International Relations

Article Area Studies

Serbia between East and West: ontological security, vicarious identity and the problem of sanctions against Russia

Roberto Belloni

Summary: This paper examines why Serbia did not impose sanctions on Russia. The author argues that Serbia is divided between its attachment to Russia and its desire to join the EU. Serbia's hedging in foreign policy reflects its ontological insecurity within the international system.


Article International Relations

(Un)Doing performative decolonisation in the global development 'imaginaries' of academia

Julia Schoeneberg, Lata Narayanaswamy

Summary: In Western academic spaces, there is a growing commitment to decolonisation, but the emphasis on rankings, impact factors, citation numbers, and third-party funding can lead to extractive and violent practices in the name of decolonial scholarship. This article reflects on attempts to decolonise the discipline and practice of development, particularly in terms of knowledge production. Despite institutional pushback, there are potential openings within networks to challenge dominant knowledge structures and dismantle the master's house.


Article Business, Finance

The effect of inequality of opportunity on entrepreneurship: Evidence from China

Guangsu Zhou, Lizhong Liu

Summary: This research explores the impact of income inequality on entrepreneurship, specifically focusing on the effect of inequality of opportunity. Using micro-level data from China, the study finds a negative correlation between inequality of opportunity and engagement in entrepreneurship. The association is stronger for self-employment and in regions with lower economic conditions. The research also identifies several channels through which inequality of opportunity may discourage entrepreneurship, including limited human capital accumulation, restricted access to credit, decreased social capital, and reduced risk-taking.


Article International Relations

Whose anxiety? What practices? The Paris School and ontological security studies

Gabriella Gricius

Summary: The field of international security studies has evolved significantly, with the emergence of critical security studies and ontological security studies. Despite their shared focus on regimes of practices, these two schools of thought have not yet come together to address security questions.


Article International Relations

Micro-level experiences, understandings and visions of peace in Sri Lanka's war victory

Malin Akebo, Tanuja Thurairajah

Summary: It is widely recognized in contemporary peace and conflict scholarship that exploring micro-level experiences is crucial for a comprehensive understanding of post-war peace. This article argues that such investigation is particularly urgent in the context of a victor's peace. By conducting focus group discussions across communities and geographical localities in Sri Lanka, the study examines and compares narratives of peace to reveal diverse understandings, experiences, and visions. It goes beyond dichotomous peace conceptions associated with the notion of a victor's peace, shedding light on the varieties of peace at the local and everyday level, as well as the challenges and possibilities for transforming conflict relationships after war.


Article International Relations

Blessing or curse? Assessing the local impacts of foreign direct investment on conflict in Africa

Samuel Brazys, Indra de Soysa, Krishna Chaitanya Vadlamannati

Summary: The question of foreign direct investment (FDI) and socio-political development is heavily debated. This study takes a political economy perspective and finds that FDI in all sectors increases local conflict. However, only FDI in the extractive sector escalates to major war.


Article International Relations

Hypermarketization: standardized shopping in emerging economies

Johan Fischer

Summary: This paper discusses the concept of hypermarkets and their global spread, with a focus on the phenomenon of hypermarketization in India as an emerging market. The study is based on fieldwork in South India, specifically looking at vegetarianism and meat consumption in hypermarkets and among the middle class. The paper argues that hypermarketization represents the integration of liberalization, retail, and middle-class consumer culture in emerging markets, marking their maturity.


Article Area Studies

Hajj Factor in Saudi Arabia and Somaliland Relations

Song Niu

Summary: The Islamic sacred city Mecca plays a significant role in the relationship between Saudi Arabia and Somaliland. Somaliland is a major export destination for livestock during the hajj rituals, and through importing livestock from Somaliland, Saudi Arabia meets its religious needs. Saudi Arabia also invites the 'President' of Somaliland to Mecca, promoting talks between Somaliland and Somali officials and easing the conflicting relations. This relationship benefits both parties economically, politically, and in terms of security.


Article International Relations

Messaging and mobilization: Rebel groups, social media communication, and audience engagement

Samuel E. Bestvater, Cyanne E. Loyle

Summary: This study examines rebel group social media communications and finds that they increase civilian engagement through self-promotion and direct calls to action. However, relying too heavily on direct appeals can lead to audience fatigue. Additionally, including images enhances the impact of mobilizing messages.


