International Relations

Review International Relations

The Dasgupta Review deconstructed: an expose of biodiversity economics

Clive L. Spash, Frederic Hache

Summary: The Dasgupta Review attempts to frame critical biodiversity loss as an issue of asset management and population size in order to divert attention away from questioning economic growth, despite apparently recognizing natural limits. However, it ignores long-standing problems with capital theory and social cost-benefit analysis, offering impossible to achieve valuations based on old flawed theories and methods embedded in an unsavoury political economy.


Article Economics

Digitalization or flexibilization? The changing role of technology in the political economy of Japan

Saori Shibata

Summary: This article examines the impact of digitalization in the service sector in Japan, highlighting potential issues such as skill degradation and increased work intensity, rather than the optimistic improvements in working conditions and stable growth as some commentators have suggested.


Article Environmental Studies

Spatio-temporal evolutionary characteristics of carbon emissions and carbon sinks of marine industry in China and their time-dependent models

Jinghui Wu, Bo Li

Summary: The study shows that from 2008 to 2019, carbon emissions and carbon sinks of the marine industry in China increased annually, with the growth rate of carbon emissions higher than that of carbon sinks. Different provinces (cities) showed varying levels of carbon emissions and sinks based on their time-dependent models.


Article Business, Finance

Globalisation, economic uncertainty and labour market regulations: Implications for the COVID-19 crisis

Jianchun Fang, Giray Gozgor, James H. Nolt

Summary: This study found that globalization promotes labor market flexibility, while economic uncertainty has a negative impact on it. The interaction of globalization with economic uncertainty further affects labor market flexibility. The findings were robust to various sensitivity analyses, including different estimation procedures and globalization indicators, as well as various controls and excluding outliers.


Article International Relations

Uncovering the Far-Right Online Ecosystem: An Analytical Framework and Research Agenda

Stephane J. Baele, Lewys Brace, Travis G. Coan

Summary: This article provides an analytical framework for studying the multifaceted and fast-growing activity of right-wing extremists on the Internet. It conceptualizes the online presence of the far-right as a dynamic ecosystem and highlights the size, breadth, and heterogeneity of today's far-right online ecosystem through key examples.


Article Economics

Cleaning mineral supply chains? Political economies of exploitation and hidden costs of technical fixes

Philippe Le Billon, Samuel Spiegel

Summary: This article examines the hidden costs of three prominent mineral supply chain solutions and highlights how global capitalism shapes regulatory injustices. The 'clean' mineral supply chain schemes can hide inequitable territorial and economic regimes of accumulation and labor exploitation, resulting in negative impacts on communities, the environment, and extractive political economies dominated by large corporations. There is a need for increased critical attention to how mineral supply chain schemes limit the potential for pursuing counter-hegemonic transformation.


Article International Relations

The 'South' Speaks Back: Exposing the Ethical Stakes of Dismissing Resilience in Conflict-Affected Contexts

Basma Hajir, Sara Clarke-Habibi, Nomisha Kurian

Summary: This article extends the current debates about the value of resilience-focused interventions in conflict-affected settings by highlighting the importance of positionality and the relationship between structural change and individual needs. It calls for the creation of new forms of global justice that capture the multifaceted, dynamic nature of adversity, resilience, and transformational change by prioritizing geopolitical conflict, local voices and needs, and critical reflection on Eurocentric knowledge production.


Article International Relations

Wargaming for International Relations research

Erik Lin-Greenberg, Reid B. C. Pauly, Jacquelyn G. Schneider

Summary: The article assesses how political scientists can use wargames for scholarly inquiry and establishes a research agenda for wargaming in International Relations. It differentiates wargames from other methodological approaches, focuses on their ecological validity, and outlines how researchers can build and run their own games or draw from archival wargames for theory development and testing.


Article Economics

The Legal Architecture of the Economic Responses to COVID-19: EMU beyond the Pandemic*

Federico Fabbrini

Summary: The article analyzes the measures adopted by the EU to address the economic effects of COVID-19 from a law and policy perspective, assessing their implications for the EMU. It highlights the transformative effect of these policies on the EU's economic governance architecture and discusses the need for further constitutional adaptations to sustain the unprecedented transfer of fiscal power to the EU level. The responses to COVID-19 have led to a significant rebalancing of the EMU, bridging the asymmetry between EU monetary and economic policy, but questions remain about whether these responses are temporary or the new normal for the EMU.


Article Environmental Studies

Port competitiveness: Do container terminal operators and liner shipping companies see eye to eye?

Sedat Bastug, Hercules Haralambides, Soner Esmer, Enes Eminoglu

Summary: This study indicates a disparity in the criteria used by shipping companies and port operators to measure port competitiveness. While port operators prioritize factors like port location and service level, shipping companies prioritize port operational efficiency. The research suggests that better mutual understanding between ports and carriers can lead to a more efficient economic system and societal development.


