International Relations

Article International Relations

Climate change and security debates in the United Nations Security Council between 2007-2021

Bengu Celenk

Summary: This research aims to understand how the United Nations Security Council discursively organizes and institutionalizes climate change-related security issues, with a focus on its five permanent members. France and the United Kingdom have significant influence in shaping the discourses on climate change and security within the Council. However, the Council maintains a narrow focus on climate change, aligned with the political and economic interests of its permanent members.


Article Business

Financial Development Convergence: Evidence from Top and Bottom Globalised Developing Economies

Zuoxiang Zhao, Ding Han, Shreya Pal, Mantu Kumar Mahalik, Giray Gozgor

Summary: This paper investigates the pattern of financial development convergence in globalized developing regions from 1984 to 2016, and finds that the bottom globalized developing region has a slower speed of financial development convergence, indicating the need for improved financial market governance to enhance efficiency.


Article Area Studies

The Israel-Hamas War: Historical Context and International Law

M. T. Samuel

Summary: This essay places the 2023 Israel-Hamas war within a century-old legal history of Palestinian dispossession, highlighting the violation and misuse of international law. It argues that the motivations behind Hamas's attacks on October 7 were not solely driven by hatred of Jews, but rather by the Palestinians' disillusionment with an international system that has denied their right to self-determination, exacerbated by Israel's criminalization of nonviolent resistance. This historical perspective sheds light on not only the current war, but also the broader Israeli-Palestinian conflict.


Article Area Studies

Woman, Life, Freedom, One Year Later: Will the Iran Protests Succeed?

Mahmood Monshipouri, Ramtin Zamiri

Summary: This essay argues that the recent protests in Iran, initially triggered by compulsory veiling, are rooted in a broader dissatisfaction with dictatorship, corruption, and incompetence. Economic decline and deteriorating public services fuel the discontent. The Islamic Republic cannot return to normalcy, lacking the ability to reinvent itself due to political and socioeconomic constraints, as well as demographic and environmental challenges. External pressure might assist the protesters, but striking a balance between supporting the movement and engaging diplomatically with Iran's nuclear program is essential. Meanwhile, Iran seeks international assistance by turning to China and Russia. Given the government and security forces' willingness to use violence against protesters, civil disobedience appears to be the only means to systematically challenge the ruling order.


Article Business

Abnormal Disclosure Tone in MD&A and Analysts' Earnings Forecast: Evidence from China

Sibei Yan, Iny Hwang, Hyung-Rok Jung, Taejin Jung

Summary: This study finds that abnormal disclosure tone in the MD&A section of annual reports of Chinese listed firms affects analysts' forecasting behavior. Analysts are able to discern abnormal tone and accordingly adjust earnings estimates and improve forecast accuracy. Moreover, abnormal tone also attracts analysts' attention, especially in the presence of tone management and diminished information transparency.


Article International Relations

Death and Mourning in a United Nations Protection of Civilians Site in South Sudan

Zoe Cormack

Summary: This article investigates the disorderly conduct of burial and funerals in a Protection of Civilians (PoC) site in Juba, South Sudan. It argues that death exposes the conflicting temporalities between the crisis intervention and the long-term concerns of internally displaced people. These circumstances highlight the complex everyday relationship between PoC residents and humanitarians as the displaced seek to ensure the future survival of their kinship networks and wider community.


Article Business

Central Bank Communication and Leverage Differentiation of Non-Financial Enterprises

Xun Han, Jiaxue Qiao, Lingfeng Meng, Sara Hsu

Summary: Central bank communication has an impact on the leverage differentiation of non-financial corporations, as it reduces financial mismatches, stabilizes market expectation mechanism, and decreases managers' myopia.


Article International Relations

Important, not impotent: Russia and the exercise of agency through the war in Ukraine

Regina Heller

Summary: Russia's military aggression against Ukraine can be understood as a result of agentic misrecognition, aiming to reverse its perceived marginalization and status degradation in world politics. Viewing Russia's revisionism from the perspective of agentic misrecognition helps fill gaps in conventional explanations and allows for a better understanding of the contingent nature of the war.


Article International Relations

The Architecture of Counterinsurgency: Crafting a Blueprint for India's Left-Wing Extremism

Uddipan Mukherjee


Article Economics

Supranational Self-Empowerment Through Bricolage: The Role of the European Commission in EU Security and Defence

Patrick Muller, Peter Slominski, Wolfgang Sagmeister

Summary: This article presents a fresh understanding of bricolage as a strategy for gradually enhancing supranational self-empowerment. It argues that the Commission has effectively strengthened its role in EU security and defence by utilizing various bricolage tools, leading to the establishment of the European Defence Fund (EDF) and the Commission's Directorate-General Defence Industry and Space (DG DEFIS). The Commission has employed discursive bricolage to build communication and leverage existing EU financial and organizational resources to advance its interests. By adopting an incremental bricolage approach, the Commission has managed to address member states' sovereignty concerns and encourage deeper integration.


