Amy Case

United States Solvitur Consulting


评论了 Research Proposals
March 15 deadline:


评论了 AHRQ Small Research Grant Program (R03)


评论了 Features of Hypertension in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Depending on the Level of Glycemic Control
The authors' conclusion that ". . . it is necessary to strengthen the patients' adherence to treatment . . ." assumes that a sure-fire way to accomplish that is possible.


评论了 Use of the online Framingham platform for the evaluation of the cardiovascular risk in diabetes mellitus and systemic arterial hypertension patients in primary health care
Poorly written abstract; not only grammatical errors, but it's hard to understand what it's really about, given that the authors didn't even explain what the "online Framingham platform" is.


评论了 US government sues Yale’s teaching hospital for age discrimination in testing older doctors
How much harder would it have been for Yale to implement these screens for all candidates, of any age?


评论了 Analysis of Health Behavior Theories for Clustering of Health Behaviors
It is good to see serious consideration of how health behavior theories can be used to address clusters of unhealthy behaviors. Unfortunately, my experience in real-world programming suggests that few program managers understand the importance of a theoretical bases.


评论了 Upcoming Initiative -- Cycle 2 2021
The website is actually at


评论了 Social Desirability Bias in the Reporting of Alcohol Consumption: A Randomized Trial
Evidence that social desirability bias--even for a negatively-perceived behavior (drinking)--is not always a factor.


评论了 A short, attribution theory-based video intervention does not reduce weight bias in a nationally representative sample of registered dietitians: a randomized trial
This study suggests that anti-fat bias is complex and deeply held, at least among registered dietitians.


评论了 Characteristics of Victims of Fall-Related Accidents during Mountain Hiking
Straightforward study, well-documented article. It would have been nice to have a non-fall comparator, or some other ways of assessing whether hiking sticks prevented falls, especially among older hikers.


评论了 A Comprehensive insight into the effect of chromium supplementation on oxidative stress indices in diabetes mellitus: A systematic review
Well-documented systematic review of a supplement routinely suggested for reducing the effects of diabetes. The explanation of the mechanism behind this effect is particularly cogent, despite the authors' conclusion that " . . . further clinical trials are suggested in a bid to determine the exact mechanisms."


评论了 CT facilitates improved diagnosis of adult intestinal malrotation: a 7-year retrospective study based on 332 cases
"Asymptomatic patients comprised 56.6% (188/332) of cases, much higher than that in previous studies (17%, n = 82, p < .001) . . ." Does this mean completely asymptomatic? Or that the symptoms were not recognized in the medical records as suggestive of IM?


评论了 Intestinal malrotation in adults: prevalence and findings based on CT colonography
Excellent study--long needed! Here is a compelling statement: "At least 22% (6/27) had a history of unexplained, chronic intermittent abdominal pain." Important next steps could be to combine findings from several, similar databases, and to ensure that primary care physicians become more aware of this diagnostic possibility.


评论了 Fetal intestinal volvulus without malrotation detected on prenatal ultrasound
No abstract online--very frustrating.


评论了 Ultrasound imaging as the first line of investigation to diagnose intestinal malrotation in children: Safety and efficacy
An important issue that could have been included in the abstract is what were the symptoms or events that prompted scans to confirm/rule out IM.