Wai Lo

United States UConn


评论了 Journal Impact Factors--A Relic of the Pre-digital Age?
It would be helpful if the hub owner could give us more information (or webinar) about how to avoid a predatory journal. Because there are so many out there.


评论了 Conferences 2023-2024
To the Hub Captain: It would be nice if you could give us more information (or webinar) about how to avoid a predatory conference. Because there are so many out there.


评论了 Synthesis of novel arylbitetrazole-based energetic materials
While the synthesis and application of nitrogen-rich heterocyclic compounds, especially as HEDMs, offer promising avenues for various industries, they also come with concerns and challenges, primarily revolving around safety and environmental impact. Addressing these effectively is crucial for the sustainable advancement of this field.


评论了 Female representation in STEM across geographic regions
Barriers to female representation in STEM can range from societal and cultural expectations, lack of role models, biases in the educational system, to workplace challenges such as discrimination or lack of family-friendly policies. While many regions have acknowledged the importance of addressing this gender gap and have implemented initiatives to promote women in STEM, much work remains to achieve true equity.


评论了 A Novel Coccidioides Antibody LFA - Editors in Conversation
Just learn a bit more, a study that seeks to improve and modernize its diagnostic methods will undoubtedly benefit both individual patients and the broader public health community.


评论了 Conferences 2023-2024
Found this list: https://www.allconferencealert.com/united-states-of-america.html Not sure how many of these are predatory conferences.


评论了 Targeting p35/Cdk5 Signalling via CIP-Peptide Promotes Angiogenesis in Hypoxia
Cdk5 plays a crucial role in cellular movement and angiogenesis, especially in hypoxic conditions, by influencing the actin-cytoskeleton dynamics and partnering with the activator, p35. Disrupting Cdk5's activity leads to impaired cell movement and angiogenesis, while its coordination with p35 is vital for successful blood vessel formation in low oxygen environments.


评论了 Effects of p35 Mutations Associated with Mental Retardation on the Cellular Function of p35-CDK5
Mutations in the p35 gene have been linked to nonsyndromic mental retardation. However, after studying the biochemical impact of these mutations on p35's functions and its effect on neurons, researchers found no significant difference compared to the normal p35, suggesting these mutations are unlikely to be the cause of mental retardation.


评论了 Beyond the Stereotypes: Understanding OCD
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a mental health condition characterized by persistent, intrusive thoughts (obsessions) and repetitive behaviors or mental acts (compulsions) that a person feels driven to perform in response to these obsessions. Understanding OCD and debunking its common misconceptions is essential for promoting mental health awareness and providing appropriate support for those affected by it.


评论了 Hot and Bothered: Current issues in climate-related health and what geoscience is doing about it
Good topic as climate change has been increasingly recognized as a significant threat to public health. The direct and indirect effects of climate change influence a wide range of health outcomes, from infectious diseases to mental health.


评论了 CT Technology: The Early Years
This webinar has been removed!


评论了 Diagnostic Tools for EoE: Esophageal String Test | APFED Eos Support Webinar Series
The introduction of unscheduled endoscopy and innovative monitoring options, such as the esophageal string test, represents a positive step forward in the management of eosinophilic disorders.


评论了 Panel Discussion: Making the Move from Academia to Industry
I think one of the key challenges when making this transition is adapting to a different work environment and culture.


评论了 Unlocking the Power of AI in Language Learning
Interesting talk. The synergy between AI and language learning offers exciting possibilities for learners of all backgrounds. As technology continues to advance, the future of language education promises to be more efficient, accessible, and tailored to individual needs, ultimately bringing the world closer together through the power of language.


评论了 The 10 Countries with the Most Nobel Laureates
The United States has historically had a strong showing in the Nobel Prizes across various categories.