Article Economics

Embedded Bilateralism, Integration Theory, and European Crisis Politics: France, Germany, and the Birth of the EU Corona Recovery Fund*

Ulrich Krotz, Lucas Schramm

Summary: France and Germany played a decisive role within the EU by establishing joint positions through their tight bilateral political cooperation, despite starting from different poles, advancing European integration during the coronavirus crisis.


Article Economics

Taking back control: comprador bankers and managerial developmentalism in Poland

Marek Naczyk

Summary: The research found that in Poland's market economy, comprador bankers co-opted state actors to implement a series of policies that support the development of local enterprises. After the global financial crisis, comprador bankers actively promoted the implementation of development policies to improve the management restrictions of foreign-headquartered multinational corporations and prevent parent banks from occupying the liquidity of Polish subsidiaries.


Article Business

The Dynamic Correlation between China's Policy Uncertainty and the Crude Oil Market: A Time-varying Analysis

En-Ze Wang, Chien-Chiang Lee

Summary: This research examines the dynamic correlation between China's policy uncertainty and crude oil markets. The results show that the correlation is time-varying and non-linear. The independence between policy uncertainty and oil returns varies more constantly, while the interaction between policy uncertainty and global oil production varies at a lower frequency. The different types of policy uncertainty also have different associations with global oil returns.


Article Economics

Additionality and Implementation Gaps in Voluntary Sustainability Standards

Thomas Dietz, Janina Grabs

Summary: Voluntary Sustainability Standards have become popular for more sustainable agri-food value chains, but competition between standards has increased and driven down price premiums. The study finds that the most widely used standards in the coffee sector have not effectively improved the social, environmental, and economic sustainability practices of smallholder farmers under these conditions.


Article Economics

Hybrid institutional complexes in global governance

Kenneth W. Abbott, Benjamin Faude

Summary: The concept of the Hybrid Institutional Complexes (HICs) is introduced as a novel descriptive and analytical lens for the study of contemporary global governance, with emphasis on the greater diversity of institutional forms and systemic features. HICs offer governance benefits such as good fit for multi-faceted problems and diverse preferences, but also pose risks like confusion and conflict amplification. The research agenda focuses on exploring the structures, operations, and governance implications of HICs.


Article International Relations

Taking Love and Care Seriously: An Emergent Research Agenda for Remaking Worlds in the Wake of Violence

Roxani Krystalli, Philipp Schulz

Summary: This article explores the practices of love and care in the context of armed conflict, highlighting their importance in understanding the remaking of worlds after violence. The authors argue that attention to love and care expands scholarly understandings, sheds light on the meanings of politics, and raises ethical dilemmas. They propose a set of questions and avenues for future research on love and care in armed conflict.


Article International Relations

From Pawn to Knights: The Changing Role of Women's Agency in Terrorism?

Mia Bloom, Ayse Lokmanoglu

Summary: The roles of women have significantly changed within terrorist groups, with explicit gender strategies seen in organizations like ISIS and Boko Haram, and gender-equal political advances made by the PKK. Scholars should challenge the notion of limited roles for women.


Article Environmental Studies

Has environmental regulation facilitated the green transformation of the marine industry?

Xintian Liu, Suisui Chen

Summary: This study systematically examines the influence mechanism of environmental regulation on the green transformation of the marine industry in the context of high-quality development of the marine economy from theoretical and empirical perspectives. The study finds that environmental regulation plays a significant role in promoting the green transformation of the marine industry and that market-based environmental regulation instruments have a more pronounced promotion effect compared to command-and-control instruments.


Article Business, Finance

Economic costs of the Russia-Ukraine war

Iana Liadze, Corrado Macchiarelli, Paul Mortimer-Lee, Patricia Sanchez Juanino

Summary: This paper uses the NiGEM model to quantify the impact of Russia's unprovoked invasion of Ukraine on the global economy. It indicates that Europe will be the region most affected, with GDP expected to shrink by over 1%. Furthermore, the war will result in a 30% reduction in GDP for "Developing Europe" where Ukraine is the largest representative. Additionally, the war will contribute to an increase of 2% in global inflation in 2022 and 1% in 2023.


Article Environmental Studies

Assessing plume impacts caused by polymetallic nodule mining vehicles

P. P. E. Weaver, J. Aguzzi, R. E. Boschen-Rose, A. Colaco, H. de Stigter, S. Gollner, M. Haeckel, C. Hauton, R. Helmons, D. O. B. Jones, H. Lily, N. C. Mestre, C. Mohn, L. Thomsen

Summary: Deep-sea mining, particularly the mining of polymetallic nodules, is likely to have both positive aspects such as increasing metal supply for battery production, and negative aspects such as large-scale environmental impacts. This article discusses the potential impacts of sediment plumes generated by mining vehicles near the seabed, as well as methods for measuring and comparing different mining vehicles. The findings of this study will assist the International Seabed Authority in regulating deep-sea mining activities and promoting the use of best available technology and environmental practices.