Psychology, Applied

Article Psychology, Applied

An Updated Guideline for Assessing Discriminant Validity

Mikko Ronkko, Eunseong Cho

Summary: This study reviews the definitions and techniques for assessing discriminant validity and proposes a generalized definition. After conducting Monte Carlo simulations, the study presents techniques called CICFA(sys) and chi(2)(sys) that applied researchers can use to evaluate discriminant validity.


Article Psychology, Applied

Automation, Algorithms, and Beyond: Why Work Design Matters More Than Ever in a Digital World

Sharon K. Parker, Gudela Grote

Summary: Work design plays a central role in understanding the effects of digital technologies, which can have both positive and negative impacts on job resources and demands, leading to consequences for employee well-being, safety, and performance. We propose four intervention strategies to address this issue.


Article Business

Progress in partial least squares structural equation modeling use in marketing research in the last decade

Marko Sarstedt, Joseph F. Hair, Mandy Pick, Benjamin D. Liengaard, Lacramioara Radomir, Christian M. Ringle

Summary: This paper presents a new analysis of the use of partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) in marketing research, focusing on articles published between 2011 and 2020 in the top 30 marketing journals. The study finds that although researchers are more aware of the when's and how's of PLS-SEM use, there is still some delay in adopting the best practices for model evaluation. Recommendations for future PLS-SEM use, guidelines for its application, and areas of further research interest are provided based on the review results.


Article Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism

The effects of COVID-19 pandemic on perceived stress and psychobiosocial states in Italian athletes

Selenia di Fronso, Sergio Costa, Cristina Montesano, Francesco Di Gruttola, Edoardo Giorgio Ciofi, Luana Morgilli, Claudio Robazza, Maurizio Bertollo

Summary: This exploratory study examined the perceived stress and psychobiosocial states of Italian athletes during the COVID-19 crisis, revealing significant differences compared to data collected before the pandemic. The study found that the crisis increased athletes' stress levels and dysfunctional psychobiosocial states, while decreasing functional psychobiosocial states. Gender and competitive level were found to have significant effects on these factors. The study highlights the importance of implementing training regimens and healthy behaviors during pandemics, and the need for specific well-being protocols for women and novice athletes.


Editorial Material Psychology, Applied

Single Item Measures in Psychological Science A Call to Action

Mark S. Allen, Dragos Iliescu, Samuel Greiff


Article Psychology, Applied

Sample Selection in Systematic Literature Reviews of Management Research

Martin R. W. Hiebl

Summary: This article addresses the importance of the sample selection process in systematic reviews and offers critical evaluations of previous reviews. It identifies key issues to consider in the selection process and provides benchmark figures for future reviews.


Review Psychology, Applied

The Why and How of the Integrative Review

Matthew A. Cronin, Elizabeth George

Summary: This article discusses the importance of integrative reviews and outlines an approach to writing them. It highlights the unique value of integrative reviews among other knowledge-synthesis vehicles and provides guidance on addressing challenges in composing them.


Review Behavioral Sciences

Human-Autonomy Teaming: A Review and Analysis of the Empirical Literature

Thomas O'Neill, Nathan McNeese, Amy Barron, Beau Schelble

Summary: This study defines human-autonomy teaming and provides a synthesis of existing empirical research on the topic. The research environments, dependent variables, key findings, and future research directions are identified. The findings suggest the need for further research on mechanisms linking team input to team output variables.


Article Business

Normalizing the Use of Single-Item Measures: Validation of the Single-Item Compendium for Organizational Psychology

Russell A. Matthews, Laura Pineault, Yeong-Hyun Hong

Summary: The application of single-item measures has the potential to help researchers in addressing challenges in conceptualizing, methodology, and empirical studies. Through a large-scale evidence-based approach, this study examines the reliability and validity of single-item measures in assessing various constructs in organizational sciences. Findings suggest that a significant portion of the examined measures demonstrate strong definitional correspondence, little to no comprehension or usability concerns, and good to extensive criterion validity.


Review Business

AI in marketing, consumer research and psychology: A systematic literature review and research agenda

Marcello M. Mariani, Rodrigo Perez-Vega, Jochen Wirtz

Summary: This study provides an integrated view on the body of knowledge of artificial intelligence in marketing, consumer research, and psychology literature, identifying eight topical clusters and 412 theoretical lenses used in these studies. The research agenda proposed aims to advance the scholarly debate on AI with an emphasis on cross-fertilization of theories and neglected research topics.


Article Psychology, Applied

Coding Practices and Iterativity: Beyond Templates for Analyzing Qualitative Data

Karen Locke, Martha Feldman, Karen Golden-Biddle

Summary: Researchers often iterate in the analytic process, but how they engage in iteration to progress their theorizing is not well understood. This study examines iteration through coding in specific research projects, identifying key moments such as making codes, organizing to code, and putting patterns together. Tracing coding practices in exemplar articles reveals that iteration is not a fixed sequence, but rather depends on the specific analytic input needed for a given study.


