Amy Case

United States Solvitur Consulting


评论了 Allergan Foundation Research Grant
This award is not offered this year:


评论了 1504-P: Is Dry Eye a Biomarker for Diabetes?
Helpful study and abstract. I appreciate the inclusion of data charts with the abstract. More should be done on the link between chronic dry eye and diabetes.


评论了 Effect of Oral Re-esterified Omega-3 Nutritional Supplementation on Dry Eyes
Excellent, rigorous study. Too few eye care professionals advise their patients with chronic dry-eye that Omega 3 dietary supplements could be helpful.


评论了 An artificial tear containing flaxseed oil for treating dry eye disease: A randomized controlled trial
Excellent study: multicenter, double-masked, randomized, two-arm, parallel-group, multiple time points.


评论了 Improvement of Evaporative Dry Eye With Meibomian Gland Dysfunction in Model Mice by Treatment With Ophthalmic Solution Containing Mineral Oil
An informative and easy-to-read study. It would be even better if the ARRIVE guidelines were followed and cited:


评论了 Grandmothers’ smoking in pregnancy is associated with a reduced prevalence of early-onset myopia
An interesting look at gametic inheritance to the second generations. However, the authors do not provide a clear explanation for why smoking was selected as the risk factor of interest in the case of myopia.


评论了 Using Geographic Distance as a Potential Proxy for Help in the Assessment of the Grandmother Hypothesis
This is fascinating, but covers French settlers in the St. Lawrence Valley during the 17th and 18th centuries. It would be very helpful to better understand similar relationships on developed countries in the 21st century.


评论了 The contribution of grandmother involvement to child growth and development: an observational study in rural Pakistan
I wish more studies in the US would cover the benefits of a grandmother's presence in children's lives. Most that do only look at grandmothers raising their grandchildren; a very important issue, but not the same question.


评论了 The Gut Microbiome and Gastrointestinal Toxicities in Pelvic Radiation Therapy: A Clinical Review
I appreciate seeing the flow chart that describes articles selected in the abstract.


评论了 Abstract P135: Dietary Sources Of Linoleic Acid (LA) Differ By Race/ethnicity In Adults Participating In The National Health And Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) Between 2015-2016
It is helpful that this abstract provides a large data table, but the writing is confusing, for example: "Linoleic acid (LA), a primary polyunsaturated fatty acid, is a nutritional quandary as has been associated with diabetes and cardiovascular disease (CVD) protection but may have negative effects in inflammation and cancer." It uses various acronyms for ethnic groups in Results, but nowhere in the abstract is there any key to what they stand for.


评论了 Associations Between Linoleic Acid Intake and Incident Type 2 Diabetes Among U.S. Men and Women
Excellent, highly-powered analysis of secondary data, with 4.93 million person-years of follow-up. Little is heard by the lay diabetic about linoleic acid.


评论了 A systematic review and quality assessment of case reports of adverse events for borage (Borago officinalis), coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara) and comfrey (Symphytum officinale)
An important approach to studying this issue, but with only 11 case studies found (and none for borage), it does not contribute much. It would be better if the abstract provided a bit more detail about the search process and criteria; for example, did they include case studies published in multiple languages?


评论了 AHRQ Small Research Grant Program (R03) PA-18-794
Special Emphasis Notice (SEN): AHRQ Announces Interest in Health Services Research to Advance Health Equity:


评论了 Efficacy of Turmeric Extracts and Curcumin for Alleviating the Symptoms of Joint Arthritis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials
It's encouraging to see low-moderate risk of bias among primary studies, and no evidence of publication bias among meta-analyses. Perhaps functional foods research and reporting have improved!