Psychology, Applied

Article Psychology, Applied

I despise but also envy you: A dyadic investigation of perceived overqualification, perceived relative qualification, and knowledge hiding

Christina S. Li, Huiyao Liao, Yuqing Han

Summary: This paper integrates relative deprivation and social comparison theories to explore the impact of perceived overqualification on employees' knowledge hiding. The findings suggest that employees who perceive themselves as overqualified for the job are more likely to hide knowledge from their peers, and those who perceive themselves as relatively more qualified than specific peers are also more likely to engage in knowledge hiding behaviors.


Article Psychology, Applied

A Meta-Analytic Investigation of the Antecedents, Theoretical Correlates, and Consequences of Moral Disengagement at Work

Babatunde (Tunde) Ogunfowora, Viet Quan Nguyen, Piers Steel, Christine C. Hwang

Summary: The study provides a comprehensive meta-analytic review of moral disengagement at work, revealing its associations with various individual and contextual factors, theoretical correlates, and outcomes. Moral disengagement is significantly linked to workplace misconduct and turnover, while showing a negative relationship with OCBs and task performance. Despite its role in promoting misconduct, moral disengagement also correlates with post-wrongdoing guilt and shame.


Article Psychology, Applied

Sludge Audits

Cass R. Sunstein

Summary: Sludge refers to excessive or unjustified frictions that individuals face, which can lead to difficulties in navigating life and deprive people of important goods and services. Due to behavioral biases and cognitive scarcity, sludge can have more harmful effects than anticipated. To protect consumers and employees, organizations should conduct regular Sludge Audits to identify and reduce the costs of sludge.


Article Psychology, Applied

Testing a relational spirituality model of psychotherapy clients' preferences and functioning

Steven J. Sandage, Peter J. Jankowski, David R. Paine, Julie J. Exline, Elizabeth G. Ruffing, David Rupert, George S. Stavros, Miriam Bronstein

Summary: This study tested hypotheses about client preferences and functioning based on a relational spirituality model of psychotherapy. It found that most clients preferred to engage in spiritual issues during treatment and this preference was related to their spiritual and religious commitment. Additionally, clients' ratings of therapist diversity sensitivity were associated with treatment progress, and client spiritual well-being and struggles predicted their psychosocial functioning.


Article Psychology, Applied

Being Present and Thankful: A Multi-Study Investigation of Mindfulness, Gratitude, and Employee Helping Behavior

Katina B. Sawyer, Christian N. Thoroughgood, Elizabeth E. Stillwell, Michelle K. Duffy, Kristin L. Scott, Elizabeth A. Adair

Summary: Gratitude plays a crucial role in promoting helping behavior at work, but employees may struggle to experience gratitude in today's complex workplace. Research suggests that mindfulness can enhance gratitude emotions by stimulating positive affect and perspective taking, ultimately leading to increased prosocial motivation and helping behavior.


Article Psychology, Applied

Surviving remotely: How job control and loneliness during a forced shift to remote work impacted employee work behaviors and well-being

William J. Becker, Liuba Y. Belkin, Sarah E. Tuskey, Samantha A. Conroy

Summary: This paper investigates the impact of job control and work-related loneliness on employee work behaviors and well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study finds that high job control is beneficially related to emotional exhaustion and work-life balance, while high work-related loneliness has detrimental effects. Additionally, the study shows that the beneficial impact of high perceived job control is stronger when individual segmentation preference is low.


Article Business

Exploring the antecedents of green and sustainable purchase behaviour: A comparison among different generations

Cecilia Casalegno, Elena Candelo, Gabriele Santoro

Summary: This study investigates the importance of generational differences in buying green and sustainable products, finding that age, environmental concern, and perceived consumer effectiveness are key factors influencing green and sustainable purchase behavior across all generational cohorts. Environmental citizenship applies to generations Y and Z, while collectivism is only an antecedent for sustainable purchase behavior in generation Z.


Article Business

Role Theory Perspectives: Past, Present, and Future Applications of Role Theories in Management Research

Aaron H. Anglin, Paula A. Kincaid, Jeremy C. Short, David G. Allen

Summary: Role theories examine how individual behavior is influenced by social roles and how behavior is perceived by others in the context of these roles. Management research has explored various aspects of role theory, including roles and identity, career life cycles, ethics, and other-oriented behavior. These studies are important for understanding individual and organizational behavior and their impact.


Article Psychology, Applied

A Marginal Effects Approach to Interpreting Main Effects and Moderation

John R. Busenbark, Scott D. Graffin, Robert J. Campbell, Eric Young Lee

Summary: This report focuses on the marginal effects approach to interpret how a main effect is influenced by a moderating variable, aiming to resolve confusion and provide clear instructions. By using different scenarios and examples, researchers can better understand the relationship between independent and dependent variables over various values of the moderator using this technique. The marginal effects approach is demonstrated to be helpful in resolving conflicting findings that may arise from using other prevailing techniques to interpret both main effects and moderation.


