Physics, Nuclear

Review Physics, Nuclear

Science Requirements and Detector Concepts for the Electron-Ion Collider

R. Abdul Khalek, A. Accardi, J. Adam, D. Adamiak, W. Akers, M. Albaladejo, A. Al-bataineh, M. G. Alexeev, F. Ameli, P. Antonioli, N. Armesto, W. R. Armstrong, M. Arratia, J. Arrington, A. Asaturyan, M. Asai, E. C. Aschenauer, S. Aune, H. Avagyan, C. Ayerbe Gayoso, B. Azmoun, A. Bacchetta, M. D. Baker, F. Barbosa, L. Barion, K. N. Barish, P. C. Barry, M. Battaglieri, A. Bazilevsky, N. K. Behera, F. Benmokhtar, V. V. Berdnikov, J. C. Bernauer, V Bertone, S. Bhattacharya, C. Bissolotti, D. Boer, M. Boglione, P. Boora, I Borsa, F. Bossu, G. Bozzi, J. D. Brandenburg, N. Brei, A. Bressan, W. K. Brooks, S. Bufalino, M. H. S. Bukhari, V Burkert, N. H. Buttimore, A. Camsonne, A. Celentano, F. G. Celiberto, W. Chang, C. Chatterjee, K. Chen, T. Chetry, T. Chiarusi, Y-T Chien, M. Chiosso, X. Chu, E. Chudakov, G. Cicala, E. Cisbani, I. C. Cloet, C. Cocuzza, P. L. Cole, D. Colella, J. L. Collins, M. Constantinou, M. Contalbrigo, G. Contin, R. Corliss, W. Cosyn, A. Courtoy, J. Crafts, R. Cruz-Torres, R. C. Cuevas, U. D'Alesio, S. Dalla Torre, D. Das, S. S. Dasgupta, C. Da Silva, W. Deconinck, M. Defurne, W. DeGraw, K. Dehmelt, A. Del Dotto, F. Delcarro, A. Deshpande, W. Detmold, R. De Vita, M. Diefenthaler, C. Dilks, D. U. Dixit, S. Dulat, A. Dumitru, J. M. Durham, M. G. Echevarria, L. El Fassi, D. Elia, R. Ent, R. Esha, J. J. Ethier, O. Evdokimov, K. O. Eyser, C. Fanelli, R. Fatemi, S. Fazio, C. Fernandez-Ramirez, M. Finger, M. Jr Finger Jr, D. Fitzgerald, C. Flore, T. Frederico, I Friscic, S. Fucini, S. Furletov, Y. Furletova, C. Gal, L. Gamberg, H. Gao, P. Garg, D. Gaskell, K. Gates, M. B. Gay Ducati, M. Gericke, G. Gil Da Silveira, F-X Girod, D. Glazier, K. Gnanvo, V. P. Goncalves, L. Gonella, J. O. Gonzalez Hernandez, Y. Goto, F. Grancagnolo, L. C. Greiner, W. Guryn, V Guzey, Y. Hatta, M. Hattawy, F. Hauenstein, X. He, T. K. Hemmick, O. Hen, G. Heyes, D. W. Higinbotham, A. N. Hiller Blin, T. J. Hobbs, M. Hohlmann, T. Horn, T-J Hou, J. Huang, Q. Huang, G. M. Huber, C. E. Hyde, G. Iakovidis, Y. Ilieva, B. Jacak, P. M. Jacobs, M. Jadhav, Z. Janoska, A. Jentsch, T. Jezo, X. Jing, P. G. Jones, K. Joo, S. Joosten, V Kafka, N. Kalantarians, G. Kalicy, D. Kang, Z. B. Kang, K. Kauder, S. J. D. Kay, C. E. Keppel, J. Kim, A. Kiselev, M. Klasen, S. Klein, H. T. Klest, O. Korchak, A. Kostina, P. Kotko, Y. Kovchegov, M. Krelina, S. Kuleshov, S. Kumano, K. S. Kumar, R. Kumar, L. Kumar, K. Kumericki, A. Kusina, K. Kutak, Y. S. Lai, K. Lalwani, T. Lappi, J. Lauret, M. Lavinsky, D. Lawrence, D. Lednicky, C. Lee, K. Lee, S. H. Lee, S. Levorato, H. Li, S. Li, W. Li, X. Li, X. Li, W. B. Li, T. Ligonzo, H. Liu, M. X. Liu, X. Liu, S. Liuti, N. Liyanage, Z. Lu, G. Lucero, N. S. Lukow, E. Lunghi, R. Majka, Y. Makris, I Mandjavidze, S. Mantry, H. Mantysaari, F. Marhauser, P. Markowitz, L. Marsicano, A. Mastroserio, V Mathieu, Y. Mehtar-Tani, W. Melnitchouk, L. Mendez, A. Metz, Z-E Meziani, C. Mezrag, M. Mihovilovic, R. Milner, M. Mirazita, H. Mkrtchyan, A. Mkrtchyan, V Mochalov, V Moiseev, M. M. Mondal, A. Morreale, D. Morrison, L. Motyka, H. Moutarde, F. Murgia, M. J. Murray, P. Musico, P. Nadel-Turonski, P. M. Nadolsky, J. Nam, P. R. Newman, D. Neyret, D. Nguyen, E. R. Nocera, F. Noferini, F. Noto, A. S. Nunes, V. A. Okorokov, F. Olness, J. D. Osborn, B. S. Page, S. Park, A. Parker, K. Paschke, B. Pasquini, H. Paukkunen, S. Paul, C. Pecar, I. L. Pegg, C. Pellegrino, C. Peng, L. Pentchev, R. Perrino, F. Petriello, R. Petti, A. Pilloni, C. Pinkenburg, B. Pire, C. Pisano, D. Pitonyak, A. A. Poblaguev, T. Polakovic, M. Posik, M. Potekhin, R. Preghenella, S. Preins, A. Prokudin, P. Pujahari, M. L. Purschke, J. R. Pybus, M. Radici, R. Rajput-Ghoshal, P. E. Reimer, M. Rinaldi, F. Ringer, C. D. Roberts, S. Rodini, J. Rojo, D. Romanov, P. Rossi, E. Santopinto, M. Sarsour, R. Sassot, N. Sato, B. Schenke, W. B. Schmidke, I Schmidt, A. Schmidt, B. Schmookler, G. Schnell, P. Schweitzer, J. Schwiening, I Scimemi, S. Scopetta, J. Segovia, R. Seidl, S. Sekula, K. Semenov-Tian-Shanskiy, D. Y. Shao, N. Sherrill, E. Sichtermann, M. Siddikov, A. Signori, B. K. Singh, S. Sirca, K. Slifer, W. Slominski, D. Sokhan, W. E. Sondheim, Y. Song, O. Soto, H. Spiesberger, A. M. Stasto, P. Stepanov, G. Sterman, J. R. Stevens, I. W. Stewart, I Strakovsky, M. Strikman, M. Sturm, M. L. Stutzman, M. Sullivan, B. Surrow, P. Svihra, S. Syritsyn, A. Szczepaniak, P. Sznajder, H. Szumila-Vance, L. Szymanowski, A. S. Tadepalli, J. D. Tapia Takaki, G. F. Tassielli, J. Terry, F. Tessarotto, K. Tezgin, L. Tomasek, F. Torales Acosta, P. Tribedy, A. Tricoli, Triloki, S. Tripathi, R. L. Trotta, O. D. Tsai, Z. Tu, C. Tuve, T. Ullrich, M. Ungaro, G. M. Urciuoli, A. Valentini, P. Vancura, M. Vandenbroucke, C. Van Hulse, G. Varner, R. Venugopalan, I Vitev, A. Vladimirov, G. Volpe, A. Vossen, E. Voutier, J. Wagner, S. Wallon, H. Wang, Q. Wang, X. Wang, S. Y. Wei, C. Weiss, T. Wenaus, H. Wennlof, N. Wickramaarachchi, A. Wikramanayake, D. Winney, C. P. Wong, C. Woody, L. Xia, B. W. Xiao, J. Xie, H. Xing, Q. H. Xu, J. Zhang, S. Zhang, Z. Zhang, Z. W. Zhao, Y. X. Zhao, L. Zheng, Y. Zhou, P. Zurita

