
Article Philosophy

The symmetry regained

Tien-Chun Lo

Summary: This paper examines the attempt to break the symmetry between the modal ontological argument for the existence of God and the reverse modal ontological argument against the existence of God. The author argues that considering Kripke's insights on a posteriori necessity does not help achieve this goal, as a similar argument can also be made for the possibility of God's existence.


Article History & Philosophy Of Science

Normative realism and Brentanian accounts of fittingness

Reuben Sass

Summary: This article focuses on Brentano's argument for the fitting-attitudes analysis and proposes the worldly Brentanian account of normativity as a form of naturalistic realism.


Article Philosophy

Derrida's Donner - le temps Session Six

Lee Braver

Summary: This essay discusses the missing session in Volume II of Derrida's "Given Time: Counterfeit Money" and analyzes in detail the relationship between this work and Kant as well as some of Derrida's earlier essays. This missing chapter is crucial to understanding Derrida's most concentrated and thorough discussions on the gift.


Article Philosophy

Bildung as Cultural Participation: The Prereflective and Reflective Self in Hegel's Phenomenology

Nisar Alungal Chungath

Summary: Contemporary poststructural and hermeneutical theories emphasize the opacity and inarticulateness of self-understanding. This paper proposes Hegelian self-consciousness as an alternative that both accepts and rejects the ontologically significant prejudices. The reflective dimension of the Hegelian self is depicted through the concept of Bildung.


Article Philosophy

Returning to totality: Settler colonialism, decolonization, and struggles for freedom

John Grant, Corey Snelgrove

Summary: A unifying feature of prominent social movements in the 2010s is their dissatisfaction with explaining injustices on a case-by-case basis. This has led to the revival of totality thinking, which allows for understanding the connections between seemingly isolated moments that are actually part of a larger whole. By drawing on Marxist and Indigenous theorists, the concept of totality and settler colonialism as a totality are reconstructed. Through an examination of John Borrows' approach to decolonization, the importance of this concept in politicizing unfree forms of interdependence is justified. Finally, totality thinking highlights the unity-in-separation of different struggles, fostering a politics of immanent universalism as an alternative to both abstract universalism and particularism.


Article Philosophy

Williams and Cusk on Technologies of the Self

James V. Martin

Summary: The rejection of a characterless moral self and the exploration of developing an authentic moral point of view in the context of contemporary living are the central themes of Bernard Williams' philosophy. The author extends this discussion by examining Rachel Cusk's works, shedding light on the concept of self and authenticity, and exploring alternative approaches to constituting oneself outside traditional narrative structures.


Article History & Philosophy Of Science

Etiological proper function and the safety condition

Dario Mortini

Summary: In this paper, the author introduces and explains a new definition of safety condition, which is understood in terms of etiological proper function. After testing this definition against the most significant objections to safety-theoretic accounts of knowledge, the author concludes that when safety is properly understood in terms of etiological proper function, it has a better chance of being the right anti-Gettier condition on knowledge.


Article History & Philosophy Of Science

Sizes of Countable Sets

Katerina Trlifajova

Summary: The paper introduces the concept of size of countable sets, which follows the Part-Whole Principle. The sizes of the natural and rational numbers, as well as their subsets, unions, and Cartesian products, can be algorithmically enumerated using sequences of natural numbers. This approach is constructive, motivated by Bolzano's concept of infinite series and does not rely on ultrafilters. Set sizes are uniquely determined. The results mostly agree, although there are some differences, such as the size of rational numbers. However, set sizes are only partially ordered, not linearly ordered. Quid pro quo.


Article Philosophy

Rights and the Good

Ariel Zylberman

Summary: This paper explores the connection between moral rights and the good, suggesting that they conceptually depend on each other.


Article Philosophy

Cohesive proportionality

Ezra Rubenstein

Summary: This article discusses the concepts of proportionality and cohesion. The author explains cohesion in terms of the similarity structure of property-spaces and argues that alternative approaches based on naturalness, interventionism, and contrastivism are inadequate.


Article Logic

Ab Esse ad Posse Non Valet Consequentia

Daniel Dohrn

Summary: The translation discusses the comparison between actual possibilities and mere possibilities, as well as the principle of "what is actual is possible." It also proposes restrictions on the validity of this principle when the accessibility of possibilities is contextually restricted.


