Public Administration

Article Management

Does politicization influence senior public officials' work attitudes? Different forms and effects of politicization in the civil service

Hyunjung Kim, Haeil Jung, Sun Young Kim

Summary: Political intervention in civil service staffing, lack of policy influence, and interference in managerial activities by political actors have negative effects on the work attitudes of senior public officials, with politicians' disrespect for bureaucratic expertise having the largest impact.


Article Public Administration

Policy styles and political trust in Europe's national responses to the COVID-19 crisis

Nikolaos Zahariadis, Evangelia Petridou, Theofanis Exadaktylos, Jorgen Sparf

Summary: This article comparatively investigates the effects of policy styles on the responses to the COVID-19 crisis in Greece and Sweden, and argues that political trust and policy styles determine national responses, ranging from centralization to decentralization. The combination of policy styles and political trust raises questions about the role of experts in shaping pandemic responses.


Article Environmental Studies

Assessing the rapidly-emerging landscape of net zero targets

Thomas Hale, Stephen M. Smith, Richard Black, Kate Cullen, Byron Fay, John Lang, Saba Mahmood

Summary: In the five years since the Paris Agreement, achieving net zero emissions has become a defining frame for climate action. However, among over 4000 countries, companies, and subnational governments, only 152 have set net zero targets that meet minimum criteria for robustness. The implementation of net zero targets is still in its infancy, and there is a need for policymakers to prioritize making these targets more robust in order to deliver Paris-consistent action and secure more ambitious goals.


Article Management

From recovery resilience to transformative resilience: How digital platforms reshape public service provision during and post COVID-19

Yongdong Shen, Yuan (Daniel) Cheng, Jianxing Yu

Summary: This paper investigates the role of government-sponsored digital platforms in facilitating the transition from recovery resilience to transformative resilience during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. The study focuses on the case of the Weijiayuan platform in Jiaxing City, China and identifies four key conditions for enabling this transition: adopting and experimenting with digital platforms, achieving a critical mass of users, incentivizing coproduction of public services, and establishing accountability mechanisms for government responsiveness.


Article Public Administration

The Expectancy-Disconfirmation Model and Citizen Satisfaction with Public Services: A Meta-analysis and an Agenda for Best Practice

Jiasheng Zhang, Wenna Chen, Nicolai Petrovsky, Richard M. Walker

Summary: The expectancy-disconfirmation model is the predominant approach in explaining citizen satisfaction with public services, with satisfaction occurring when perceived performance meets or exceeds expectations. While the model is supported across studies, research design choices impact results and the scope of public services examined is not comprehensive. Best practice recommendations for future research are made to improve measurement of citizen satisfaction.


Article Political Science

Layering Action Situations to Integrate Spatial Scales, Resource Linkages, and Change over Time: The Case of Groundwater Management in Agricultural Hubs in Germany(sic)(sic)(sic)Palabras Clave

Malte Moeck, Colette S. Vogeler, Nils C. Bandelow, Boris Schroeder

Summary: This paper contributes to the integration of studying multiple spatial scales, resource systems, and points in time in natural resource governance by introducing the strategy of layering action situations. The approach of complementing established action situations with new ones derived from case evolution enables scholars to track institutional change within and beyond the initial action situation. An example of groundwater pollution in a German region of intensive livestock farming is used to illustrate this approach.


Article Political Science

Target-setting, political incentives, and the tricky trade-off between economic development and environmental protection

Juan Du, Hongtao Yi

Summary: This article examines the relationship between economic development and environmental protection, particularly focusing on how economic growth targets shape environmental performance. The study finds a trade-off between economic development and environmental performance, but suggests that this relationship can transition to a complementary one when environmental performance is included in evaluations. Through analyzing Chinese cities' data, the authors confirm this relationship and emphasize the role of political incentives in local leaders' actions.


Article Public Administration

Administrative Burden: Untangling a Bowl of Conceptual Spaghetti

Martin Baekgaard, Tara Tankink

Summary: Administrative burdens in citizen-state interactions are gaining attention, but there is still considerable disagreement on how to conceptualize and measure them. This disagreement has diverted focus from studying the process of state actions into individual outcomes. Bridging the conceptual gap and developing the foundation of administrative burden research will help ask new research questions and build cumulative knowledge.


Article Political Science

The essence of democratic backsliding in the European Union: deliberation and rule of law

Anna Gora, Pieter de Wilde

Summary: This paper analyzes recent trends of democratic backsliding within the European Union, with a focus on the deterioration of the quality of deliberation as its core. The differences in deliberation among EU member states and its recent deterioration are also highlighted.


Article Political Science

Work, family, Fatherland: the political economy of populism in central and Eastern Europe

Mitchell A. Orenstein, Bojan Bugaric

Summary: Since 2008, Hungary and Poland have developed a distinctive populist economic program, which has begun to spread to other Central and East European Countries (CEECs). This article develops a theory of the political economy of populism in CEECs, arguing that these countries' dependence on foreign capital constrained them to follow (neo)liberal economic policies.


