Aleksandar Karadimce

Macedonia University St. Paul the Apostle - Ohrid

The power of social media tools in connecting researchers and practitioners
social media collaboration dissemination promotion
作者: A. Karadimce
发表期刊: COST ENIS Virtual Summer School
Social media platforms have emerged as dynamic channels that bridge the gap between researchers and practitioners, enabling effective communication, collaboration, and information dissemination. Researchers and practitioners worldwide can connect, exchange ideas, and collaborate on projects without physical proximity. Platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, and ResearchGate allow professionals to showcase their work, share insights, and engage in meaningful discussions. These tools facilitate the rapid spread of knowledge and foster community among individuals with shared interests and expertise. Social media tools also offer a platform for researchers to stay updated with the latest advancements and trends in their respective fields. Professionals can access real-time information, research articles, case studies, and practical insights by following relevant hashtags, groups, and influential profiles. This enhances their ability to make informed decisions, implement evidence-based practices, and contribute to the growth of their disciplines. Its expanded reach enhances the impact and relevance of its work, making it more accessible and actionable. They can reach out to policymakers, industry professionals, and the general public, promoting their research findings, advocating for change, and addressing societal challenges. In conclusion, it highlights the transformative power of social media tools in the research community. It emphasizes the importance of researchers and practitioners embracing them to improve collaboration, innovation, and impact in their respective fields.
Threats Targeting Children on Online Social Networks
作者: -
Tools for Analytics and Cognition for Crowd Journalism Application
Social media Guided analytics Sharing economy Engagement rate
作者: N. Paunkoska Dimoska, A. Hristov, A. Karadimce, N. Marina, M. Sefidanoski
发表期刊: LN of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering
Businesses and service consumers should take advantage of social media’s ability to adapt their marketing campaigns to achieve a long-term strategic advantage. Setting quantitative and attainable expectations is critical to the progress of every marketing or business endeavour. The development of tools for analytics and cognition (TAC) is essential for customers and providers to increase productivity and inject intelligent insights into operational and mission-critical social media businesses through driven analytics. In this paper, the developed tools provide guided analytics software for intelligent aggregation, cognition and interactive visualization with a monitoring dashboard for concrete crowd journalism use cases. The provider receives an approach to a guided analytic dashboard filled with meaningful business visualization predictions. Among the other things, he can inspect the quantitative metrics for a sharing economy and estimate stakeholders’ channel monetization as a new innovative quantified value by engaging users with trusted content. TAC uses this principle of engagement rate measurements and provides visualization insights for stakeholders to choose the right track for boosting their business.
The ARTICONF approach to decentralized car-sharing
social media blockchain decentralization car-sharing
作者: Nishant Saurabh, Carlos Rubia, Anandakumar Palanisamy, Spiros Koulouzis, Mirsat Sefidanoski, Antorweep Chakravorty, Zhiming Zhao, Aleksandar Karadimce, Radu Prodan
Social media applications are essential for next generation connectivity. Today, social media are centralized platforms with a single proprietary organization controlling the network and posing critical trust and governance issues over the created and propagated content. The ARTICONF project [1] funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 program researches a decentralized social media platform based on a novel set of trustworthy, resilient and globally sustainable tools that address privacy, robustness and autonomy-related promises that proprietary social media platforms have failed to deliver so far. This paper presents the ARTICONF approach to a car-sharing decentralized application (DApp) use case, as a new collaborative peer-to-peer model providing an alternative solution to private car ownership. We describe a prototype implementation of the car-sharing social media DApp and illustrate through real snapshots how the different ARTICONF tools support it in a simulated scenario.
Social Data Analytics for Enhancing the Collaborative Economy
Return on Collaboration Return on Investment Social Media Data Analytic
作者: Mirsat Sefidanoski; Atanas Hristov; Aleksandar Karadimce; Natasha Paunkoska Dimoska; Ninoslav Marina
发表期刊: 2021 5th International Symposium on Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Technologies (ISMSIT)
Focusing on the data-driven analytics and its effects on paid services providers can potentially reverse-engineer break-even rates, expected Return on Investment (ROI), and performance timelines. Traditional centralised social networking analytics and metrics can estimate the expected number of customers using well-established vendor-specific revenue assurance tools. They include a systematic approach of incorporating social, environmental, economic, and other values into standard decision-making processes. The challenge appears when the decentralised social media stakeholders come into the game. Then they need to find unified metrics to measure the achievement of social impact relying on three primary performance indicators: appropriateness, efficiency and effectiveness. This paper presents the idea of adding social collaboration term to increase impact within the industry and the effectiveness of tactics and strategies among multiple people, groups or departments. The decision making process related to the revenues will thus benefit from this newly defined metric called Return on Collaboration (ROC). Measuring the ROC provides users with real-time cost per engagement analyses, allowing them to define their specific business application success indicators. The traditional ROI calculates the gain or loss of a given investment. On the other hand, ROC measures the "improvement" resulting from a monetary expenditure in collaboration and the innovative ROC model facilitates user collaboration and revenue growth. As a result, providers can assess the effect of social media services and technologies.
