认证评论 - IEEE Access
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路人乙02 2021-06-23

Posted on June 20th, it has been under review since then, but ADM: Not Assigned. May I ask if ADM has been assigned during the under review process?

MPCZ 2021-06-23

I am also under review on May 22nd, and still am now.

草飞 2021-06-23

Has the speed of this journal slowed down now? It has been over a month since the status was "under review" on May 21st, and it still hasn't changed. What is everyone's situation?

Ka_NE 2021-06-18

The speed is very fast, within 30 days, with 4 reviewers, all agree to accept. It feels easy to be accepted if written seriously. It doesn't require a significant contribution. Just got a warning, not sure what will happen next. There are still many overseas submissions, without such a requirement. If not in a hurry, please consider carefully before submitting.

奥里小给给 2021-06-16

SCI Journal Classification of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
(Updated Version as of December 2020)
Computer Science: Zone 3
It's too messy, I don't know which one to follow.

32432424 2021-06-16

Journal in Zone 2, with a high impact factor, can be used for scholarship applications and so on. No need to check the warning list, getting the money is the key.

奥里小给给 2021-06-15

Hasn't it already become three districts?

Di AO 2021-06-14

I don't know what's going on, but I'm the same as you.

zzy1996 2021-06-14

Submitted on 4.26, under review since 5.1, still no news. Asked for an update once, was told it's still under review. Just wanted to ask everyone what's going on, feeling very anxious.

zzy1996 2021-06-13

Excuse me, everyone. What zone does Access currently belong to?

32432424 2021-06-11

Hello senior, you mentioned that the code is open source, and I would like to take a look at your open source code. Could you please provide a link?

昨渊 2021-06-11

Submitted on April 5th, it is still under review. I followed up on May 18th and the editor-in-chief said the application is still being reviewed, so I need to continue waiting. There is still no news at the moment.

I chose to submit to this journal because of the time constraint, but now it has lost its only advantage. What is the point of it then? This journal should just close down quickly.

Di AO 2021-06-10

I submitted it on April 20th and sent an email to the editor saying that it is still under review. Is it because they haven't found a reviewer or because the feedback from the reviewers is slow? Thank you for sharing.

Di AO 2021-06-10

It has been almost two months since I submitted, and there is still no news. What should I do?

努力发SCI的东 2021-06-09

This thing has a delay in chatting. Wait until you finish speaking. Just when it's about to be clarified, they start arguing again. Stay calm.

xixi123456 2021-06-09

And there are those who constantly demand students to publish top journals, but they themselves have not published any decent SCI journals as the first or corresponding author. Who gave you this confidence?

xixi123456 2021-06-09

I truly admire you from the bottom of my heart. People like you, who haven't even published a few translations as the first author, have no right to make such remarks!

努力发SCI的东 2021-06-09

Why don't you just speak nicely like this from the beginning? I mean, don't be insecure, everyone has difficulties. Scientific research is inherently a lonely journey, and everyone experiences hardships. There's no need to vent frustration on others. The things you achieve through your own efforts are not something to feel inferior about. It's better to be open-minded and confident rather than emphasizing self-deprecating words that diminish your own dignity.

努力发SCI的东 2021-06-09

I see that other brothers have difficulties or don't care about research when submitting to this journal. There's nothing serious about it, others are open and straightforward. It's you, called xixi, who seems to be deeply insecure. You can make any kind of sarcasm, I suspect if there's any problem with your article data. Being so insecure, you don't even read the comments properly before mocking and even resort to personal attacks. How can you be so arrogant?

xixi123456 2021-06-09

Well, I do feel that I can't write anything good, so I really hope to apply for the school authorities to publicly review my thesis. It's not because I chose Access or thought it was a top journal, but because I feel that open-access journals lack the concept of influence and are only concerned about money to get articles published. They are very friendly towards first-year doctoral students without any background, influence, or research foundation in the subject group. I submitted to a journal in the fourth district with an impact factor of 1.8, but it was very safe and definitely wouldn't raise any red flags. However, I wrote the review comments myself because I knew the reviewer personally, and thinking about it now, it's really ridiculous that Access still has a proper process. I'm telling you, I've done my best for my studies, but scientific research cannot be completed by the efforts of just one student, especially when I'm a student from a non-traditional school. I really hope to have experts publicly review my thesis and make the current scientific research environment more fair. There are too many objective reasons for publishing small papers. You really have such dreams of scientific research, so it's only natural for you to criticize low-quality journals. Did I say anything wrong? How did it turn into a personal attack? You should be happy because, based on my understanding of people like you, criticizing journal quality is what makes you feel superior!