Article Business

Perceived Overqualification and Collectivism Orientation: Implications for Work and Nonwork Outcomes

Aleksandra Luksyte, Talya N. Bauer, Maike E. Debus, Berrin Erdogan, Chia-Huei Wu

Summary: This research examines the applicability of person-environment fit and relative deprivation theories in explaining the effects of perceived overqualification and collectivism cultural orientations on positive outcomes. The findings suggest that collectivism orientations mitigate the negative effects of perceived overqualification through person-environment fit mechanism. The results are supported by two studies and the robustness of the model is further confirmed.


Article Industrial Relations & Labor

PLS-SEM: Prediction-oriented solutions for HRD researchers

Amanda E. Legate, Joe F. Hair, Janice Lambert Chretien, Jeffrey J. Risher

Summary: This article provides an overview of the application of structural equation modeling (SEM) in Human Resource Development (HRD) research, as well as the emerging partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) approach as a complementary method with advantages and methodological advancements.


Article Public, Environmental & Occupational Health

Having Control or Lacking Control? Roles of Job Crafting and Service Scripts in Coping With Customer Incivility

Yuhyung Shin, Won-Moo Hur

Summary: The study found that job crafting helps alleviate the negative impact of customer incivility on employee emotional exhaustion and job performance, while service scripts exacerbate this impact.


Article Psychology, Applied

Servant leadership and employee voice: a moderated mediation

Yang Song, Qi-tao Tian, Ho Kwong Kwan

Summary: This study examines the effects of servant leadership on employees' promotive and prohibitive voice behavior, with a focus on the mediating role of job engagement and the moderating role of proactive personality. The findings show that perceived servant leadership positively influences employees' voice behavior through enhanced job engagement, and that employees' proactive personality amplifies this relationship. The study contributes to understanding the mechanisms of the servant leadership-voice model and highlights the importance of proactive personality in enhancing the effects of servant leadership.


Review Psychology, Applied

Computational Literature Reviews: Method, Algorithms, and Roadmap

David Antons, Christoph F. Breidbach, Amol M. Joshi, Torsten Oliver Salge

Summary: The volume and complexity of scientific literature require systematic and rigorous literature reviews, and computational techniques are being used to support researchers in synthesizing large bodies of literature. However, there is a lack of actionable guidance on how to design, conduct, and document such computationally augmented literature reviews. This study introduces computational literature reviews (CLRs) as a new review method and presents a six-step roadmap to guide researchers in conducting CLRs.


Article Business

Augmented reality filters on social media. Analyzing the drivers of playability based on uses and gratifications theory

Sergio Ibanez-Sanchez, Carlos Orus, Carlos Flavian

Summary: The arrival of augmented reality filters on social networks has generated new user experiences. This research examines the playability of AR filters from an entertainment perspective and finds that perceived entertainment and, to a lesser extent, perceived interactivity play a key role in users' satisfaction. Perceived curiosity and compatibility also affect users' satisfaction.


Review Psychology, Applied

Systematicity in Organizational Research Literature Reviews: A Framework and Assessment

Zeki Simsek, Brian Fox, Ciaran Heavey

Summary: This study develops a framework for applying systematicity to literature reviews and supplements it with empirical insights. It also explores the future conduct of literature reviews and highlights the potential perils of systematicity without mindfulness.


Article Psychology, Applied

Inclusive Leadership in Thought and Action: A Thematic Analysis

Quinetta Roberson, Jamie L. Perry

Summary: This study explores the concept and enactment of inclusive leadership from the leader's perspective. The findings emphasize the importance of understanding, valuing, and utilizing differences, as well as encouraging shared identity and collaboration. Additionally, relational leadership plays a crucial role in the demonstration of inclusive leadership, particularly in building relationships, showing genuine interest, and generating trust with team members.


Article Psychology, Applied

Stressors associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, disability, and mental health: Considerations from the Intermountain West

Gabriele Ciciurkaite, Guadalupe Marquez-Velarde, Robyn Lewis Brown

Summary: The study found that individuals with disabilities are more likely to be affected by pandemic-related stressors associated with COVID-19, leading to more severe mental health issues. It confirmed the viewpoint that the pandemic has a greater negative impact on the mental health of individuals with disabilities.


Article Business

A meta-analysis integrating 20 years of workplace incivility research: Antecedents, consequences, and boundary conditions

Soojung Han, Crystal M. Harold, In-Sue Oh, Joseph K. Kim, Anastasiia Agolli

Summary: This study explores the factors contributing to workplace incivility and its outcomes through a comprehensive meta-analysis, examining various moderators and comparing the impact of experienced incivility with more intense forms of workplace mistreatment. The findings enhance understanding of the nomological net of workplace incivility in comparison with other forms of mistreatment.


Article Psychology, Applied

The impact of remote work and mediated communication frequency on isolation and psychological distress

Ward Van Zoonen, Anu E. Sivunen

Summary: Remote work practices have brought acute challenges of isolation and psychological distress, with the use of ICT potentially serving as a remedy to combat these issues.