Summary: This report describes the physics case, detector requirements, and evolving detector concepts for the Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) experimental program. The EIC will be a new facility in the United States with the capability to collide high-energy electron beams with high-energy proton and ion beams, providing access to regions dominated by gluons. The use of polarized beams in the EIC will allow for unprecedented access to the spatial and spin structure of particles. The report aims to advance the physics program and develop detector concepts that meet the requirements for the EIC.


Article Physics, Nuclear

Search for the chiral magnetic effect with isobar collisions at √sNN=200 GeV by the STAR Collaboration at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider

M. S. Abdallah, B. E. Aboona, J. Adam, L. Adamczyk, J. R. Adams, J. K. Adkins, G. Agakishiev, I. Aggarwal, M. M. Aggarwal, Z. Ahammed, I. Alekseev, D. M. Anderson, A. Aparin, E. C. Aschenauer, M. U. Ashraf, F. G. Atetalla, A. Attri, G. S. Averichev, V. Bairathi, W. Baker, J. G. Ball Cap, K. Barish, A. Behera, R. Bellwied, P. Bhagat, A. Bhasin, J. Bielcik, J. Bielcikova, I. G. Bordyuzhin, J. D. Brandenburg, A. V. Brandin, I. Bunzarov, X. Z. Cai, H. Caines, M. Calderon de la Barca Sanchez, D. Cebra, I. Chakaberia, P. Chaloupka, B. K. Chan, F-H. Chang, Z. Chang, N. Chankova-Bunzarova, A. Chatterjee, S. Chattopadhyay, D. Chen, J. Chen, J. H. Chen, X. Chen, Z. Chen, J. Cheng, M. Chevalier, S. Choudhury, W. Christie, X. Chu, H. J. Crawford, M. Csanad, M. Daugherity, T. G. Dedovich, I. M. Deppner, A. A. Derevschikov, A. Dhamija, L. Di Carlo, L. Didenko, P. Dixit, X. Dong, J. L. Drachenberg, E. Duckworth, J. C. Dunlop, N. Elsey, J. Engelage, G. Eppley, S. Esumi, O. Evdokimov, A. Ewigleben, O. Eyser, R. Fatemi, F. M. Fawzi, S. Fazio, P. Federic, J. Fedorisin, C. J. Feng, Y. Feng, P. Filip, E. Finch, Y. Fisyak, A. Francisco, C. Fu, L. Fulek, C. A. Gagliardi, T. Galatyuk, F. Geurts, N. Ghimire, A. Gibson, K. Gopal, X. Gou, D. Grosnick, A. Gupta, W. Guryn, A. I. Hamad, A. Hamed, Y. Han, S. Harabasz, M. D. Harasty, J. W. Harris, H. Harrison, S. He, W. He, X. H. He, Y. He, S. Heppelmann, S. Heppelmann, N. Herrmann, E. Hoffman, L. Holub, Y. Hu, H. Huang, H. Z. Huang, S. L. Huang, T. Huang, X. Huang, Y. Huang, T. J. Humanic, G. Igo, D. Isenhower, W. W. Jacobs, C. Jena, A. Jentsch, Y. Ji, J. Jia, K. Jiang, X. Ju, E. G. Judd, S. Kabana, M. L. Kabir, S. Kagamaster, D. Kalinkin, K. Kang, D. Kapukchyan, K. Kauder, H. W. Ke, D. Keane, A. Kechechyan, M. Kelsey, Y. V. Khyzhniak, D. P. Kikola, C. Kim, B. Kimelman, D. Kincses, I. Kisel, A. Kiselev, A. G. Knospe, H. S. Ko, L. Kochenda, L. K. Kosarzewski, L. Kramarik, P. Kravtsov, L. Kumar, S. Kumar, R. Kunnawalkam