Journal of the Knowledge Economy

Journal of the Knowledge Economy


1868-7865 / 1868-7873
In the context of rapid globalization and technological capacity, the world’s economies today are driven increasingly by knowledge—the expertise, skills, experience, education, understanding, awareness, perception, and other qualities required to communicate, interpret, and analyze information. New wealth is created by the application of knowledge to improve productivity—and to create new products, services, systems, and process (i.e., to innovate). The Journal of the Knowledge Economy focuses on the dynamics of the knowledge-based economy, with an emphasis on the role of knowledge creation, diffusion, and application across three economic levels: (1) the systemic 'meta' or 'macro'-level, (2) the organizational 'meso'-level, and (3) the individual 'micro'-level. The journal incorporates insights from the fields of economics, management, law, sociology, anthropology, psychology, and political science to shed new light on the evolving role of knowledge, with a particular emphasis on how innovation can be leveraged to provide solutions to complex problems and issues, including global crises in environmental sustainability, education, and economic development. Articles emphasize empirical studies, underscoring a comparative approach, and, to a lesser extent, case studies and theoretical articles. The journal balances practice/application and theory/concepts.


4.20 查看趋势图
CiteScore 学科排名
类别 分区 排名
Economics, Econometrics and Finance - Economics and Econometrics Q2 #181/705
Web of Science 核心收藏夹
Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI)
- Indexed
类别 (Journal Citation Reports 2023) 分区
Springer Nature
4 issues per year
Open Access
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。
Submitted in September 2021, entered "decision in process" in May 2022, received major revisions in mid-September, resubmitted in mid-October (with a five-page response), and then the status changed to "with editor" until late February 2023, when I received an acceptance email from the editor-in-chief. The final status became "completed accept". Although the overall time was not short, I am very grateful to the editor for giving me the opportunity to revise (two external reviewer comments, one positive and one negative). During the process, I sent two emails inquiring about the status of the manuscript, once in August 2022 and once in February 2023, and each time I received patient answers and encouragement from the editorial department. Every patient wait was an effort, and every effort was worthwhile! Finally, I wish everyone all the best and success in publishing more papers!
The OA that I understand can be divided into two types. One type is fully OA journals that require payment for publication. The other type is hybrid OA journals that allow authors to choose between traditional subscription models and the option of immediate open access publishing (which requires payment). It seems that when people generally refer to OA, they are mostly referring to the former, full OA. <Journal of the Knowledge Economy> belongs to the latter category, hybrid OA. I hope my answer is helpful to you.

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