Aleksandar Karadimce

Macedonia University St. Paul the Apostle - Ohrid


评论了 Environmental Science
This video is about applying AI technologies to empower smart city development. The speaker, Jinang from China Unicon, discusses how AI can improve various aspects of city life, including public services, transportation, and safety. Jinang outlines four important goals for smart city development: Inclusiveness: AI solutions should be designed to be accessible and beneficial to all residents, regardless of age, ability, or socioeconomic status. Safety: AI can be used to improve public safety by automating tasks such as traffic accident detection and emergency response. Resilience: AI can be used to make cities more resilient to natural disasters and other disruptions. Sustainability: AI can be used to optimize resource use and promote environmental sustainability.


评论了 An Overview of Data Warehouse and Data Lake in Modern Enterprise Data Management
The article discusses data warehouses and data lakes. It highlights the challenges of storing big data and explores two common storage solutions: data warehouses and data lakes. Data warehouses store structured, filtered data for specific purposes, while data lakes store raw, unfiltered data. Businesses can choose between cloud-based or on-premises storage for their data warehouse. Some important considerations for designing a data warehouse include user needs, data modelling, and choosing a standard architecture.


评论了 Pulse Pattern Optimization Based on Brute Force Method for Medium-Voltage Three-Level NPC Converter with Active Front End
This research proposes a new method for optimizing pulse patterns in a 3-level NPC Active Front-End (AFE) converter using Selective Harmonic Elimination (SHE-PWM). Unlike other techniques, this Brute-Force (BF) approach tackles two goals: eliminating unwanted low-order harmonics while minimizing specific higher-order ones. It also considers practical limitations like minimum switching times and maintaining a smooth pulse pattern. Compared to other methods, the BF algorithm achieves better results in reducing higher-order harmonics and following constraints. Finally, successful implementation in a low-voltage converter setup validates the approach, suggesting its potential for future use in medium-voltage systems.


评论了 AI & your research work
AI-driven lawtech startups. It discusses legal tech and the rise of alternative legal services. AI startups are transforming due diligence, legal document scanning, and predictive analytics. Some fear job losses in the legal sector, but others believe AI will make lawyers more efficient. See how they are


评论了 Clustering of nonstationary data streams: A survey of fuzzy partitional methods
This research explores using fuzzy models for clustering constantly changing data (data streams). While fuzzy models aren't perfect (adapting to data shifts and rejecting outliers can be tricky), some methods within this framework can continuously cluster data streams. The possibilistic model shows particular promise. With proper training, it can track changes in the data while staying resistant to outliers, making it robust for this task.


评论了 AI models & tools ChatGPT, Bing, Gemini
Ada Lovelace's reimagination is about a live performance using generative AI to tell a story. The speaker, Marco Tempest, uses a laptop and a camera to create a real-time storytelling collaboration with AI. The story is about Ada Lovelace, a mathematician and visionary who believed that machines could be used to create art. The video offers a comprehensive explanation.


评论了 Genetic algorithms for clustering and fuzzy clustering
This research explores genetic clustering methods for classifying satellite images. It compares fixed and automatic cluster number approaches, focusing on a method using "centre-based chromosomes." While effective, this method favours simple-shaped clusters. The paper proposes future directions: Symmetry-aware distance measures for better cluster identification. Addressing computational challenges in high-dimensional data. Applying fuzzy clustering for more robust classification, especially for pixels with uncertain class membership (common at image boundaries).


评论了 AI in education, teaching, learning
Giga uses AI and machine learning to identify schools in satellite imagery. They are able to achieve over 90% accuracy using this method.


评论了 Scattering universality classes of side jump in the anomalous Hall effect
This research examines how the arrangement of disordered spins affects a specific electrical property called anomalous Hall conductivity. They propose three distinct categories for scattering processes based on their influence on this conductivity. Each category has a unique signature. When a material experiences multiple types of scattering, the overall effect depends on the relative strengths of each. The study emphasizes that this classification scheme can be applied to various scattering mechanisms found in real materials. Interestingly, they discovered that magnon scattering (a specific type) has a different impact than typical impurity or phonon scattering. Additionally, this influence can be adjusted by factors like temperature.


评论了 Artificial Intelligence in Finance
Financial inclusion through AI Finda leverages AI to promote financial inclusion, aligning with the UN's goal of economic growth for all. Their AI helps underserved individuals access loans by streamlining the process. This talk will explore the challenges and successes of such inclusive financial services, along with Finda's vision for a future where everyone has access to financial resources.


评论了 Quantum Computing
Consider IonQ if you're looking to explore the potential of quantum computing. This US-based company offers access to trapped-ion quantum computers through a cloud platform. This means you can run programs on their powerful machines without needing the physical hardware. IonQ goes beyond just hardware, though. They understand the importance of education and provide various resources and workshops to help users understand and leverage the capabilities of quantum computing. Visit their website ( to learn more and see if IonQ's cloud-based trapped-ion technology can accelerate your quantum computing endeavours.


评论了 Anomaly detection in large-scale data stream networks
Large-scale data mining often faces a roadblock: collecting all the data can be impossible due to limitations like bandwidth or processing power. This research tackles this problem specifically for anomaly detection, where spotting unusual patterns is crucial.  The authors propose a framework inspired by compressed sensing. They use random projections to shrink the data while keeping its essential characteristics. This compressed data allows them to detect anomalies directly, bypassing the need to collect everything. This approach is particularly useful for large sensor networks where complete data acquisition might be impractical. The researchers tested their method extensively using network data and even real surveillance footage from train stations. The results are promising: the method is not only scalable but also performs competitively with traditional anomaly detection techniques with complete data access. This suggests a valuable approach for anomaly detection in situations where complete data collection is a challenge.


评论了 Journal Publishing
Journal Targeter is a free and open-source web application designed to assist researchers in finding suitable journals to publish their manuscripts. It accomplishes this by searching for relevant journals based on the manuscript's title, abstract, and references. The tool was created by the Townsend Lab, and the source code is freely available on GitHub for anyone to inspect or modify.


评论了 AI in education, teaching, learning
The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence: A Critical Look Thinking about the ethical implications of Artificial Intelligence (AI)? This video, part of a playlist on AI advancements (, delves into this critical topic. The speaker likely explores ethical considerations surrounding AI development and use, such as bias, transparency, and accountability. The discussion might also touch on potential risks and how to ensure AI is developed and implemented responsibly. This video is a valuable resource for anyone interested in the future of AI and the ethical considerations we must address.


评论了 AI influence on labour, work, (un)employment
Open Hardware Manuals — Automatically generate user-friendly documentation for open hardware elements. Imagine building furniture where the instructions update themselves whenever a design changes! This project aims to do just that for open-source hardware. It will create a software tool that automatically generates user-friendly instructions, including 3D models, assembly guides, and graphics based on the designer's input. These instructions will be constantly updated, available in different languages, and easily shared. This game-changer for open-hardware projects allows them to adapt to different needs while keeping the documentation clear and up-to-date. No more struggling with outdated manuals – these instructions will keep pace with the ever-evolving designs!