Elayavalli, J. H. Kwasizur, R. Lacey, S. Lan, J. M. Landgraf, J. Lauret, A. Lebedev, R. Lednicky, J. H. Lee, Y. H. Leung, C. Li, C. Li, W. Li, X. Li, Y. Li, Y. Li, X. Liang, Y. Liang, R. Licenik, T. Lin, Y. Lin, M. A. Lisa, F. Liu, H. Liu, H. Liu, P. Liu, T. Liu, X. Liu, Y. Liu, Z. Liu, T. Ljubicic, W. J. Llope, R. S. Longacre, E. Loyd, N. S. Lukow, X. F. Luo, L. Ma, R. Ma, Y. G. Ma, N. Magdy, D. Mallick, S. Margetis, C. Markert, H. S. Matis, J. A. Mazer, N. G. Minaev, S. Mioduszewski, B. Mohanty, M. M. Mondal, I. Mooney, D. A. Morozov, A. Mukherjee, M. Nagy, J. D. Nam, Md. Nasim, K. Nayak, D. Neff, J. M. Nelson, D. B. Nemes, M. Nie, G. Nigmatkulov, T. Niida, R. Nishitani, L. V. Nogach, T. Nonaka, A. S. Nunes, G. Odyniec, A. Ogawa, S. Oh, V. A. Okorokov, B. S. Page, R. Pak, J. Pan, A. Pandav, A. K. Pandey, Y. Panebratsev, P. Parfenov, B. Pawlik, D. Pawlowska, C. Perkins, L. Pinsky, R. L. Pinter, J. Pluta, B. R. Pokhrel, G. Ponimatkin, J. Porter, M. Posik, V. Prozorova, N. K. Pruthi, M. Przybycien, J. Putschke, H. Qiu, A. Quintero, C. Racz, S. K. Radhakrishnan, N. Raha, R. L. Ray, R. Reed, H. G. Ritter, M. Robotkova, O. V. Rogachevskiy, J. L. Romero, D. Roy, L. Ruan, J. Rusnak, A. K. Sahoo, N. R. Sahoo, H. Sako, S. Salur, J. Sandweiss, S. Sato, W. B. Schmidke, N. Schmitz, B. R. Schweid, F. Seck, J. Seger, M. Sergeeva, R. Seto, P. Seyboth, N. Shah, E. Shahaliev, P. V. Shanmuganathan, M. Shao, T. Shao, A. I. Sheikh, D. Y. Shen, S. S. Shi, Y. Shi, Q. Y. Shou, E. P. Sichtermann, R. Sikora, M. Simko, J. Singh, S. Singha, M. J. Skoby, N. Smirnov, Y. Soehngen, W. Solyst, P. Sorensen, H. M. Spinka, B. Srivastava, T. D. S. Stanislaus, M. Stefaniak, D. J. Stewart, M. Strikhanov, B. Stringfellow, A. A. P. Suaide, M. Sumbera, B. Summa, X. M. Sun, X. Sun, Y. Sun, B. Surrow, D. N. Svirida, Z. W. Sweger, P. Szymanski, A. H. Tang, Z. Tang, A. Taranenko, T. Tarnowsky, J. H. Thomas, A. R. Timmins, D. Tlusty, T. Todoroki, M. Tokarev, C. A. Tomkiel, S. Trentalange, R. E. Tribble, P. Tribedy, S. K. Tripathy, T. Truhlar, B. A. Trzeciak, O. D. Tsai, Z. Tu, T. Ullrich, D. G. Underwood, I Upsal, G. Van Buren, J. Vanek, A. N. Vasiliev, I. Vassiliev, V. Verkest, F. Videbaek, S. Vokal, S. A. Voloshin, F. Wang, G. Wang, J. S. Wang, P. Wang, Y. Wang, Y. Wang, Z. Wang, J. C. Webb, P. C. Weidenkaff, L. Wen, G. D. Westfall, H. Wieman, S. W. Wissink, J. Wu, Y. Wu, B. Xi, Z. G. Xiao, G. Xie, W. Xie, H. Xu, N. Xu, Q. H. Xu, Y. Xu, Z. Xu, Z. Ku, C. Yang, Q. Yang, S. Yang, Y. Yang, Z. Ye, L. Yi, K. Yip, Y. Yu, H. Zbroszczyk, W. Zha, C. Zhang, D. Zhang, J. Zhang, S. Zhang, X. P. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Z. J. Zhang, Z. Zhang, Z. Zhang, J. Zhao, C. Zhou, X. Zhu, M. Zurek, M. Zyzak

Summary: By performing a blind analysis on a large data sample of isobar collisions, the STAR Collaboration found no evidence of the chiral magnetic effect (CME). Differences in multiplicity and flow harmonics suggest that the CME background varies between different species.


Article Astronomy & Astrophysics

Barrow entropic dark energy: A member of generalized holographic dark energy family

Shin'ichi Nojiri, Sergei D. Odintsov, Tanmoy Paul

Summary: In this study, the holographic cut-off in the formalism of generalized holographic dark energy (HDE) is generalized to depend on the particle horizon, future horizon, and scale factor of the universe. It is shown that the Barrow entropic dark energy (DE) model is equivalent to the generalized HDE, where the holographic cut-off is determined by the first-order derivative of the particle horizon or future horizon. The equivalence is extended to consider the variation of the Barrow entropy exponent with the cosmological expansion.


