Neil Morte

United States Georgia Southern University


评论了 Health Care Workers and Researchers Traveling to Developing‐World Clinical Settings: Disease Transmission Risk and Mitigation
This should be a continuous conversation with lending aid and care in different places. There has to be protocols in place to ensure risks are mitigated when traveling all over where there are endemic diseases, etc.


评论了 Production, Consumption, and Potential Public Health Impact of Low- and No-Alcohol Products: Results of a Scoping Review
Interesting to see this scoping review. Sounds like there are more options of the low to no alcohol, which can be a driver to buying those, personal preference. More research seems to be needed on what the actual impacts are and that can take some time. But good to see what publications are out there then doing systematic reviews or new studies to drive policy eventually.


评论了 COVID-19 or not COVID-19? Compared characteristics of patients hospitalized for suspected COVID-19
Great paper to compare characteristics especially when illnesses present similarly. With tests and other comorbidities, this presents those comparisons.


评论了 3D Virtual worlds and the metaverse
Very interesting to see the evolvement and how the future possibilities discussed are essentially coming to fruition.


评论了 Virtual Reference Environments: a simple way to make research reproducible
Replicating results is the way to advance research. I think it makes sense for this to be a requirement for publication. It may take a little more time, but it can be better than finding out results cannot be reproduced and take us many steps back instead of continuing to advance.


评论了 Understanding Future Leaders: How Are Personal Values of Generations Y and Z Tailored to Leadership in Industry 4.0?
With what states a poor fit, things can be addressed earlier to create that sustainable workplace where these ideals and values can coexist.


评论了 The Influence of Media and Psychological Factors on Preventive Hand Cleaning Behavior in the Pandemic of COVID-19 Among Chinese Adults
I could not access the article or abstract, but based on the title, I can only imagine it would ramp up behaviors of washing hands and taking on caution. I think more so in other countries versus the US, they take more caution when it comes to health and germ spreading, etc. Masks were more normative in other places and I think the media would only create concern to which it makes a person want to partake in protective behaviors.


评论了 Sex bias in trials and treatment must end
In the decade since, is there equality in research? At least more so? This is an important discussion as this creates a huge disparity in care, research, etc.


评论了 [Comment] Treatment strategies to fight the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2: A challenge for a Rubik's Cube solver
We have certainly progressed and come far from this with new challenges being solved time and again through research, treatment, testing, and real life workings.


评论了 Physical Activity, Television Watching, And Health Related Physical Fitness In Children With Obesity
Could not locate paper, but there are many papers similar to this in previous years. We know technology takes a lot of attention away from doing other activities. I wonder if the association would be linear or have more variation to it.


评论了 Cost-effectiveness of a Digital Health Intervention for Acute Myocardial Infarction Recovery
A cost benefit where benefit is very clear. This is certainly how we should analyze an intervention and if the benefit is there financially and for health outcomes, very effective.


评论了 Promoting stroke awareness through short movies and film festivals
Movies and shows are amazing mediums to promote causes especially health. Informative, raising awareness to think about our lives and what we can consider for our own health.


评论了 What is new in computer vision and artificial intelligence in medical image analysis applications
I was curious as it relates to sensitivity and specificity with machine and deep learning for skin lesions. Showing what deep learning serves as a solution, I wonder how accurate decisions are for other conditions.


评论了 Revisiting the 2014-15 Disneyland measles outbreak and its influence on pediatric vaccinations
I lived in California most of my life and I remember this was huge back then. I did not realize it has been that many years. But it is outbreaks like this that seems to have a more positive impact when it comes to the discussion of vaccination. It is certainly different than how it is today. But the measles vaccine was created in the early 1960's so that certainly makes a difference in confidence.


评论了 Clinical consequences of COVID-19 lockdown in patients with COPD: results of a pre-post study in Spain
Curious as to how things have/will fluctuate when in lockdown and not. Less exposure to the outside world and any exacerbation such as pollution and other particles is nothing but beneficial.