Article Philosophy

Vaccines and the Case for the Enhancement of Human Judgment

Ken Daley

Summary: There is much controversy surrounding human enhancement, but few people oppose vaccines. The author argues that limited cognitive enhancements, such as evaluative judgment and self-control, should be permissible by drawing an analogy with the permissibility of vaccines. They also respond to possible objections to defend their position.


Article Philosophy

Conceptual Knowing-How-Based Theoretical Wisdom

Yuanfan Huang

Summary: This study argues that a self-contained characterization of theoretical wisdom is possible, contrary to the belief that only practical wisdom exists. It favors a knowing-how-based approach rather than a knowing-that-based approach, and provides a detailed account of theoretical wisdom in terms of conceptual knowing-how.


Article Education & Educational Research

Visual Education and the Care of the Figuring Self. Mr. Palomar's Exercises as Pedagogy

Stefano Oliverio

Summary: This paper engages with Italo Calvino's lecture on Visibility in an educational and pedagogical context, proposing a kind of visual education that combines image and writing to address the challenges of the contemporary mediascape dominated by tautological vision. It suggests a pedagogy of figuration as an interruption of the repetitive vision and a way to educate readers of the unwritten world and digital images.


Article Philosophy

Social construction, social kinds and exportation

Emilie Pagano

Summary: According to Brian Epstein, social kinds can exist across different worlds. He argues that a social construction theory should acknowledge that Darth Vader is a war criminal in the Empire. In contrast, the "grounding-only" theory proposed by Jonathan Schaffer and Aaron Griffith suggests that social kinds cannot transcend different worlds. Therefore, Epstein proposes the concept of "anchoring" in addition to grounding to explain this phenomenon.


Article Mathematics

Quineanism, Noneism and Metaphysical Equivalence

Bruno Jacinto, Javier Belastegui

Summary: This paper introduces and defends the Synonymy account, which proposes that two theories are synonymous and equivalent if they have the same propositions and entailment relations, as well as a commitment to the truth of the same propositions. It further demonstrates how this account provides a better understanding of the debate between Quineans and noneists, and compares favorably to other competing accounts.


Article Philosophy

An Argument Against Weiism: A Nietzschean and Philosophical Posthumanist Reading of Ira Levin's This Perfect Day

Pierre Balthasar

Summary: This paper argues for a philosophical posthumanist and Nietzschean reading of Ira Levin's This Perfect Day, demonstrating the inappropriateness of transhumanism as a Nietzschean theory. The author establishes Chip as a posthuman on the path to the 'Overhuman', while Wei is presented as Chip's intended counterpart, the Last Human. By connecting 'Transhumanism' to Wei, a new way of reading transhumanist ideology called 'Weiism' is showcased. The contrasting characters of 'Overhuman' and 'Last Human' support the Nietzschean paradoxical within philosophical posthumanism. The integration of amor fati and eternal recurrence into Chip's posthuman narrative serves as tools for posthumanist storytelling. The argument is made that by making philosophical posthumanism more existentialist, it becomes easier to argue against nihilistic and totalitarian tendencies of worshipping technology. The combination of the Nietzschean cyclical self-reinvention and posthumanist consideration for the future creates a literary fusion of the two fields of study.


Article Philosophy

Imagining the Past of the Present

Mark Windsor

Summary: Some objects are valued because they are associated with people, events, or places from the past, which gives them a sense of tangible reality and makes history come alive. The author proposes an explanation for these experiences, suggesting that they can be explained by an imaginative activity of representing the historical connection of an object as part of its present form.


Article Philosophy


Charles T. Wolfe

Summary: Materialism, as a part of the history of philosophy, also intersects with the history of medicine. Early modern medical materialism emphasizes the relationship between body and soul and reflects on the nature of matter, body, and soul.


Article Mathematics

Connexive Logic, Connexivity, and Connexivism: Remarks on Terminology

Heinrich Wansing, Hitoshi Omori

Summary: This article introduces the rapid growth of the community researching connexive logics and the issues with terminology used in the field. The aim is to contribute towards unifying and reducing the terminology, making it easier for external scholars to understand the field.