Review Physics, Nuclear

Quantum gravity phenomenology at the dawn of the multi-messenger era-A review

A. Addazi, J. Alvarez-Muniz, R. Alves Batista, G. Amelino-Camelia, V Antonelli, M. Arzano, M. Asorey, J-L Atteia, S. Bahamonde, F. Bajardi, A. Ballesteros, B. Baret, D. M. Barreiros, S. Basilakos, D. Benisty, O. Birnholtz, J. J. Blanco-Pillado, D. Blas, J. Bolmont, D. Boncioli, P. Bosso, G. Calcagni, S. Capozziello, J. M. Carmona, S. Cerci, M. Chernyakova, S. Clesse, J. A. B. Coelho, S. M. Colak, J. L. Cortes, S. Das, V D'Esposito, M. Demirci, M. G. Di Luca, A. di Matteo, D. Dimitrijevic, G. Djordjevic, D. Dominis Prester, A. Eichhorn, J. Ellis, C. Escamilla-Rivera, G. Fabiano, S. A. Franchino-Vinas, A. M. Frassino, D. Frattulillo, S. Funk, A. Fuster, J. Gamboa, A. Gent, L. A. Gergely, M. Giammarchi, K. Giesel, J-F Glicenstein, J. Gracia-Bondia, R. Gracia-Ruiz, G. Gubitosi, E. Guendelman, I Gutierrez-Sagredo, L. Haegel, S. Heefer, A. Held, F. J. Herranz, T. Hinderer, J. I. Illana, A. Ioannisian, P. Jetzer, F. R. Joaquim, K-H Kampert, A. Karasu Uysal, T. Katori, N. Kazarian, D. Kerszberg, J. Kowalski-Glikman, S. Kuroyanagi, C. Lammerzahl, J. Levi Said, S. Liberati, E. Lim, I. P. Lobo, M. Lopez-Moya, G. G. Luciano, M. Manganaro, A. Marciano, P. Martin-Moruno, Manel Martinez, Mario Martinez, H. Martinez-Huerta, P. Martinez-Mirave, M. Masip, D. Mattingly, N. Mavromatos, A. Mazumdar, F. Mendez, F. Mercati, S. Micanovic, J. Mielczarek, A. L. Miller, M. Milosevic, D. Minic, L. Miramonti, V. A. Mitsou, P. Moniz, S. Mukherjee, G. Nardini, S. Navas, M. Niechciol, A. B. Nielsen, N. A. Obers, F. Oikonomou, D. Oriti, C. F. Paganini, S. Palomares-Ruiz, R. Pasechnik, V Pasic, C. Perez de los Heros, C. Pfeifer, M. Pieroni, T. Piran, A. Platania, S. Rastgoo, J. J. Relancio, M. A. Reyes, A. Ricciardone, M. Risse, M. D. Rodriguez Frias, G. Rosati, D. Rubiera-Garcia, H. Sahlmann, M. Sakellariadou, F. Salamida, E. N. Saridakis, P. Satunin, M. Schiffer, F. Schussler, G. Sigl, J. Sitarek, J. Sola Peracaula, C. F. Sopuerta, T. P. Sotiriou, M. Spurio, D. Staicova, N. Stergioulas, S. Stoica, J. Striskovic, T. Stuttard, D. Sunar Cerci, Y. Tavakoli, C. A. Ternes, T. Terzic, T. Thiemann, P. Tinyakov, M. D. C. Torri, M. Tortola, C. Trimarelli, T. Trzesniewski, A. Tureanu, F. R. Urban, E. C. Vagenas, D. Vernieri, V. Vitagliano, J-C Wallet, J. D. Zornoza

Summary: The exploration of the universe has entered a new era with the multi-messenger paradigm, providing us with more information about the universe and opening up the possibility of searching for quantum gravity phenomena.


Article Physics, Atomic, Molecular & Chemical

Nuclear mass table in deformed relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov theory in continuum, I: Even-even nuclei

Kaiyuan Zhang, Myung-Ki Cheoun, Yong-Beom Choi, Pooi Seong Chong, Jianmin Dong, Zihao Dong, Xiaokai Du, Lisheng Geng, Eunja Ha, Xiao-Tao He, Chan Heo, Meng Chit Ho, Eun Jin In, Seonghyun Kim, Youngman Kim, Chang-Hwan Lee, Jenny Lee, Hexuan Li, Zhipan Li, Tianpeng Luo, Jie Meng, Myeong-Hwan Mun, Zhongming Niu, Cong Pan, Panagiota Papakonstantinou, Xinle Shang, Caiwan Shen, Guofang Shen, Wei Sun, Xiang-Xiang Sun, Chi Kin Tam, Chi Kin Tam, Chen Wang, Xingzhi Wang, Sau Hei Wong, Jiawei Wu, Xinhui Wu, Xuewei Xia, Yijun Yan, Ryan Wai-Yen Yeung, To Chung Yiu, Shuangquan Zhang, Wei Zhang, Xiaoyan Zhang, Qiang Zhao, Shan-Gui Zhou

Summary: The ground-state properties of even-even nuclei with 8 <= Z <= 120 from the proton drip line to the neutron drip line have been investigated using the deformed relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov theory in continuum (DRHBc). The study predicts that 2583 even-even nuclei are bound when the effects of deformation and continuum are included simultaneously. The calculated properties are compared with available experimental data, and the results show good agreement.


