Aleksandar Karadimce

Macedonia University St. Paul the Apostle - Ohrid


评论了 The Metaverse, gamification, NFTs, ...
Public Services and Blockchain: Why, why not, what, and how? The TOKEN project has worked with four real-life use cases in smart cities to build, test, and pilot how distributed ledger technologies (DLTs), such as blockchain, can be used in public services. Bringing together policymakers, researchers, developers, and public officials from different levels of government, front-runner thinkers, and industry, the event will share learnings from concrete use cases and insight into what the future might hold for DLTs in public services and beyond.  The event will be organized on 14 March 2023, 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM CET Live at the Old Town Hall of Leuven, Belgium – online via Teams


评论了 Applied Network Science
Third French  Regional Conference on Complex Systems May 31 – June 02, 2023, in Le Havre, France FRCCS 2023 is an opportunity to exchange and promote the cross-fertilization of ideas by presenting recent research work, industrial developments, and original applications. Special attention is given to research topics with a high societal impact from the complexity science perspective. *FRCCS 2023* <> Selected submissions of unpublished work will be invited for publication in a special issue (fast-track procedure) of the journal:  Applied Network Science, <> edited by Springer


评论了 Financial literacy and young people
France's Digital Strategy for Education calls for the development of “digital commons” The French Ministry of Education published its Digital Strategy for 2023-2027. The general strategy has four main objectives: - To strengthen national and local cooperation between education stakeholders - Developing students' digital skills - Provide teachers with a clear offer of digital tools and resources - Develop the robustness, security, accessibility, quality and environmental responsibility of IT tools Overall, the digital strategy for education hints at an increase in the use of free and open-source software for all parts related to the French education system, with a particular focus on providing students with appropriate training.


评论了 Digital transformation of society
The 13th edition of the EUI's flagship conference, The State of the Union, will occur in Florence on 4 – 6 May. This year's edition, "Building Europe in times of uncertainty," will gather high-level political leaders, journalists, and experts from academia to discuss the challenges facing Europe today. #SOU2023’s panels, conversations, and addresses will foster reflection on key policy areas, including: Challenges to democracy Geopolitics and EU priorities Green transition and energy security Rethinking the global economic scenario The digital and tech transition - Discover the programme and list of announced speakers.


评论了 BMES Awards
BMES Student Chapter Awards Multiple Outstanding and Travel awards are available on this link BMES recognizes our student chapters' outstanding contributions to the biomedical engineering field by awarding those who demonstrate leadership, commitment, growth, integrity, and ingenuity. To be considered for one of the below awards, you must be a compliant student chapter, and it must submit a Chapter Development Report (CDR) by June 1st to


评论了 Data Science
S-E-L-S: Solid foundation, Explore, Learn, and Show. Data Analyst Remember: (1) Ensure a solid foundation, (2) Explore what the world has to offer, (3) Learn and keep your capabilities up to date, and (4) Show up and showcase your work.


评论了 Multidisciplinary science
Multidisciplinarity, interdisciplinarity, and transdisciplinarity in health research, services, education, and policy: 1. Definitions, objectives, and evidence of effectiveness Understand the difference between Multidisciplinarity, interdisciplinarity, and transdisciplinarity. - Multidisciplinarity draws on knowledge from different disciplines but stays within their boundaries. - Interdisciplinarity examines, combines, and harmonizes connections between disciplines to create a well-resolved whole. - The scientific, social, and health sciences are integrated with the humanities and go beyond their conventional limits thanks to transdisciplinarity.


评论了 Collaboration / Sharing
Smart Living and Communications the next Generations Networks - SLICO SLICO is co-located with IEEE WoWMoM 2023. More information is available at the official site Authors are invited to submit unpublished papers with novel research contributions addressing smart living and communication applications for next-generation networks. : Full Papers: Papers submissions may be up to 10 pages (including figures and references) in IEEE two-column format. : Short Papers: Intended for Work In Progress. Submissions may be up to 3 pages (including figures and references) in IEEE two-column format. Papers should be submitted via the EDAS website: Further submission instructions are available at:


评论了 Societies
Societies is a fully open access journal. Open access (unlimited and free access by readers) increases publicity and promotes more frequent citations. Article Processing Charges of 1400 CHF apply to accepted papers. For further details on the submission process, please see the instructions for authors at the journal website:


评论了 Sustainable Development Hub
Sustainable Development in Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain and Internet of Things The purpose of this special issue is to highlight blockchain, IoT, and AI-based innovations that can address the difficulties associated with sustainable development. We will shine light on a variety of industries, including those in agriculture, business, transportation, the environment, energy, and healthcare, among others. The proposed Special Issue is intended for a wide variety of writers, including academics, students, and businesses engaged in R&D. Topics: • Green Energy for IoT systems • Computational Intelligence for Medical Internet of Things Application • IoT Solutions for Transportation • AI-Enabled IoT in Healthcare • AI and IoT in Supply Chain Management and Logistics • AI and IoT based Smart Agriculture • The Industrial Internet of Things • Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Energy • IoT and AI for Environmental Sustainability • Smart IoT Technologies and Systems • Implementation of Intelligent IoT • IoT Wireless Technology • AI and Blockchain for IoT Systems • Mobile Applications and IoT • Cellular Networks and IoT • Blockchain and SDN Technologies • Secure Artificial Intelligence in IoT Networks • Intelligent Data Analytics in Emerging Systems • Smart Transportation & Smart Vehicles using AI • Applications of AI/IoT • Cybersecurity Challenges for Smart Cities Manuscript Submission Deadline 22 May 2023


评论了 Renewable Energy Strategic Research Program
Strategic Research Projects Program Program Objectives: 1. Find scientific and applied solutions through competitive research proposals that focus on national priorities. 2. Achieve sustainable research and innovation outcomes. 3. Enhance research excellence and build national capabilities in research and innovationfields. 4. Create or update policies, legislation, and general procedures. 5. Build national capabilities and a strong knowledge-based economy, which will contribute to diversifying sources of income in the Sultanate and creating job opportunities. 6. Enhance constructive cooperation between the parties to the research system (governmental, academic, and private sectors) to transfer knowledge. Deadline 28 - February – 2023


评论了 Energy Sources Part A-Recovery Utilization and Environmental Effects
SpliTech 2023 - 8th International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Technologies -  June 20-23, Split and Bol (Island of Brac), Croatia webpage: SpliTech is a scientific and professional conference with an industry/entrepreneur forum that discusses topics related to: - IoT - Smart City/Environment - e-Health - RFID - Energy - Engineering Modeling Besides sending for inclusion in IEEE Xplore, authors of accepted papers will be invited to extend their papers for further possible publication in SCI/CC journal: Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects Link to the journal


评论了 Summer/Winter schools
Chip Designer Internship  The goal of this training is to dive deep into how modern technology computer systems are designed, seen from a low-level design perspective. The training is packed in a 3-month internship where you will learn the HDL-based designs that are highly used in one of the most popular industries(automotive, machine learning, and artificial intelligence)! After the successful completion of the internship, there’s the opportunity for employment at IT Labs and hands-on work on a real international project!


评论了 Postdoctoral Fellowship
A postdoctoral position in computer science   Université du Québec en Outaouais, Canada, under the supervision of Prof. Andrzej Pelc. Requirements: * Ph.D. in Computer Science or Mathematics obtained between June 1, 2020 and May 31, 2023                         * Strong academic background in algorithms and graph theory.                         * Strong research record and potential in one or more of the following domains:                         - design and analysis of combinatorial algorithms                         - algorithmic aspects of distributed and parallel computing                         - algorithms for interconnection networks                         - algorithmic aspects of fault tolerance Duties:        Research in the above areas. NO teaching duties. Knowledge of French is NOT necessary. Duration:     12 months Beginning:   October 2023 (flexible) Stipend:       $45 000 per year (Canadian dollars). Location:     The Université du Québec en Outaouais in Gatineau, across the river from Ottawa.  Applications including a detailed CV (with e-mail address), a statement of research interests, a complete list of publications, an abstract of Ph.D. Thesis and reprints (preprints) of 2 best papers should be sent in a zipped file (.zip) by e-mail to Please arrange to have three letters of reference sent directly to the same e-mail address. Deadline for applications and reference letters is March 1, 2023. Further information about the Research Chair in Distributed Computing, and about topics related to prospective postdoctoral research of the successful candidate can be obtained at: and


评论了 Digital transformation of society
Luxembourg launches open source chat for officials and citizens.  Luxchat services are a result of the country's Ministry of Digitalisation bundle of projects that drive the nation's data security and digital sovereignty. Ranking third in delivery of eGovernment among European countries, Luxembourg has a long history of using open source. Luxchat uses Matrix open standard and protocol for real-time communication. The Matrix specification is built for interoperable, decentralized, and secure message exchange. Luxembourg follows the German armed forces and healthcare, French Government, and multiple Swedish public sector actors in implementing a Matrix-based system.