International Relations

Article Economics

State ownership, political connection, and innovation subsidies in China*

Hong Cheng, Hanbing Fan, Takeo Hoshi, Dezhuang Hu

Summary: This study examines the impact of political connections on the likelihood of Chinese firms receiving innovation subsidies. The findings suggest that politically connected firms are more likely to receive such subsidies, and that this connection is more important than state ownership. While firms receiving innovation subsidies file and receive more patents, these patents are not necessarily of high quality, and there is no increase in productivity or profitability. These results indicate politically induced inefficiency in the allocation of innovation subsidies in China.


Article Economics

Tackling the risks in crypto: Choosing among bans, containment and regulation

Matteo Aquilina, Jon Frost, Andreas Schrimpf

Summary: This paper discusses the appropriate policy response to address the risks in crypto and proposes bans, containment, and regulation as possible approaches. The paper also describes the approach taken in Japan.


Article Environmental Studies

Economic consequences of the COVID'19 pandemic for functioning of the cruise shipping industry in the Baltic Sea Region

Joanna Kizielewicz

Summary: Cruise line owners and insurance companies failed to predict the global pandemic, leading to a significant drop in demand for sea voyages and causing huge losses. Despite the implementation of sanitary restrictions and protocols, potential passengers still hesitate to travel by sea. This study examines the economic effects in the Baltic Sea Region and provides solutions for seaport authorities and cruise operators to cope with potential threats in the future, as well as recommendations for policy makers to ensure financial security and insurance cover.


Article Environmental Studies

Estimating and comparing the direct economic contributions of reef fisheries and tourism in the Asia-Pacific

Henry A. Bartelet, Michele L. Barnes, Graeme S. Cumming

Summary: Coral reefs in the Asia-Pacific region make a significant direct economic contribution to the economy, mainly through reef tourism. The economic productivity of coral reefs varies between countries. Non-consumptive direct use of reef resources provides greater economic benefits than consumptive uses.


Article Environmental Studies

Should Indonesia regulate foreign military activities in its EEZ?

Arie Afriansyah, Leonardo Bernard, Christou Imanuel

Summary: This article analyzes whether Indonesia needs specific legislation to regulate foreign military activities in its exclusive economic zone (EEZ). It argues that it is difficult to justify regulating such activities under international law and suggests that Indonesia should maintain the current status quo of not regulating them.


Article Environmental Studies

Based on stakeholder questionnaires of ship-derived waste, waste management re-planning in Ports and determining the need for inspection

Omer Harun Ozkaynak, Gonul Tugrul Icemer

Summary: This study analyzed the differences in fee tariffs and technical capacity for ship waste collection among different countries and ports, as well as the insufficient knowledge of personnel in waste management. It is suggested that standardizing technical capacity and pricing, and providing training to personnel can effectively prevent marine pollution caused by shipborne waste.


Article Environmental Studies

Re-thinking recreational fishing - how a natural disaster presents insights and opportunities for achieving sustainability and equity objectives

Shane Orchard, Shawn Gerrity, David R. Schiel

Summary: This study focuses on the paua (abalone) fishery in the Kaiko Over Bar Ura district in New Zealand, which is an important component of the local economy. The fishery was closed for 5 years due to mortality caused by an earthquake, and reopened in 2021. The study finds that the catch target was severely exceeded, highlighting the need to focus on fishing effort for sustainable management. Adjusting daily bag limits and temporal controls on the open season can help achieve a balance.


Article Environmental Studies

Company level biodiversity impact assessment: An application to the aquaculture industry in Norway

Verena Hagspiel, Markus Bjorkli Jansen, Maria Lavrutich, Gaute Nepstad

Summary: This paper proposes a company-level biodiversity impact assessment framework tailored to the aquaculture industry. Using publicly available data from Norway, the study analyzes the relative biodiversity performance of companies and finds that companies operating in the northern production areas of Norway have a geographical advantage and higher biodiversity rankings. Additionally, larger and publicly traded salmon farming companies perform better than smaller privately owned ones in terms of biodiversity issues.


Article Environmental Studies

Land-Sea-Interactions in MSP and ICZM: A regional perspective from the Mediterranean and the Black Sea

Martina Bocci, Marina Markovic, Ales Mlakar, Margarita Stancheva, Michelle Borg, Fabio Carella, Andrea Barbanti, Emiliano Ramieri

Summary: Land-sea interactions are crucial for marine spatial planning, but face challenges in practical application. This paper applies the guidelines proposed by UNEP/MAP PAP/RAC in four case studies in Bulgaria, Italy, Malta and Montenegro. The guidelines have been proven to be flexible and adaptable to different countries' needs.


Article Environmental Studies

Achieving sustainable source reduction of marine litter for ocean conservation in West Africa: Insights from single-use plastic consumers in Liberia

Sika Abrokwah, Ivy Serwaa Gyimah Akuoko, Margaret Fafa Awushie Akwetey, Mike Izava Olendo, Peter Kershaw, Denis Worlanyo Aheto

Summary: Source reduction of marine litter is the most preferred approach to addressing the global problem of plastic pollution. This study in West Africa, specifically Liberia, explores the influence of socio-demographic factors and environmental awareness on the use of single-use plastics. The findings highlight the need to consider these factors when developing policies and infrastructure to reduce plastic waste.