Review Physics, Nuclear

JUNO physics and detector

Angel Abusleme, Thomas Adam, Shakeel Ahmad, Rizwan Ahmed, Sebastiano Aiello, Muhammad Akram, Fengpeng An, Guangpeng An, Qi An, Giuseppe Andronico, Nikolay Anfimov, Vito Antonelli, Tatiana Antoshkina, Burin Asavapibhop, Didier Auguste, Andrej Babic, Wander Baldini, Andrea Barresi, Eric Baussan, Marco Bellato, Antonio Bergnoli, Enrico Bernieri, Thilo Birkenfeld, Sylvie Blin, David Blum, Simon Blyth, Anastasia Bolshakova, Mathieu Bongrand, Dominique Breton, Augusto Brigatti, Riccardo Brugnera, Riccardo Bruno, Antonio Budano, Mario Buscemi, Jose Busto, Ilya Butorov, Anatael Cabrera, Hao Cai, Xiao Cai, Yanke Cai, Zhiyan Cai, Antonio Cammi, Agustin Campeny, Chuanya Cao, Guofu Cao, Jun Cao, Rossella Caruso, Jin-fan Chang, Yun Chang, Pingping Chen, Po-An Chen, Shaomin Chen, Xurong Chen, Yi-Wen Chen, Yixue Chen, Yu Chen, Zhang Chen, Jie Cheng, Yaping Cheng, Alexey Chetverikov, Davide Chiesa, Pietro Chimenti, Artem Chukanov, Ca-tia Clementi, Barbara Clerbaux, Selma Conforti Di Lorenzo, Daniele Corti, Salvatore Costa, Flavio Dal Corso, Olivia Dalager, Christophe De La Taille, Jiawei Deng, Zhi Deng, Ziyan Deng, Wilfried Depnering, Marco Diaz, Xuefeng Ding, Yayun Ding, Bayu Dirgantara, Sergey Dmitrievsky, Tadeas Dohnal, Dmitry Dolzhikov, Georgy Donchenko, Jianmeng Dong, Evgeny Doroshkevich, Marcos Dracos, Shuxian Du, Stefano Dusini, Martin Dvorak, Timo Enqvist, Heike Enzmann, Andrea Fabbri, Lukas Fajt, Donghua Fan, Lei Fan, Can Fang, Jian Fang, Wenxing Fang, Marco Fargetta, Dmitry Fedoseev, Vladko Fekete, Li-Cheng Feng, Qichun Feng, Richard Ford, Andrey Formozov, Haonan Gan, Feng Gao, Alberto Garfagnini, Christoph Genster, Marco Giammarchi, Agnese Giaz, Nunzio Giudice, Maxim Gonchar, Guanghua Gong, Hui Gong, Oleg Gorchakov, Yuri Gornushkin, Marco Grassi, Christian Grewing, Vasily Gromov, Minghao Gu, Xiaofei Gu, Yu Gu, Mengyun Guan, Nunzio Guardone, Maria Gul, Cong Guo, Jingyuan Guo, Wanlei Guo, Xinheng Guo, Yuhang Guo, Paul Hackspacher, Caren Hagner, Ran Han, Yang Han, Muhammad Sohaib Hassan, Miao He, Wei He, Tobias Heinz, Patrick Hellmuth, Yuekun Heng, Rafael Herrera, Daojin Hong, YuenKeung Hor, Shaojing Hou, Yee Hsiung, Bei-Zhen Hu, Hang Hu, Jianrun Hu, Jun Hu, Shouyang Hu, Tao Hu, Zhuojun Hu, Chun-hao Huang, Guihong Huang, Hanxiong Huang, Qinhua Huang, Wenhao Huang, Xin Huang, Xingtao Huang, Yongbo Huang, Jiaqi Hui, Lei Huo, Wenju Huo, Cedric Huss, Safeer Hussain, Antonio Insolia, Ara Ioannisian, Roberto Isocrate, Beatrice Jelmini, Kuo-Lun Jen, Ignacio Jeria, Xiaolu Ji, Xingzhao Ji, Huihui Jia, Junji Jia, Siyu Jian, Di Jiang, Xiaoshan Jiang, Ruyi Jin, Xiaoping Jing, Jari Jout Senvaara, Sirichok Jungthawan, Leonidas Kalousis, Philipp Kampmann, Li Kang, Michael Karagounis, Narine Kazarian, Waseem Khan, Khanchai Khosonthongkee, D-nis Korablev, Konstantin Kouzakov, Alexey Krasnoperov, Zinovy Krumshteyn, Andre Kruth, Nikolay Kutovskiy, Pasi Kuusiniemi, Tobias Lachenmaier, Cecilia Landini, Victor Lebrin, Frederic Lefevre, Ruiting Lei, Rupert Leitner, Jason Leung, Demin Li, Fei Li, Fule Li, Haitao Li, Huiling Li, Jiaqi Li, Mengzhao Li, Min Li, Nan Li, Nan Li, Qingjiang Li, Ruhui Li, Shanfeng Li, Tao Li, Weidong Li, Weiguo Li, Xiaomei Li, Xiaonan Li, Xinglong Li, Yi Li, Yufeng Li, Zhaohan Li, Zhibing Li, Ziyuan Li, Hao Liang, Hao Liang, Jingjing Liang, Daniel Liebau, Ayut Limphirat, Sukit Limpijumnong, Guey-Lin Lin, Shengxin Lin, Tao Lin, Jiajie Ling, Ivano Lippi, Fang Liu, Haidong Liu, Hongbang Liu, Hongjuan Liu, Hongtao Liu, Hui Liu, Jianglai Liu, Jinchang Liu, Min Liu, Qian Liu, Qin Liu, Runxuan Liu, Shuangyu Liu, Shubin Liu, Shulin Liu, Xiaowei Liu, Xiwen Liu, Yan Liu, Yunzhe Liu, Alexey Lokhov, Paolo Lombardi, Claudio Lombardo, Kai Loo, Chuan Lu, Haoqi Lu, Jingbin Lu, Junguang Lu, Shuxiang Lu, Xiaoxu Lu, Bayarto Lubsandorzhiev, Sultim Lubsandorzhiev, Livia Ludhova, Fengjiao Luo, Guang Luo, Pengwei Luo, Shu Luo, Wuming Luo, Vladimir Lyashuk, Bangzheng Ma, Qiumei Ma, Si Ma, Xiaoyan Ma, Xubo Ma, Jihane Maalmi, Yury Malyshkin, Fabio Mantovani, Francesco Manzali, Xin Mao, Yajun Mao, Stefano M. Mari, Filippo Marini, Sadia Marium, Cristina Martellini, Gisele Martin-Chassard, Agnese Martini, Davit Mayilyan, Ints Mednieks, Yue Meng, Anselmo Meregaglia, Emanuela Meroni, Mauro Mezzetto, Jonathan