, and a $1600 publication fee... I advise those who plan to continue doing research to focus on submitting to reputable journals. Who would recognize the quantity achieved through this shitty journal in good universities?

游客1 2021-03-11

After the second review, three more reviewers were assigned and it was accepted one month later. Among the three reviewers, two of them should be different reviewers.

逍遥一世 2021-03-11

Actually, it's because Chinese people have invested too much... Although I currently only submit to journals in Zone 1, I still support IEEE ACCESS.

5gkycys 2021-03-11

Even SCI journals should be graded. Without such journals, I wonder how you will graduate. If they accept your article, but consider the journal to be of low quality, they should just reject it directly.

小安zzz 2021-03-11

2020.10.20 First submission
2020.11.18 Review received, minor revisions
2020.12.3 Second submission
2021.1.7 Review received, minor revisions (4 reviewers, 2 new ones)
2021.1.22 Third submission
2021.2.8 Review received, minor revisions (4 reviewers, 2 new ones)
2021.2.21 Fourth submission
2021.3.9 Review received, accepted
Changed to new reviewers during the two intermediate submissions. The process was complicated.

Afiveluan 2021-03-08

I strongly agree with your comment. I submitted the Access paper in August 2019, which is my first SCI publication. My advisor mentioned that the acceptance rate is not very high, so it is quite good to have it as my first publication. He also supports the idea that each person in our lab can publish one paper. I am currently a PhD student, and the graduation requirements include publishing in AAAI, NC, and 3 EI. However, I don't mind including the Access paper in my achievements. After all, it is my own work and I did not plagiarize or falsify anything. There is nothing to be ashamed of, right?

逍遥一世 2021-03-07

I have submitted many times, only for his speed... but it's embarrassing to be on the watch list. Actually, the quality is okay because the revisions for this journal can be resubmitted. I have no problem submitting to other journals in the second district. Unfortunately, there are too many Chinese people, and it is not widely recognized domestically. However, it is relatively recognized internationally. Even our university (top 30 in the world) has a direct payment channel without needing to pay out of pocket and then seek reimbursement.

秋风暖暖 2021-03-07

2021.01.20 Submitted initial draft
2021.02.08 Returned for revision, one minor revision, one rejection for resubmission, one rejection with no encouragement for resubmission
2021.02.21 Submitted revised manuscript. During this period, I didn't work on it during the Spring Festival, but then I stayed up late for about a week to make the revisions. Thanks to the help of my group members. The revision process was also a painful one, as I wrote many pages in response to the reviewers' comments.
2021.03.06 Final acceptance

Whether it is a warning periodical or not, as long as it is accepted, I just want to graduate.

niwangze 2021-03-06

Record of the first SCI paper
First submission on December 22, 2020
First review completed on December 23, 2020
First review comments received on February 1, 2021, with two reviewers accepting with minor edits and suggesting resubmission
Revised version resubmitted on February 6, 2021
Second review completed on March 4, 2021, and the paper was accepted (it appears that two different reviewers were assigned, but both accepted it).

seagull 2021-03-05

2 months, one rejection, one resubmission, directly rejected

吃瓜不嫌事大 2021-03-05

The number of publications has increased sharply. Can everyone estimate how much the impact factor will drop? Previously 4+, now it has dropped to 3.7+, will it drop below 3.5 in the future?

中论文毕业 2021-03-05

The text translates to: "Same situation as you, resubmitted on 1.22, still 'under review' until now, don't know what the current situation is, has the review speed slowed down?"

Kerones 2021-03-05

Return on the same day and send an email for review.

hyh007 2021-03-04

Another week has passed, still no news.

Oncelove 2021-03-04

Another monster ran out of the zoo.

千里独行 2021-03-04

Did you receive another review notification email after returning for repair?

Kerones 2021-03-03

2021.1.22 Resubmitted after modification (2 accepted, 1 resubmitted after modification), still no news till now, it has been 40 days.

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