Article Psychology, Applied

Moving Beyond Templates: A Bricolage Approach to Conducting Trustworthy Qualitative Research

Michael G. Pratt, Scott Sonenshein, Martha S. Feldman

Summary: This article discusses how the misuse of methodological templates can reduce the quality of research, and proposes methodological bricolage as an alternative approach to qualitative research. The authors use their own research and a broader set of qualitative research articles to illustrate how methodological bricolage can be used to enhance trustworthiness. The benefits and cautions of using this approach are outlined.


Article Business

Omitted Variable Bias: Examining Management Research With the Impact Threshold of a Confounding Variable (ITCV)

John R. Busenbark, Hyunjung (Elle) Yoon, Daniel L. Gamache, Michael C. Withers

Summary: Recent management research emphasizes the importance of considering omitted variables as a primary source of endogeneity bias in empirical estimation. Methodological scholarship advocates for the use of two-stage instrumental variable modeling, but researchers approach this recommendation with caution due to associated challenges. Studies utilizing the impact threshold of a confounding variable (ITCV) technique suggest that most causal inference is unlikely to be biased by omitted variables, with only the most pervasive ones impacting causal inference substantively.


Article Psychology, Applied

Virtual Work Meetings During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Good, Bad, and Ugly

Katherine A. Karl, Joy V. Peluchette, Navid Aghakhani

Summary: This study identifies issues and challenges of using videoconferencing for work-related meetings, focusing on camera and microphone problems, eating habits, meeting management, and work-from-home issues. The findings provide guidance for workplace policies and suggest directions for future research in the field of videoconferencing.


Article Psychology, Applied

Understanding Zoom fatigue: A mixed-method approach

Hadar Nesher Shoshan, Wilken Wehrt

Summary: Video conference meetings during the COVID-19 pandemic may lead to exhaustion, known as Zoom fatigue. However, objective characteristics do not moderate this relationship. Employees' subjective experiences during video conferences, such as feelings of loss and comparison with pre-pandemic times, contribute to Zoom fatigue.


Article Business

Metaverse marketing: How the metaverse will shape the future of consumer research and practice

Yogesh K. Dwivedi, Laurie Hughes, Yichuan Wang, Ali A. Alalwan, Sun J. (Grace) Ahn, Janarthanan Balakrishnan, Sergio Barta, Russell Belk, Dimitrios Buhalis, Vincent Dutot, Reto Felix, Raffaele Filieri, Carlos Flavian, Anders Gustafsson, Chris Hinsch, Svend Hollensen, Varsha Jain, Jooyoung Kim, Anjala S. Krishen, Jared O. Lartey, Neeraj Pandey, Samuel Ribeiro-Navarrete, Ramakrishnan Raman, Philipp A. Rauschnabel, Amalesh Sharma, Marianna Sigala, Cleopatra Veloutsou, Jochen Wirtz

Summary: The initial hype surrounding Meta Platforms' vision for the metaverse has evolved into ongoing discussions about its impact on users, organizations, and society at large. The potential for consumer interaction with brands within the metaverse is a subject of significant debate in marketing circles, highlighting both challenges and transformative opportunities. This study explores the marketing implications of widespread adoption of the metaverse, drawing on expert insights to identify new research directions and propose a framework that offers valuable contributions to academia, practice, and policy-making. It concludes with a checklist for researchers, clarifying how the metaverse can benefit digital marketing and advertising, branding, services, value creation, and consumer well-being.


Article Psychology, Applied

Revisiting Meta-Analytic Estimates of Validity in Personnel Selection: Addressing Systematic Overcorrection for Restriction of Range

Paul R. Sackett, Charlene Zhang, Christopher M. Berry, Filip Lievens

Summary: This study revisits prior meta-analytic conclusions on the validity of personnel selection procedures, finding that many selection procedures have been overestimated and revised validity estimates are lower by 0.10-0.20 points. Structured interviews emerged as the top-ranked selection procedure, with a trade-off between validity and diversity.


Article Psychology, Applied

Theorizing Through Literature Reviews: The Miner-Prospector Continuum

Dermot Breslin, Caroline Gatrell

Summary: This article examines the role of literature reviews in theory development and introduces the metaphor of a miner-prospector continuum to explain different approaches. By identifying different strategies, the article explores the pathways and roles between miners and prospectors, emphasizing the importance of encouraging prospector reviews.


Article Business

The Influence of Corporate Social Responsibility on Incumbent Employees: A Meta-Analytic Investigation of the Mediating and Moderating Mechanisms

Xiaoping Zhao, Chuang Wu, Chao C. Chen, Zucheng Zhou

Summary: This article reviews 86 studies and uses meta-analytical methods to investigate the impact of perceived corporate social responsibility (CSR) on employee attitudes and behaviors, as well as the mediating mechanisms and boundary conditions. The findings suggest that organizational justice, organizational trust, and organizational identification are important mediators, with organizational identification being particularly significant in mediating the effect of CSR on organizational citizenship behavior and turnover intention. The article also highlights the differences between internal and external CSR perceptions and among different stakeholder CSR types.


Article Behavioral Sciences

Trusting Automation: Designing for Responsivity and Resilience

Erin K. Chiou, John D. Lee

Summary: This paper reviews recent articles related to human trust in automation and proposes a relational framework to guide future research and design for automation responsivity and more resilient human-automation systems.