Miller, Lino Miramonti, Salvatore Monforte, Paolo Montini, Michele Montuschi, Pavithra Muralidharan, Massimiliano Nastasi, Dmitry Naumov, Elena Naumova, Diana Navas-Nicolas, Igor Nemchenok, Minh Thuan Nguyen Thi, Feipeng Ning, Zhe Ning, Hiroshi Nunokawa, Lothar Oberauer, Juan Pedro Ochoa-Ricoux, Alexander Olshevskiy, Domizia Orestano, Fausto Ortica, Rainer Othegraven, Hsiao-Ru Pan, Alessandro Paoloni, Nina Parkalian, Sergio Parmeggiano, Yatian Pei, Nicomede Pelliccia, Anguo Peng, Haiping Peng, Pierre-Alexandre Petitjean, Fabrizio Petrucci, Oliver Pilarczyk, Artyom Popov, Pascal Poussot, Wathan Pratumwan, Ezio Previtali, Fazhi Qi, Ming Qi, Sen Qian, Xiaohui Qian, Zhen Qian, Hao Qiao, Zhonghua Qin, Shoukang Qiu, Muhammad Usman Rajput, Gioacchino Ranucci, Neill Raper, Alessandra Re, Henning Rebber, Abdel Rebii, Bin Ren, Jie Ren, Taras Rezinko, Barbara Ricci, Markus Robens, Mathieu Roche, Narongkiat Rodphai, Aldo Romani, Christian Roth, Xiangdong Ruan, Xichao Ruan, Saroj Rujirawat, Arseniy Rybnikov, Andrey Sadovsky, Paolo Saggese, Giuseppe Salamanna, Si-mone Sanfilippo, Anut Sangka, Nuanwan Sanguansak, Utane Sawangwit, Julia Sawatzki, Fatma Sawy, Michaela Schever, Jacky Schuler, Konstantin Schweizer, Alexandr Selyunin, Andrea Serafini, Giulio Settanta, Mariangela Settimo, Zhuang Shao, Vladislav Sharov, Arina Shaydurova, Jingyan Shi, Yanan Shi, Vitaly Shutov, Andrey Sidorenkov, Chiara Sirignano, Jaruchit Siripak, Monica Sisti, Maciej Slupecki, Mikhail Smirnov, Oleg Smirnov, Thiago Sogo-Bezerra, Sergey Sokolov, Julanan Songwadhana, Boonrucksar Soonthornthum, Albert Sotnikov, Warintorn Sreethawong, Achim Stahl, Luca Stanco, Konstantin Stankevich, Dusan Stefanik, Hans Steiger, Jochen Steinmann, Tobias Sterr, Matthias Raphael Stock, Virginia Strati, Alexander Studenikin, Gongxing Sun, Shifeng Sun, Xilei Sun, Yongjie Sun, Yongzhao Sun, Narumon Suwonjandee, Michal Szelezniak, Jian Tang, Qiang Tang, Quan Tang, Xiao Tang, Alexander Tietzsch, Igor Tkachev, Tomas Tmej, Marco Danilo Claudio Torri, Konstantin Treskov, Andrea Triossi, Giancarlo Troni, Wladyslaw Trzaska, Cristina Tuve, Nikita Ushakov, Johannes van den Boom, Stefan van Waasen, Guillaume Vanroyen, Nikolaos Vassilopoulos, Vadim Vedin, Giuseppe Verde, Maxim Vialkov, Benoit Viaud, Moritz Vollbrecht, Cristina Volpe, Vit Vorobel, Dmitriy Voronin, Lucia Votano, Pablo Walker, Caishen Wang, Chung-Hsiang Wang, En Wang, Guoli Wang, Jian Wang, Jun Wang, Kunyu Wang, Lu Wang, Meifen Wang, Meng Wang, Meng Wang, Ruiguang Wang, Siguang Wang, Wei Wang, Wei Wang, Wenshuai Wang, Xi Wang, Xiangyue Wang, Yangfu Wang, Yaoguang Wang, Yi Wang, Yi Wang, Yifang Wang, Yuanqing Wang, Yuman Wang, Zhe Wang, Zheng Wang, Zhimin Wang, Zongyi Wang, Muhammad Waqas, Apimook Watcharangkool, Lianghong Wei, Wei Wei, Wenlu Wei, Yadong Wei, Liangjian Wen, Christopher Wiebusch, Steven Chan-Fai Wong, Bjoern Wonsak, Diru Wu, Fangliang Wu, Qun Wu, Wenjie Wu, Zhi Wu, Michael Wurm, Jacques Wurtz, Christian Wysotzki, Yufei Xi, Dongmei Xia, Yuguang Xie, Zhangquan Xie, Zhizhong Xing, Benda Xu, Cheng Xu, Donglian Xu, Fanrong Xu, Hangkun Xu, Jilei Xu, Jing Xu, Meihang Xu, Yin Xu, Yu Xu, Baojun Yan, Taylor Yan, Wenqi Yan, Xiongbo Yan, Yupeng Yan, Anbo Yang, Changgen Yang, Huan Yang, Jie Yang, Lei Yang, Xiaoyu Yang, Yifan Yang, Yifan Yang, Haifeng Yao, Zafar Yasin, Jiaxuan Ye, Mei Ye, Ziping Ye, Ugur Yegin, Peihuai Yi, Na Yin, Xiang-wei Yin, Zhengyun You, Boxiang Yu, Chiye Yu, Chunxu Yu, Hongzhao Yu, Miao Yu, Xianghui Yu, Zeyuan Yu, Zezhong Yu, Chengzhuo Yuan, Ying Yuan, Zhenxiong Yuan, Ziyi Yuan, Baobiao Yue, Noman Zafar, Andre Zambanini, Vitalii Zavadskyi, Shan Zeng, Tingxuan Zeng, Yuda Zeng, Liang Zhan, Aiqiang Zhang, Feiyang Zhang, Guoqing Zhang, Haiqiong Zhang, Honghao Zhang, Jiawen Zhang, Jie Zhang, Jingbo Zhang, Jinnan Zhang, Peng Zhang, Qingmin Zhang, Shiqi Zhang, Shu Zhang, Tao Zhang, Xiaomei Zhang, Xuantong Zhang, Xueyao Zhang, Yan Zhang, Yinhong Zhang, Yiyu Zhang, Yongpeng Zhang, Yuanyuan Zhang, Yumei Zhang, Zhenyu Zhang, Zhijian Zhang, Fengyi Zhao, Jie Zhao, Rong Zhao, Shujun Zhao, Tianchi Zhao, Dongqin Zheng, Hua Zheng, Minshan Zheng, Yangheng Zheng, Weirong Zhong, Jing Zhou, Li Zhou, Nan Zhou, Shun Zhou, Tong Zhou, Xiang Zhou, Jiang Zhu, Kangpu Zhu, Kejun Zhu, ZhiHang Zhu, Bo Zhuang, Honglin Zhuang, Liang Zong, Jiaheng Zou

