Amy Case

United States Solvitur Consulting


评论了 Impact of cancer related stress on illness beliefs and glycemic control in breast cancer survivors with comorbid diabetes.
This is a well conceived study with adequate power and appropriate statistical tests. Also, it is a well-written abstract that can help researchers determine whether the full text would be worthwhile.


评论了 Causes of illness-Constraining and facilitating beliefs
It's interesting that with a sample size of just 52, various types of illness were included. It seems likely that beliefs about the causes of illness might vary quite a bit from one illness to another, even within the same person.


评论了 Cultural Beliefs on the Causes of Cleft Lip and/or Palate in Malaysia: A Multicenter Study
The abstract concludes that " . . . beliefs do not prevent treatment for children with cleft. However, they face challenges while receiving cleft treatment, particularly financial constraints and transportation barriers." It is unclear what these challenges have to do with beliefs about the causes of clefts.


评论了 An Extended Theory of Planned Behavior Intervention for Older Adults with Type 2 Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease
A succinct and pithy abstract describing a theory-based intervention, with a reasonable conclusion regarding the role of planning in mediating exercise behaviors.


评论了 Female Awareness about the Preconception Use of Folic Acid Supplements in Childbearing Age: A Cross‐Sectional Study
The Conclusions section says "there was good knowledge about the importance of folic acid, the consequences of folic acid deficiency, and the belief that even non-pregnant women and girls of childbearing age should take folic acid." but the Results do not provide information to support this.


评论了 Parental perspectives on the awareness and delivery of preconception care
Information about preconception care has been widely available for decades, in part due to the March of Dimes' focus on this issue. Knowledge is rarely enough to change behavior, and with at least 50% of pregnancies unexpected or mis-timed, preconception care as such will remain an unrecognized opportunity for most families.


评论了 Kars4Kids Small Grant Program
Here is the URL:


评论了 Cultural factors affecting attitudes toward pregnancy and pregnancy planning among native Hawaiians
The publisher provides only this description, in lieu of an abstract: "Objectives: Native Hawaiians experience the highest rate of unintended pregnancy in Hawaiʻi. Our study aimed to describe attitudes and beliefs about contraception, pregnancy and pregnancy intention among Native Hawaiians."


评论了 Exploring pregnant women's current level of nutrition knowledge, attitudes, and readiness for dietary change during pregnancy
It's always disappointing when the journal does not provide an abstract on the article's web page.


评论了 Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Women With Heart Disease, Hypertension and Diabetes (from the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health)
The abstract states that women with hypertension were less likely to consult with a CAM practitioner and less likely to use self-prescribed CAM, but doesn't say what the comparison group was, or if they were between-group comparisons of those with heart disease v. hypertension v. diabetes.


评论了 Lessons Learned From a Study of a Complementary Therapy for Self-Managing Hypertension and Stress in Women
An extremely short abstract that gives next to no information about the study's findings.


评论了 Complementary medicine mention and recommendations are limited across hypertension guidelines: A systematic review
I was somewhat surprised to see that the Mediterranean diet is considered complementary.


评论了 High-intensity interval vs moderate-intensity continuous exercise in heated water-based on acute hemodynamic, vascular, and cardiac autonomic responses in older individuals with hypertension
Unfortunately, the abstract does not indicate what the control condition was. Also, the Conclusions state, "These results may have important implications in the management of older individuals with hypertension in heated water-based." Authors should be able to state what the "important implications" are likely to be, not just that they may exist. Also, missing a word.


评论了 Dry anophthalmic socket syndrome – morphological alterations in meibomian glands
An excellent study, meticulously documented and supported with citations.