Neil Morte

United States Georgia Southern University


评论了 Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Profile
I have heard about the foundation for many years and they continue to produce so much funding in many areas to address challenges and benefit many in different ways.


评论了 Shared decision-making for renal replacement treatment and illness perception in patients with advanced chronic kidney disease
Patient centered care is necessary because their perceptions should be made more important to ensure the right plan of action is done along with the knowledge of healthcare providers.


评论了 Extreme Heat & Early Childhood Development
This is so important especially with summer time and the amount of time spent outside during those periods and educating on the difference it is for them compared to adults. This is also a discussion on environmental changes.


评论了 Artificial Intelligence-Based Vociferation Chatbot for Emergency Health Assistant
I think this is a perfect application where I see AI being supplemental in situations such as an emergency and lending guidance.


评论了 Yoga Research
Has there been any research done in regards to the benefits and associations between yoga and specific health outcomes?


评论了 statistical analysis
What kind of statistical package/program would be considered most widely used globally?


评论了 Contributions of Tasks With Different Cognitive Load to High School Students’ In-Class Physical Activity
I can see how that get the students up and active when more thinking is involved. It really can be a catalyst and spark for them.


评论了 Is sleep a barrier to physical activity practice?
Sleep is so important to function and from personal experience and hearing what athletes express about sleep, it is critical to be able to perform at one's best. The fact that 1/3 of the world adult population does not follow WHO guidelines on physical activity and get enough sleep and that needs to improve as we know about associations with other health outcomes.


评论了 Socioeconomic Status and Diet Quality in Children With and Without Food Allergy
It goes back to the issue of food access as the healthier options are more expensive, so we can see the association between SES and healthier diets. However, with allergies in the picture, that can narrow options and there can be similarity between SES groups.


评论了 Prevalence and Severity of Food Insecurity Before and During the coronavirus disease-2019 Pandemic Among Adults and Youth in Australia, Canada, Chile, Mexico, the United Kingdom, and the United States
Food insecurity is such a big issue and it sounds like the response especially during the pandemic ensured people that have access continued to have that, but there was still an issue for those at-risk.


评论了 Life in space: habitability in our solar system and beyond
This is so intriguing and seeing the many layers for the potential future. This webinar gives a sense of the challenges and methods to how this can be a reality.


评论了 Exploring Public Trust in Drug Repurposing
Good to see the reception overall, but education is big in order to addressing any fears and building confidence towards the benefits of repurposing in the future.


评论了 Technology Development to Reduce Health Disparities (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)
For new and renewal applications, due date is January 21, 2025. This is a great funding source to leverage technologies to address health disparities. Examples include, but are not limited to: Physical Barriers factors such as proximity to healthcare facilities and transportation may limit access to healthcare Knowledge Barriers health literacy and language barriers can inhibit healthcare delivery, as well as a lack of patient information for the healthcare provider Infrastructure Barriers rural hospitals and community health centers may not have the same resources and expertise of large hospitals, and may not be able to afford advanced medical technologies Economic Barriers lack of internet access, insurance coverage or financial resources may also contribute to disparities in healthcare access Cultural Barriers religious beliefs and social customs often deter certain populations from seeking healthcare


评论了 The Impact of a Messenger-Based Psychosocial Chat Counseling Service on Further Help-Seeking Among Children and Young Adults: Longitudinal Study
This demonstrates the snowball effect of receiving help and how that can self empower to seek additional help and maintain that for the future.


评论了 Therapist Voices on a Youth Mental Health Pilot: Responsiveness to Diversity and Therapy Modality
This type of study helps to identify those gaps in training and what to fulfill in terms of competency, especially when working with diverse and/or underserved communities.