Summary: The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is a 20 kton liquid scintillator detector located 700 meters underground, with excellent energy resolution and a large fiducial volume. It offers exciting opportunities for studying neutrino and astro-particle physics. The construction and design of JUNO are challenging, but it provides potential for significant scientific research.


Article Astronomy & Astrophysics

More indications for lepton nonuniversality in b → sl+l-

T. Hurth, F. Mahmoudi, D. Martinez Santos, S. Neshatpour

Summary: The study by the LHCb collaboration confirms evidence for lepton flavour nonuniversality through updated measurements of R-K at a 3.1 Sigma level. Projections for future measurements suggest that LHCb may discover lepton nonuniversality in a single observable with Run 3 data. The study also analyzes other ratios and their ability to differentiate between various new physics options within effective field theory. Additionally, deviations in the ratios are compared with NP indications in angular observables of exclusive b -> sll transitions.


Article Astronomy & Astrophysics

Implication of the W boson mass anomaly at CDF II in the Higgs triplet model with a mass difference

Shinya Kanemura, Kei Yagyu

Summary: A new report from the CDF II experiment shows a significant deviation in the measured mass of the W boson compared to the standard model prediction. While other high energy experiments have consistent results, the possibility of explaining this anomaly using the Higgs triplet model is discussed.


Article Astronomy & Astrophysics

Non-local curvature gravity cosmology via Noether symmetries

Adriano Acunzo, Francesco Bajardi, Salvatore Capozziello

Summary: This article discusses extensions of General Relativity based on the non-local function f(R, rectangle(-1) R) and explores the role of non-locality in cosmology. Viable exact solutions are found by selecting viable models using the Noether Symmetry Approach.


Article Astronomy & Astrophysics

Can we understand the decay width of the Tcc+ state?

Xi-Zhe Ling, Ming-Zhu Liu, Li-Sheng Geng, En Wang, Ju-Jun Xie

Summary: Inspired by the recent discovery of a doubly charmed tetraquark state T-cc(+) by the LHCb Collaboration, this study investigates the decay width of T-cc(+) using the effective Lagrangian approach and assumes it to be an isoscalar DD* molecule. The results show that both T-cc -> DD pi and T-cc -> DD gamma contribute to the decay width, with the former being dominant.


Review Physics, Nuclear

Transport model comparison studies of intermediate-energy heavy-ion collisions

Hermann Wolter, Maria Colonna, Dan Cozma, Pawel Danielewicz, Che Ming Ko, Rohit Kumar, Akira Ono, ManYee Betty Tsang, Jun Xu, Ying-Xun Zhang, Elena Bratkovskaya, Zhao-Qing Feng, Theodoros Gaitanos, Arnaud Le Fevre, Natsumi Ikeno, Youngman Kim, Swagata Mallik, Paolo Napolitani, Dmytro Oliinychenko, Tatsuhiko Ogawa, Massimo Papa, Jun Su, Rui Wang, Yong-Jia Wang, Janus Weil, Feng-Shou Zhang, Guo-Qiang Zhang, Zhen Zhang, Joerg Aichelin, Wolfgang Cassing, Lie-Wen Chen, Hui-Gan Cheng, Hannah Elfner, K. Gallmeister, Christoph Hartnack, Shintaro Hashimoto, Sangyong Jeon, Kyungil Kim, Myungkuk Kim, Bao-An Li, Chang-Hwan Lee, Qing-Feng Li, Zhu-Xia Li, Ulrich Mosel, Yasushi Nara, Koji Niita, Akira Ohnishi, Tatsuhiko Sato, Taesoo Song, Agnieszka Sorensen, Ning Wang, Wen-Jie Xie

Summary: Transport models are used to obtain physics information on heavy-ion collisions. The Transport Model Evaluation Project aims to test the robustness of these models and find consistent conclusions. Six studies have been performed, showing convergence of results in box calculations, but differences in full heavy-ion collisions. Further comparisons are needed to improve transport simulations and validate the models.


