Neil Morte

United States Georgia Southern University


评论了 Experience of isolation and quarantine hotels for COVID-19 in Hawaii
This approach is very comprehensive and thinks about the population, capacity, and effects on more than the physical effects of the spread.


评论了 A new year, but familiar challenges from COVID-19 in the USA
This is very interesting as we see progress, but also setbacks and how we have come so far, but still a lot to address.


评论了 A Large‐Scale Experiment to Evaluate Control of Invasive Muskrats
Is the muskrat invasive in other areas of the world where control efforts are taking place or being planned?


评论了 Preservation Assistance Grants for Smaller Institutions
For this year: Application due January 13, 2022 Expected notification date August 31, 2022 Project start date September 1, 2022 Up to 18 months period of performance


评论了 Predicting Grocery Store Visits During the Early Outbreak of COVID-19 with Machine Learning
We saw the chaos at the beginning. It makes sense a larger household had to shop more frequently especially when resources were used up quicker during lockdown. Definitely online shopping increased as you would see more workers gather items for people to pick up or get delivered. From a consumer perspective, seems like things are normal, but there is a wider variety of ways we go about it now in terms of frequency, what we buy, how much we buy, and precautions we take as we shop.


评论了 Ten-Year Mortality and Cardiovascular Morbidity in the Finnish Diabetes Prevention Study—Secondary Analysis of the Randomized Trial
Well done study. Impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) should be stated what it stands for in the abstract. Effective discussion of results regarding statistical power and differences between groups. Displays what can be done for further research.


评论了 Transformational Project Award
Late January and March, there are short webinars to discuss more awards!


评论了 Prediction of Offensive Possession Ends in Elite Basketball Teams
Analytics have become a huge addition to sports and definitely has space for growth in situational and strategic play. It can also be deterrent when relied upon too heavily as randomness or heterogeneous events take place.


评论了 Influence of Fatigue on Some Kinematic Parameters of Basketball Passing
As a basketball player, it was important to run things at game speed and when that fatigue sets in, we are ready for that. Fatigue definitely has an influence on technique, but that effort compensates for some of that.


评论了 Veterinary allergy information has lower health readability than human allergy information: a comparative analysis of allergy education materials for pets and people
Readability is critical. Just as we learn about our own health, layperson language is so important for understanding ideas that have complexity to be understood easier.


评论了 The Experience of Teleworking with Dogs and Cats in the United States during COVID-19
In my experience, more positives than negatives being a new dog owner and working from home. Now that things are progressing, we can see how things are changing now and how experiences are if they are similar or different prior to the pandemic. Or a version of what the new normal is. Good research!


评论了 A 2-year longitudinal study of bone health in adolescent patients with axial spondyloarthritis
Very well done longitudinal study utilizing multivariate linear regression. By looking at those predictors, bone health can be addressed closer over the time period.


评论了 Fueling the Covid-19 pandemic: summer school holidays and incidence rates in German districts
We see this with seasons changing and behavior changing during the holidays where there is higher risk for exposure.


评论了 Effects of Exercise Training during Christmas on Body Weight and Cardiometabolic Health in Overweight Individuals
Only men were included in the study. Sample of 38. It would be interesting to look at other major holidays especially Thanksgiving where that can show effects similar to Christmas.