Goran Shibakovski

Macedonia University St. Paul the Apostle


评论了 AI in education, teaching, learning
AI can offer many benefits for higher education, such as reducing costs, improving quality, and enhancing outcomes. This article by the Times Higher Education cites examples of universities that are using AI to innovate and transform their teaching, research, and administration. https://www.timeshighereducation.com/blog/ai-much-more-opportunity-threat-universities


评论了 Postdoctoral Fellowship
Scholarships of the Republic of Croatia - Call for Applications for the academic year 2024/2025. The Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia and the Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes offer Bilateral Scholarships for study or research to foreign students and teachers of higher education institutions as well as research fellows who intend to gain further professional experience in Croatian institutions of higher education or research. https://en.ampeu.hr/open-calls/scholarships-of-the-republic-of-croatia-call-for-applications-for-the-academic-year-2024-2025


评论了 Open Access Publishing: Obstacles and Options
The Open Access for the Arts and Humanities page of the Oxford Academic page showcases the open access publishing options and resources offered by the Oxford University Press (OUP) for researchers and practitioners in the arts and humanities disciplines. It features a collection of open access journal articles and book chapters, as well as links to information about open access policies, charges, and funder requirements at OUP. https://academic.oup.com/pages/open-access-for-the-arts-and-humanities


评论了 Cybersecurity Hub
Federal Cyber Defense Skilling Academy – Cyber Defense Forensics Analyst (CDFA) Pathway. ISA’s Federal Cyber Defense Skilling Academy provides its students an opportunity to focus on professional growth through an intense, full-time, three-month accelerated training program. Those looking to join the cybersecurity community or learn cybersecurity skills are encouraged to apply to the Skilling Academy. The Cyber Defense Forensics Analyst session is open and accepting applications. Application period closes March 15, 2024. Link: https://www.cisa.gov/resources-tools/programs/federal-cyber-defense-skilling-academy-cyber-defense-forensics-analyst-cdfa-pathway


评论了 Cybersecurity
The 2024 Cyber Threat Intelligence Conference will be held in Berlin, Germany, from April 15 to 17, 2024. This conference is an interdisciplinary forum for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss the latest innovations, trends, results, experiences, and concerns in various aspects of cyber threat intelligence. The conference is organized by the FIRST (Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams). More info at: https://www.first.org/conference/firstcti24/


评论了 Conferences 2023-2024
The 2024 International Conference on Marketing, Communication, Technologies and Application (ICMCT&A´24) will be held in Bogotá, Colombia, from November 14 to 16, 2024. This conference is an interdisciplinary forum for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss the latest innovations, trends, results, experiences, and concerns in various aspects of marketing, communication, technologies, and applications. The conference is organized by the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas and supported by several academic and industrial partners. The conference invites submissions of papers related to three main areas: Digital and Online Marketing, Communication, and Technologies and Innovation. he papers will be peer-reviewed and published in the Proceedings in Business and Economics series by Springer. The deadline for submission is July 30, 2024. I am a scientific committee member of this conference. Link: https://www.icmcta.org/index.php/en/call-for-papers


评论了 Family Studies
A research scientist position at the Toyota Research Institute - Harmonious Communities. This is a research group that focuses on developing technologies and solutions that can enhance the well-being and happiness of people and communities. The position requires a PhD in a relevant field, such as psychology, sociology, economics, or computer science, and experience in conducting interdisciplinary and applied research on topics such as social networks, collective intelligence, behavioral economics, or human-computer interaction. Interested candidates can apply at: https://jobs.lever.co/tri/bbf9c0df-2bf6-4e38-a004-7abd9dd63e69


评论了 Research4Ukraine
The EURAXESS Internship Program for Refugee and Displaced Researchers in Europe is a program that supports refugee and displaced researchers who are based in a EU member state or an associated country, have a legal status in the host country, and are PhD students or holders. The program offers reimbursements to the researchers for internships in industrial and public organisations, with a focus on intersectoral mobility and gender equality. The program is part of the ERA Talent project, financed by the European Commission under the Horizon Europe Framework Programme. Link: https://internship.euraxess.bg/evaluator/register


评论了 Fintech
A team from Forbes evaluated hundreds of fintech companies, looking at everything from product novelty to customer and revenue growth to leadership team diversity. They interviewed both CEOs and industry insiders. Three categories primarily serving other businesses—Payments, Wall Street & Enterprise, and Business to Business Banking–showed the strongest, accounting for 27 of their 50 picks and seven of the 13 first-time honorees. That’s not so surprising at a time when there are no longer unlimited VC funds to lavish on big consumer marketing campaigns. The Real Estate category, hard hit by interest rates, had only two companies on the list. Blockchain and Crypto, recovering from big scandals and bankruptcies, had only three–and those were startups dedicated to building a sounder, more secure infrastructure for the future. https://youtu.be/L1macdrf8tI?si=FuDeOngVMwkibQ7E


评论了 Evidence Based Public Health
The MedCon Conference, an event that brings together regulators and healthcare products industry experts for discussions and collaborations on the most pressing issues facing the field. The conference covers topics such as medical device regulation, artificial intelligence, combination products, and patient engagement. The next MedCon Conference will be held on April 24-26, 2024 in Columbus, Ohio. https://healthcareproducts.org/medcon/


评论了 AI influence on labour, work, (un)employment
According to this paper (https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4603764), AI skills are worth as much as a doctorate, which I completely agree with. It shows how AI skills can transform your career and income, regardless of your education level. I find the authors' perspective on the future of work very inspiring and insightful. I believe that AI skills, along with lifelong learning and adaptability, are the keys to success in the 21st century.


评论了 Open Access Publishing: Obstacles and Options
A survey by IGI Global about annual academic publishing trends and open access in 2024. A summary of the survey results will be freely available at the end of the year. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/6MGWCYV


评论了 Mental health
This is interesting. The article features a summary of a new scientific study that investigated why and when people conceal an infection from others, and what are the psychological motivations and consequences of doing so. Common reasons for concealing an infection are prioritizing own needs and work or study issue. People are more likely to lie about low-risk infections than about high-risk infections. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-asymmetric-brain/202402/why-people-lie-about-being-sick-5-new-scientific-facts


评论了 Conferences 2023-2024
International Conference on New Findings in Humanities and Social Sciences on 27 - 29 March 2024 at Oxford, United Kingdom. This conference will cover the latest advancements in the fields of social sciences and humanities. From immersing in seminars, roundtables, and workshops to presenting your work or even getting published, we will provide a great learning and intellectual environment for all our attendees. Join in discussion and discourse with distinguished academics, researchers, scholars, industry professionals, university staff, and several others. https://www.hsconf.org/


评论了 Scholarship opportunities for researchers, students from across Africa
The Embassy of India in Dakar, Senegal, that provides information about the ICCR Scholarships 2024-25 under India-Africa Maitri Scholarship Scheme. The scheme offers 100 scholarships to students from African countries who want to pursue undergraduate, postgraduate, or PhD programs in selected Indian universities. The scholarships cover full tuition fees, living allowance, house rent allowance, thesis and dissertation expense, and return air fare. The scholarships are available for various courses, except medical, paramedical, fashion, law, and integrated courses. The applicants must be between 18 and 40 years old for undergraduate or postgraduate courses, and between 18 and 50 years old for PhD courses. They must also be meritorious, well versed in English, medically fit, and holders of valid passports. The deadline for applications is March 25th, 2024. More info at https://embassyofindiadakar.gov.in/pages.php?id=346