Amy Case

United States Solvitur Consulting


评论了 Sex differences in hospitalized adult patients with cellulitis: A prospective, multicenter study
A well-designed, carefully presented prospective study of adults with cellulitis admitted to Spanish hospitals.


评论了 Trends in County-Level COVID-19 Incidence in Counties With and Without a Mask Mandate — Kansas, June 1–August 23, 2020
Louisiana just reinstated a mask mandate in the face of the Delta variant. This is a major win for vulnerable populations, including infants in daycares, where administrators have been dropping mask requirements due to families complaining about them.


评论了 Pandemic advances alternatives to hallway medicine
I recently spent 48 hours in the hospital via an emergency room admission. Twenty-four of these hours were in a hallway bed. It was horrifying, a real nightmare! Very elderly and demented patients stuck in ED hallway beds, some pleading nonstop for help, or trying to get off of the gurney; HIPAA violations everywhere; nurses to harrassed to provide any help besides the most emergent. Even though I was moved to a private room for the last 24 hours of my stay, care was substandard to say the least. This pandemic will either wake up our health care system by so brutally exposing its problems, or it might be the thing that finally pushes the US backward on the scale of development and basic care for its people.


评论了 In Vitro Efficacy of a Consumer-Marketed Ear Cleaning Tool
This type of research is greatly needed--consumer health product assessed for effectiveness but evidently not funded by the product manufacturer.


评论了 Isolation of Turicella otitidis in ear infection
This is a letter to the editor.


评论了 Firearm Homicide Incidence, Within-State Firearm Laws, and Interstate Firearm Laws in US Counties
"Additional firearm laws are associated with fewer firearm homicides both within the states where the laws are enacted and elsewhere in the United States. " It is good to see non-government researchers investigating gun harm, since the CDC has been unproductively prohibited from researching this very real health threat.


评论了 Evaluation of State Cannabis Laws and Rates of Self-harm and Assault
It is good that the authors followed the Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) reporting guidelines, and they make the excellent point that "The risks and benefits of cannabis legalization have been debated as if all legalization laws were the same, but our results suggest that more nuance in characterizing cannabis policies is warranted." However, one limitation not mentioned is that Medicaid claims were evidently not included in the analysis.


评论了 State Paid Family and Medical Leave Laws: Growth and Gaps in Coverage
It is unclear whether this article reaches any conclusions, or what methods they use, based on the first page, which is all that is provided free of cost on the publisher's web site.


评论了 Cockamamie state laws threaten genetic rights
Despite the flippant title, the author makes a good point that state laws ". . . set a floor (not a ceiling) of protections"


评论了 Illegal drug market responses to state recreational cannabis laws
Wow--a 93% (β = −0.93; 95% reduction in law enforcement seizures of cannabis in RCL states. But street prices of illegal opioids increased, and law enforcement seizures decreased--could be that reducing marijuana arrests removed a key entry to also discovering opioids on the part of law enforcement.


评论了 Race and Religious Beliefs Are Associated With Communication Regarding Reproductive Health and Preconception Counseling in Young Women With Diabetes
While the study's conclusion, "Race and religious beliefs should be considered when providing reproductive health information to young women with diabetes." is undoubtedly true, the results as reported in the abstract do not give any suggestions as to how this might be actualized.


评论了 Exploring preconception health beliefs amongst adults of childbearing age in the UK: a qualitative analysis
"The roles of males regarding positive preconception care was not well understood." This I can well imagine.


评论了 Important but far away: adolescents’ beliefs, awareness and experiences of fertility and preconception health
An important aspect not related in the abstract is whether the teens interviewed were sexually active at the time of this study.


评论了 The effect of different styles of medical illustration on information comprehension, the perception of educational material and illness beliefs
It is interesting that the cartoon was better at conveying information, but participants preferred the anatomical drawing. Perhaps this suggests that both should be present for maximum effect, for example, an anatomical drawing on the front and a cartoon inside. Alternatively, the participants may have been expressing social desirability bias when they indicated that they preferred the anatomical drawing.