努力发SCI的东 2021-06-09

Wow, it's incredible that everyone's comments are wrong. You are really disgusting. I'm telling everyone not to feel inferior. How can even this be a SCI? It can still provoke a disgusting bug like you. I can see that you are really desperate, always on edge. If you are so amazing and love mocking people, go submit to a top journal.

努力发SCI的东 2021-06-09

Can you stop moralizing and adding mockery? Did I ever say I'm a research guru? Did I not say that I can understand everyone has difficulties, and it's okay to rush to submit papers to meet deadlines, as long as you focus on your goals? Are you really so insecure? Are your inner thoughts not something like "submitting to any journal is fine as long as I graduate," or maybe even "I must make the world's researchers see my achievements by publishing in top-tier journals"? I mentioned the reasons for submitting, which everyone knows, so there's no need to add a sentence that makes you seem so insecure. Yet, here you are, resorting to personal attacks. It seems like you wouldn't be able to produce anything worthwhile either.

xixi123456 2021-06-09

You don't do serious things every day, but you always run to the comments section of journals to see the comments. And it seems like it's not that great to do it every day. There's no need to be anxious. In my understanding, those who truly have the ability won't go around proclaiming how noble they are every day. It's those who are insecure and full of jealousy who particularly enjoy boasting about themselves, and they never seem to tire of it. Maybe causing trouble for others is the only value you have!

xixi123456 2021-06-09

The reason for adding a sentence is because there are research experts like you, do we feel inferior and satisfied? Indeed, there is no one and the research group also lacks research foundation. Don't you understand that research needs a platform? Moreover, being on the blacklist does not necessarily mean that a journal is not a predatory journal, just like some irregular journals from small countries that are not on the blacklist, such as those under Hindawi. You are truly a person worthy of admiration for your research spirit and dreams. Are you here just to show off your existence? Don't you understand the importance of top journals and reputation? Isn't the phenomenon of influential figures dominating the field even more serious? We should provide a way out for struggling PhDs and researchers in unpopular fields. Can't we just judge the quality of an article by its content? I really want to ask the Chinese Academy of Sciences, on one hand, they deny the use of journal rankings for evaluation, and on the other hand, they issue warnings. What is the logic behind this?

努力发SCI的东 2021-06-08

The options were randomly selected. I just want to say one thing, refresh the comments on the homepage every day, and those who send ACCESS should add a sentence "made by myself". No one said it wasn't made by you. The purpose of choosing this is to fill it up, just for the sake of speed. You know in your heart why you chose it. Stop deceiving yourself and others by talking about other things. It is just a warning periodical, just a filler journal. Everyone has difficulties, and it is understandable if you want to graduate faster. Why do you have to add irrelevant things?

筱沫 2021-06-08

Submitted on April 29th, accepted on May 24th, both reviewers accepted it. I had previously submitted to two journals and it got transferred, but I didn't want to transfer it again. So, in order to get it published quickly, I submitted it to Access. I made around ten revisions to the paper and also made the code open source, which is why it was accepted so quickly. Anyway, it's my own work, so I'm happy it got published in Access.

努力奋斗的科研汪 2021-06-03

Submitted on October 10th
Under review as of April 16th
It has been almost 2 months now, and there is still no result. The speed of this journal has clearly slowed down a lot. Is it going through a reorganization?
Hope to speed up the process!

KeYanMinGong1 2021-06-03

PhD graduates facing difficulties prefer this journal. Initially, I just wanted to get it done quickly, but the review process has slowed down a lot now. I submitted papers in the same period to signal processing, information sciences, knowledge-based systems, and trans fuzzy systems, and they were all accepted one after another. However, this journal took its time and gave me acceptance after more than three months of review. The editor-in-chief told me that the initial feedback was to accept the paper with minor revisions, but in order to ensure the quality of the article, three more reviewers were invited for another round of review... I am speechless. Can this journal really be considered to have quality??? If the annual publication limit is not kept below 10,000, it will eventually be kicked out.

chensiya 2021-06-01

In order to apply for Sun Scholarship, the main goal is to pursue speed. The first SCI paper chose "Access" for submission on March 4th. It was sent for review on March 9th. On April 26th, the first round of review comments were received. There were a total of four reviewers, all of them rejected the paper for resubmission. The editor's decision was rejection for resubmission. The revised manuscript was submitted on May 13th and sent for review on May 18th. On June 1st, the acceptance notice was received.

light805 2021-05-30

Posted on March 18th
Under review on March 20th
And then there was no news. It's been two months and ten days, really speechless.

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