Article Environmental Studies

Assessing the role of blockchain technology for marine bunkering operations - A case study of task technology fit

Ubaid Ullah Mumtaz, Paul Bergey, Nicholas Letch

Summary: Technology adoption is crucial for improving workflow efficiency, but selecting suitable technologies can be challenging in multi-party workflows across different geographical boundaries. This study focuses on the role of blockchain technology in marine bunkering, using the Task-Technology Fit theory and Group Support System model to investigate this concept. The analysis reveals that fit depends on legal norms, task characteristics, and technological properties. Additionally, the study highlights the blockchain framework and the role of smart contracts in the value chain.


Article Environmental Studies

Improved traceability in seafood supply chains is achievable by minimising vulnerable nodes in processing and distribution networks

C. R. Hopkins, S. I. Roberts, A. J. Caveen, C. Graham, N. M. Burns

Summary: Traceability is crucial for ensuring the legality and sustainability of seafood products. Short supply chains are more likely to achieve end-to-end traceability, but vulnerable nodes in processing and distribution networks may result in a loss of traceability. While traceability systems can provide sustainability information, high traceability performance does not necessarily equate to a sustainable source fishery.


Article Environmental Studies

Rio de Janeiro's ocean economy as a key vector for sustainable development in Brazil

Thauan Santos, Joilson de Assis Cabral, Paulo Vitor dos Santos Lima, Matheus de Andrade Santos

Summary: The ocean economy is crucial for job creation, value addition, and sustainable development, but Brazil lacks public policies and official data to foster its ocean economy. This paper maps the sectors of the ocean economy in the state of Rio de Janeiro and highlights its potential for local economic recovery.


Article Environmental Studies

Preferential selection of marine protected areas by the recreational scuba diving industry

Molly Morse, Douglas Mccauley, Sara Orofino, Keenan Stears, Samantha Mladjov, Jenn Caselle, Tyler Clavelle, Ryan Freedman

Summary: Based on vessel data and surveys, this study reveals the benefits of marine protected areas (MPAs) for the scuba diving industry in Southern California and emphasizes the importance of involving the ecotourism industry in MPA management decisions.


Article Environmental Studies

Discharge measures for Fukushima wastewater and South Korea's response and implications of the WTO Korea-Japan fishery dispute (Korea-Radionuclides) case

Eon Kyung Park, Seokwoo Lee

Summary: The Korea-Fishery Products Importation Restriction case highlights the importance of considering qualitative criteria in addition to quantitative criteria when assessing risk control measures.


Article Environmental Studies

Towards a combined human-natural system approach in the Northern Red Sea Region: Ecological challenges, sustainable development, and community engagement

Ahmed Eladawy, Neil C. Mitchell, Takashi Nakamura, Momen El-Husseiny, Yuta A. Takagi, Nabil Elhady, Brook Muller, Sara Abdel-Hamid, Asmaa Mohammed, Kazuo Nadaoka, J. P. Walsh

Summary: The northern Red Sea coastal ecosystem is diverse and resilient, but it is facing threats from warming waters, increased sediment, pollutants, and human impacts. Damage has already been done to the ecosystem on both sides of the northern Red Sea. Ecosystem protection and research need to catch up with the revenue generated from tourism to ensure sustainable development.


Article Environmental Studies

Understanding of sailing rule based on COLREGs: Comparison of navigator survey and automated collision-avoidance algorithm

Jong-Kwan Kim, Deuk-Jin Park

Summary: This study aims to clarify the interpretation of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGs) based on the understanding of navigators and researchers. The study found that there is uncertainty and disparity in the understanding of certain navigation rules among navigators and between navigators and automated collision-avoidance algorithms. Differences in interpretation also exist among practical navigators.


Article Environmental Studies

Assessment of socioeconomic and ecosystem services of the blue economy in Tanzania using the UNECA's Blue Economy Valuation Toolkit

Asiya Maskaeva, Pierre Failler, Honita Cowaloosur, Philippe Lallemand, Jerry Mang'ena

Summary: This paper presents the economic, social, and ecosystem values generated by the blue economy resources in mainland Tanzania, using the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) Blue Economy Valuation Toolkit (BEVTK). In 2020, the major blue economy industries in Tanzania contributed $7.2 billion to the gross value added (GVA) and employed over 2 million individuals. The value of ecosystem services was approximately $104.24 billion in 2020, with large permanent freshwater lakes contributing significantly (74.87%).


Article Environmental Studies

Taking the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development as an opportunity to help build a Community with a Shared Future between China and Pacific Island Countries

Zhengkai Mao, Zhijun Zhang

Summary: A deep heritage of cooperation and growing convergence of interests have driven relations between China and Pacific Island countries forward. China should seize the opportunities brought by the UN Ocean Decade to promote science and technology diplomacy with Pacific Island countries, and help build a closer Community with a Shared Future between the two sides.


Article Environmental Studies

Biosecurity baseline for a sustainable development of seaweed aquaculture in Latin America

Cynthia Mendez, Danilo E. Bustamante, Martha S. Calderon, Cecilia Gauna, Leila Hayashi, Daniel Robledo, Claudia Tapia-Larios, Iona Campbell, Renato Westermeier, Pedro Murua

Summary: Latin America has great potential in seaweed farming but lacks adequate biosecurity policies and practices.