Goran Shibakovski

Macedonia University St. Paul the Apostle


评论了 Postdoctoral Fellowship
One-year scholarship program sponsored by the Free State of Bavaria for graduates of Central, Eastern, and Southeastern European states for the funding year 2024/25 https://www.uni-regensburg.de/bayhost/english-1/bayhost/english/scholarships/study-in-bavaria/index.html


评论了 Postdoctoral Fellowship
The Canon Foundation in Europe offers Fellowships for research to be carried out in Europe or Japan. The duration of a Fellowship is from a minimum of 3 months to a maximum of 1 year. https://www.canonfoundation.org/programmes/research-fellowships/


评论了 Electric Vehicles
An article by the Mozilla Foundation, a non-profit organization that advocates for a healthy and open Internet, reports the findings of a privacy review of 36 connected cars, which have Internet connectivity and can collect, store, and share data about the vehicle and its users. https://foundation.mozilla.org/en/privacynotincluded/articles/its-official-cars-are-the-worst-product-category-we-have-ever-reviewed-for-privacy/ What do you think about it?


评论了 Envisioning Imagination
I agree that imagination is essential in both scientific discovery and artistic creation. It is a foundational element in both domains.


评论了 Climate Change and Health
What strategies can be implemented to mitigate the health risks associated with climate change?


评论了 Public Health
New research suggests that telltale symptoms may appear before cardiac arrest, and knowing how to recognize them can be lifesaving. https://www.thehealthy.com/heart-disease/news-cardiac-arrest-symptom-smidt-heart-institute-cedars-sinai-study/


评论了 Space Exploration
A race to explore the Moon. After the four nations that have soft-landed a probe on the Moon to date — the Soviet Union, the United States, China, and India, the fifth is on the way. Japan sent two ambitious missions — a pioneering lunar lander and a powerful X-ray space telescope. https://www.space.com/japan-launches-slim-moon-lander-xrism-space-telescope


评论了 SDGs Hub
The WSA Young Innovators are a special recognition for young people using ICTs to take action on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). https://wsa-global.org/wsa_categories/wsa-young-innovators/


评论了 Summer/Winter schools
The MALTAomics Summer School is the 1st ever Bioinformatics Summer School to be held at the University of Malta. The MALTAomics Summer School is an enriching course suitable for early-stage researchers, postgraduate students, and professionals in biology, biomedical research, bioinformatics, and computer science. https://www.um.edu.mt/events/maltaomicssummerschool/registration/


评论了 Developing online presence and visibility for researchers
A Young Researcher's Guide to Creating an Online Presence from the University of Connecticut https://digitalcommons.lib.uconn.edu/libr_pres/60/


评论了 Climate Change & Global Warming
The extremely high water temperatures are a consequence of both climate change and the weather phenomenon known as El Niño. They are devastating one of the most species-rich habitats on earth, bleaching the coral reefs off Florida. Some fear the corals will not survive. https://youtu.be/2rZhp8p3sC8?si=Zxdp6PI_Md_SeTjY


评论了 AI influence on labour, work, (un)employment
The Professor and former Secretary of Labor, Robert Reich, discusses the impact of AI on the future of employment, suggesting that while AI may bring efficiencies, it could also end traditional labor protections and shift the employer-employee relationship. https://youtu.be/JQ4tAVkr41Q?si=frooHEhIGby6oqRu


评论了 Textbooks - Online v. Print
Online textbooks are more accessible, convenient, and affordable than print copies. Print copies are more reliable, comfortable, and engaging than online textbooks. Furthermore, print copies can enhance the learning and retention of information, as they stimulate the senses of touch and smell, and allow for better navigation and annotation. It is a special experience for those who enjoy reading and learning. What is your opinion?


评论了 Regulation of AI
Free webinar on 5 September (12:00 UTC | 14:00 CEST) exploring AI's future through the lens of history! https://www.diplomacy.edu/newsletter/recycling-ideas/recyclingideas01/


评论了 AI prompt engineering hub
HackAPrompt is a prompt hacking competition designed to enhance AI safety and education. Participants are challenged to outsmart or "socially engineer" large language models like ChatGPT and GPT-3. If you haven't signed up for VOICE & AI yet, it's the biggest AI conferences on the East Coast! The winners will be announced at VOICE & AI on September 6. https://www.hackaprompt.com/