Article Public Administration

Kafka's Bureaucracy: Immigration Administrative Burdens in the Trump Era

Donald Moynihan, Julie Gerzina, Pamela Herd

Summary: This article discusses the deliberate use of administrative burdens in immigration policy during the Trump administration to make legal processes confusing and demanding. It highlights the importance of previously understudied processes such as memos and training in policy-making. The case challenges the standard portrayal of the principal-agent dilemma and reveals a system of racialized burdens and the use of fear as a psychological cost.


Article Public Administration

Investigating the causality between financial inclusion, financial development and sustainable development in Sub-Saharan Africa economies: The mediating role of foreign direct investment

Jamiu Adetola Odugbesan, George Ike, Gbolahan Olowu, Bosede Ngozi Adeleye

Summary: This study investigates the causal relationship between financial development, financial inclusion, foreign direct investment (FDI), and sustainable development in Sub-Saharan African economies. The findings suggest that there is bidirectional causality between financial inclusion and FDI, as well as between financial development and FDI. Additionally, there is a unidirectional causality from FDI towards sustainable development and resource rents. It is recommended that policymakers in Sub-Saharan Africa focus on optimizing financial development to enhance the potential benefits for sustainable development in the region.


Article Public Administration

Value Creation in the Public Service Ecosystem: An Integrative Framework

Stephen P. Osborne, Madeline Powell, Tie Cui, Kirsty Strokosch

Summary: This article develops the concept of the public service ecosystem by exploring its dimensions and inter-relationships at various levels, including institutional, service, individual, and beliefs levels. It integrates service management and marketing theory with public administration and management theory to comprehensively analyze value and value creation within the ecosystem.


Article Law

The algorithmic regulation of security: An infrastructural perspective

Rocco Bellanova, Marieke de Goede

Summary: This article contributes to the debates on algorithmic regulation in the context of security. It examines the implementation of algorithmic regulation through analyzing the transatlantic data infrastructures of the EU-U.S. Passenger Name Records and Terrorism Financing Tracking Program programs. The article explores how specific data are rendered transferable and meaningful in a security context and examines the integration of public values into international data infrastructures. Additionally, it highlights the emergence of new modes of standard setting and questions the practical effects of operationalizing public values through infrastructural choices.


Article Public Administration

Working Within a System of Administrative Burden: How Street-Level Bureaucrats' Role Perceptions Shape Access to the Promise of Higher Education

Elizabeth Bell, Kylie Smith

Summary: Through a statewide survey and administrative data, it was found that street-level bureaucrats translate state-imposed burdens into frontline practices that can either alleviate or exacerbate the administrative state. Role perceptions of SLBs influenced the use of discretionary power and program access. Local agencies with the largest proportions of income-eligible clients often had the least capacity for alleviating administrative burden, indicating decentralization may perpetuate structural inequality.


Article Political Science

Reflecting on over 100 years of public administration education

Catherine Farrell, William Hatcher, John Diamond

Summary: Public administration education has a rich history rooted in various academic disciplines, with this article reflecting on the past 100 years of scholarship and emphasizing a community-based approach for future pedagogy and research in the field.


Article Political Science

Are policymakers responsive to public demand in climate politics?

Lena Maria Schaffer, Bianca Oehl, Thomas Bernauer

Summary: The study addresses the debate between normative and positive theories of democracy, focusing on the impact of public demand on climate change policy. Findings indicate that policymakers are responsive to changes in public demand and take predicted actions based on quantified public opinion components.


Article Law

The politics of platform capitalism: A case study on the regulation of Uber in New York

Timo Seidl

Summary: This article examines the politics of regulatory response to platform companies and presents a theoretical framework that explains the reasons and outcomes of regulations. Through a case study on the regulation of Uber in New York, it finds that the success of regulations depends on the ability of actors to form broad coalitions, and narratives influence the composition of these coalitions.


Article Environmental Studies

Are there political cycles hidden inside collaborative innovation efficiency? An empirical study based on Chinese cities

Fei Fan, Xuerong Zhang, Xueli Wang

Summary: This paper investigates how shifting political interests of government officials affect the efficiency of urban innovation, and finds that inter-city innovation efficiency is more sensitive to political cycles. Additionally, it identifies differential effects of government officials and city characteristics on the political cycles of urban innovation efficiency.


Article Management

Governance-as-legitimacy: are ecosystems replacing networks?

Tony Kinder, Frederique Six, Jari Stenvall, Ally Memon

Summary: This paper challenges the network management perspective of Kooiman and Klijn and Koppenjan, arguing that the complexity in local public service governance should be approached as ecosystems rather than centrally managed networks. The author proposes a new analytical framework for studying the logic of practice in services-as-a-system.