Cloud - Edge Offloading Model for Vehicular Traffic Analysis
作者: Dragi Kimovski, Dijana C. Bogatinoska, Narges Mehran, Aleksandar Karadimce, Natasa Paunkoska, Radu Prodan, Ninoslav Marina
Guided Analytics Software for Smart Aggregation, Cognition and Interactive Visualisation
Guided analytics Data aggregation Geospatial Temporal
作者: A. Karadimce, N. Paunkoska (Dimoska), D. Capeska Bogatinoska, N. Marina, and A. Nandal
发表期刊: Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021
The development of tools that improve efficiency and inject intelligent insights into social media businesses through guided analytics is crucial for consumers, prosumers, and business markets. These tools enable contextualised socially aware and spatial-temporal data aggre-gation, knowledge extraction, cognitive learning about users' behaviour, and risk quantification for business markets. The proposed Tools for Ana-lytics and Cognition framework will provide a tool-set of guided analytics software for smart aggregation, cognition and interactive visualisation with a monitoring dashboard. The aggregation, monitoring, cognitive reasoning, and learning modules will analyse the behaviour and engagement of the social media actors, diagnose performance risks and provide guided analytics to consumers, prosumers and application providers to improve collaboration and revenues, using the established Pareto-trust model. This framework will provide a seamless coupling with distributed blockchain-based services for early alert, real-time tracking and updated data triggers for reach and engagement analysis of events. Moreover, this will allow users to analyse, control and track their Return on Investment to enhance monetary inclusion in collaborative social media.
Tools for Analytics and Cognition Framework for a Car-Sharing Use Case
Guided Analytics Data Aggregation Microservices Social Media
作者: A. Karadimce, D. Capeska Bogatinoska, M. Sefidanoski, N. Paunkoska Dimoska, N. Marina
发表期刊: 2020 43rd International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology (MIPRO)
The development of tools that can improve efficiency and inject intelligent insights into operational and mission-critical social media businesses through guided analytics is crucial for consumers, prosumers, and business markets. These tools will provide contextualised socially aware and spatial-temporal data aggregation, knowledge extraction, cognitive learning about users` behaviour, and risk quantification for the car-sharing use case. The proposed Tools for Analytics and Cognition (TAC) framework will provide a tool-set of guided analytics software for smart aggregation, cognition and interactive visualisation with a monitoring dashboard for the car-sharing use cases. The proposed TAC framework uses the dashboard to visually analyse the behaviour and engagement of the social media actors, diagnose performance risks and provide guided analytics to consumer prosumers and application providers to improve collaboration and revenues, using the established car-sharing qualitative mapping model. This framework has supplied a seamless coupling with distributed blockchain-based services for early alert, real-time tracking and updated data triggers for reach and engagement analysis of car-sharing events. Moreover, the TAC framework will allow car-sharing providers to analyse, control and track their investment to enhance monetary inclusion in the collaborative social media ecosystem.
ARTICONF: Towards a Smart Social Media Ecosystem in a Blockchain Federated Environment
Decentralized social media Cloud and edge computing Trust Privacy
作者: R. Prodan, N. Saurabh, Z. Zhao, K. O. Johnson, A. Chakravorty, A. Karadimce and A. Ulisses
发表期刊: Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020
The ARTICONF project funded by the European Horizon 2020 program addresses issues of trust, time-criticality and democratisation for a new generation of federated infrastructure, to fulfil the privacy, robustness, and autonomy related promises critical in proprietary social media platforms. It aims to: (1) simplify the creation of open and agile social media ecosystem with trusted participation using a two stage permissioned blockchain; (2) automatically detect interest groups and communities using graph anonymization techniques for decentralised and tokenized decision-making and reasoning; (3) elastically autoscale timecritical social media applications through an adaptive orchestrated Cloud edge-based infrastructure meeting application runtime requirements; and (4) enhance monetary inclusion in collaborative models through cognition and knowledge supply chains. We summarize the initial envisaged architecture of the ARTICONF ecosystem, the industrial pilot use cases for validating it, and the planned innovations compared to related other European research projects.
Towards smart social media ecosystem in a blockchain federated environment
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发表期刊: Zenodo