Article Astronomy & Astrophysics

Type-II seesaw triplet scalar effects on neutrino trident scattering

Yu Cheng, Xiao-Gang He, Zhong-Lv Huang, Ming-Wei Li

Summary: In the Type-II seesaw model, the introduction of an electroweak triplet scalar field Delta is essential for the generation of small neutrino masses. The non-zero vacuum expectation value of Delta affects the W mass, but recent data suggest that this effect can be neglected.


Article Physics, Nuclear

The BEST framework for the search for the QCD critical point and the chiral magnetic effect

Xin An, Marcus Bluhm, Lipei Du, Gerald Dunne, Hannah Elfner, Charles Gale, Joaquin Grefa, Ulrich Heinz, Anping Huang, Jamie M. Karthein, Dmitri E. Kharzeev, Volker Koch, Jinfeng Liao, Shiyong Li, Mauricio Martinez, Michael McNelis, Debora Mroczek, Swagato Mukherjee, Marlene Nahrgang, Angel R. Nava Acuna, Jacquelyn Noronha-Hostler, Dmytro Oliinychenko, Paolo Parotto, Israel Portillo, Maneesha Sushama Pradeep, Scott Pratt, Krishna Rajagopal, Claudia Ratti, Gregory Ridgway, Thomas Schafer, Bjorn Schenke, Chun Shen, Shuzhe Shi, Mayank Singh, Vladimir Skokov, Dam T. Son, Agnieszka Sorensen, Mikhail Stephanov, Raju Venugopalan, Volodymyr Vovchenko, Ryan Weller, Ho-Ung Yee, Yi Yin

Summary: The BEST Collaboration was formed to provide a theoretical framework for analyzing data from the Beam Energy Scan program at RHIC, with the goal of searching for a QCD critical point and manifestations of the chiral magnetic effect. Progress has been made in studying the equation of state, initial state models, hydrodynamic framework, freezeout prescriptions, and hadronic transport models over the past five years, with the challenge of integrating these components into a complete analysis framework.


Article Astronomy & Astrophysics

Reactor antineutrino anomaly in light of recent flux model refinements

C. Giunti, Y. F. Li, C. A. Ternes, Z. Xin

Summary: This study investigates the reactor antineutrino anomaly in light of recent reactor flux models obtained with conversion and summation methods. The results show that the predictions of the Kurchatov Institute (KI) conversion model and the Estienne-Fallot (EF) summation model are consistent with the reactor rates and fuel evolution data, leading to a plausible solution to the reactor antineutrino anomaly.


Article Physics, Nuclear

Chapter 1 LHAASO Instruments and Detector technology *

Xin-Hua Ma, Yu-Jiang Bi, Zhen Cao, Ming-Jun Chen, Song-Zhan Chen, Yao-Dong Cheng, Guang-Hua Gong, Min-Hao Gu, Hui-Hai He, Chao Hou, Wen-Hao Huang, Xing-Tao Huang, Cheng Liu, Oleg Shchegolev, Xiang-Dong Sheng, Yuri Stenkin, Chao-Yong Wu, Han-Rong Wu, Sha Wu, Gang Xiao, Zhi-Guo Yao, Shou-Shan Zhang, Yi Zhang, Xiong Zuo

Summary: LHAASO is a large high-altitude air shower observatory located in Daocheng, Sichuan province, China. It consists of various detectors synchronized through a clock network, with an IT center for data acquisition and analysis.


Article Physics, Nuclear

Doubly heavy tetraquarks in an extended chromomagnetic model

Xin-Zhen Weng, Wei-Zhen Deng, Shi-Lin Zhu

Summary: Using an extended chromomagnetic model, the masses of doubly heavy tetraquarks are systematically studied, revealing the dominance of color-triplet configurations in the ground states. It is found that the importance of color-triplet configurations increases with the mass difference between quarks and antiquarks. Three stable states below the pseudoscalar meson thresholds are identified.


Article Astronomy & Astrophysics

Impact of the CDF W-mass anomaly on two Higgs doublet model

Yongtae Heo, Dong-Won Jung, Jae Sik Lee

Summary: In this study, the implication of the recent CDF W-mass anomaly is considered within the framework of the two Higgs doublet model. It is found that the large deviation of the Sand T parameters from their SM values leads to an upper limit of about 1 TeV on the heavy charged and neutral Higgs bosons.


Article Astronomy & Astrophysics

Dynamics of binary systems to fourth Post-Minkowskian order from the effective field theory approach

Christoph Dlapa, Gregor Kaelin, Zhengwen Liu, Rafael A. Porto

Summary: This paper investigates the contribution of potential interactions to the dynamics of non-spinning binaries at fourth Post-Minkowskian order. By computing the scattering angle and deriving the bound radial action, the authors analyze the effects of potential interactions using the effective field theory approach. The results are consistent with recent findings from scattering amplitudes and align with the state-of-the-art in Post-Newtonian theory.


Article Astronomy & Astrophysics

Singlet-doublet fermion origin of dark matter, neutrino mass and W-mass anomaly

Debasish Borah, Satyabrata Mahapatra, Narendra Sahu

Summary: Motivated by the anomaly in the W boson mass observed by the CDF collaboration, the authors propose a singlet-doublet Majorana fermion dark matter model. They find that the required correction to the W boson mass can be explained by radiative corrections induced by the singlet-doublet fermions. It is shown that two generations of singlet-doublet fermions can account for the W boson mass anomaly and also be consistent with dark matter phenomenology.


Article Astronomy & Astrophysics

Early and late universe holographic cosmology from a new generalized entropy

Shin'ichi Nojiri, Sergei D. Odintsov, Tanmoy Paul

Summary: The study introduces a new four-parameter entropy function that unifies the early inflation and late dark energy era of the universe. It reveals that the parameters values for early inflation and late dark energy are consistent in this unified scenario. Additionally, the entropic cosmology from the proposed entropy function is equivalent to holographic cosmology.