Article International Relations

Copy thy neighbor: Spatial interdependences in the democracy-repression nexus

Roman-Gabriel Olar

Summary: This article examines the impact of spatial interdependence between countries on domestic levels of repression, finding a robust diffusion effect of repression at a regional level. It also highlights the overestimation of the suppressing effect of democracy in previous literature when spatial interdependence is not accounted for. Additionally, the study identifies trade relations and security alliances as the main drivers of regional diffusion of repression.


Article International Relations

A neoclassical realist model of overconfidence and the Japan-Soviet Neutrality Pact in 1941

Ryuta Ito

Summary: This article examines the reasons behind Japan's decision to sign the Japan-Soviet Neutrality Pact in 1941, despite the deteriorating German-Soviet relations. It argues that Japan's balancing strategy and the self-deception of its foreign minister, Yosuke Matsuoka, played a crucial role in this decision.


Article International Relations

How leader's type shapes the effect of nuclear latency on dispute involvement

Benjamin Jones, Eleonora Mattiacci, Timothy Nordstrom

Summary: The effect of nuclear latency on states' conflict behaviors is significant, especially regarding leader types. Traditionally, hawks are more prone to conflict initiation, but nuclear latency blurs this distinction, and leader characteristics no longer affect dispute initiation for latent states.


Article International Relations

Neoliberalism versus the market? Liz Truss, neoliberal resilience, and Lacan's theory of the four discourses

Henry Maher

Summary: This article uses Lacanian discourse analysis to examine the rise and fall of Liz Truss and draw conclusions about the nature and resilience of neoliberalism. It argues that Liz Truss represented a pure form of the neoliberal master discourse but when her discourse failed, it led to the return of a neoliberal university discourse. The relationship between the neoliberal master and university discourses is crucial for understanding the ongoing resilience of neoliberalism.


Article International Relations

Russia-Pakistan Relations and the 'China Factor'- Implications for India

Shubhrajeet Konwer

Summary: As the Russia-Ukraine war continues, Russia is seeking support and resources from the Global South, and Pakistan is turning to Russia for help with its economic and food crisis. The article examines the growing relationship between Moscow and Islamabad and its impact on India. The war in Ukraine and the changing global order complicate the geopolitics in South Asia, which may ultimately push India away from Moscow.


Article International Relations

Conflict in early medieval Ireland, Adomnán of Iona and the law of the Innocents (697 AD): an early law of war

James W. Houlihan

Summary: This article explores the making of the Irish Law of the Innocents and its importance in protecting non-combatants. It examines the societal context and contrasts it with the dominant Christian tradition, and traces the evolution of the law until its eventual disappearance.


Article International Relations

NATO in the Global Commons: Defending Outer Space Against Threats from China

Jonas Vidhammer Berge, Liselotte Odgaard

Summary: In this article, the deterrence relationship between NATO and China in the space domain is analyzed. It is argued that NATO's deterrence in space is hindered by internal dependence on US patronage, leading to a lack of burden sharing and transatlantic unity. Steps to strengthen NATO's deterrence vis-a-vis China in space are proposed, including increased burden sharing and strategic coherency.


Article International Relations

Peace is in the air: Reducing conflict intensity with United Nations peacekeeping radio broadcasts

Mahtab Shafiei, Kathryn Lauren Overton

Summary: Mass media, particularly UN peacekeeping radio broadcasts, is a cost-effective and easily implemented method for addressing barriers to conflict resolution. Analysis of battle-related deaths in UN peacekeeping missions shows that peaceful UN radio broadcasts are associated with decreased conflict intensity.


Article International Relations

Assessing Continuities and Changes in Japan's Space Security Blueprint 2023

Vineeth Krishnan, Anupama Vijayakumar

Summary: This article interprets Japan's new space security blueprint and assesses it against the country's historic policies. It highlights the blueprint as a culmination of Japan's space security strategies over the years. The article also traces Japan's rise as a military space power and analyzes its evolving approach to space security.


Article International Relations

Soviet and Russian Diplomatic Expulsions: How Many and Why?

Kevin P. Riehle

Summary: Between 1946 and 1991, over 1,500 Soviet officials, mostly intelligence officers under diplomatic cover, were expelled worldwide. The reasons for these expulsions include reactions to political changes, retaliation for covert activities, response to defectors and intelligence obtained through penetrations, and most commonly, retaliation for espionage. Recent expulsions are adaptations of Cold War methods, with some variations in scale and international cooperation.