Article International Relations

Where there's a will, there's a way: Border walls and refugees

Nazli Avdan, Andrew S. Rosenberg, Christopher F. Gelpi

Summary: Over the last decade, there has been a significant increase in the movement of refugees across international borders, presenting challenges for the international community. In response, various policy measures, including the construction of border walls, have been implemented. However, there are doubts regarding the effectiveness of these measures as walls may redirect migrants, discourage return migration, or alter migrants' cost-benefit calculations. This article addresses this research gap and provides evidence that border fences have not had a causal impact on refugee flows or the statistical tools to discern their true effect.


Article International Relations

Sacred Time and Religious Violence: Evidence from Hindu-Muslim Riots in India

Feyaad Allie

Summary: Incompatible ritual holidays can contribute to religious conflicts as they highlight doctrinal differences and can be used as opportunities for inciting violence.


Article International Relations

Domestic accountability and non-compliance with international law: Evidence from the Inter-American Court of Human Rights

Francesca Parente

Summary: Domestic public preferences often influence leaders' compliance with international legal rulings. However, public support for human rights does not necessarily mean they support remedies ordered by international courts. This study examines the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in Latin America and argues that non-compliance may result from leaders adjusting their behavior based on public opinion and the popularity of the implicated actor. The findings highlight the importance of considering public attitudes in models of compliance with international law.


Article International Relations

Analysing the policy process of China's political accountability in the prevention and control of COVID-19

Cheng Zhou, Ruilian Zhang, Ye Zhou, Zaijian Qian

Summary: China's strategy for preventing and controlling COVID-19 is different from other countries, as it involves dynamic zero-COVID-19 policy and political accountability measures. The political accountability policies implemented in China are strict, broad, and timely, based on the integration of internal and external oversight and innovative approaches.


Article International Relations

Political Representation Practice in Global Environmental Politics. Feminist Representation Theory and the Claims of Marginalized Youth Groups

Henrike Knappe

Summary: The climate movement has mobilized a large number of people, especially young people, who represent the future, to address the urgent issue of climate change. This paper examines the role of young people in global environmental and climate politics, focusing on their claims to represent future generations.


Article Economics

The origins of fairness in economic experiments: how evolutionary behavioural economics makes a case for doux commerce

Sabine Frerichs

Summary: Behavioural economics aims to provide more realistic explanations of economic actions, with a focus on the 'social' aspect. In the social strand, researchers study fair outcomes in economic games by considering social preferences, norms, and institutions. They also explore the evolutionary foundations of fairness in economic experiments.


Article International Relations

Parliamentary diplomacy between the EU and the Republic of Korea

Youngah Guahk, Isabel Hernandez Pepe

Summary: This paper examines the practice of parliamentary diplomacy in EU-Korea relations, highlighting its significance in the bilateral relationship. The study analyzes the interaction between the European Parliament (EP) and the Korean National Assembly (KNA), and demonstrates how bilateral relations are influenced by electoral cycles and changes in domestic political situations.


Article Business

Digital Finance and Settlement for Long Term: Evidence from Rural-Urban Migrants

Shao-Chieh Hsueh, Shuying Jiang, Shuoxun Zhang

Summary: This study examines the impact of digital financial development on the long-term settlement of rural-urban migrants. The findings suggest that digital finance has an overall facilitating effect on the decision to stay for the long-term, particularly for migrants who are internet users, have higher education levels, are below 35 years old, have urban household registration (hukou), or are intra-provincial migrants. Additionally, the availability of formal finance supports long-term settlement for migrants who are older than 35, inter-provincial migrants, or self-employed.


Article International Relations

The Prospects of the G20's Support of Liberalism: International Order and the Sustainable Development Goals

Steven Slaughter

Summary: This article examines whether the G20 can support liberal notions of international order and argues that there are limited possibilities for the G20 to support liberal aspirations related to international order. It suggests that the G20's engagement with the Sustainable Development Goals may provide an impetus for a pragmatic order that can manage a multifaceted understanding of globalization.


Article Business, Finance

Competition policy and firm productivity: Quasi-experimental evidence from China

Yihao Chen, Siying Ding, Yongzheng Liu, Guangliang Ye

Summary: The Anti-Monopoly Law enacted in China in 2008 is an important competition policy that has a significant impact on firm productivity. This study finds that the implementation of this law has effectively increased the total factor productivity of firms, with a stronger effect observed among state-owned enterprises and large firms.


Article Business

Can Reverse Mixed-Ownership Reform Reduce the Cost of Equity Financing of Private Enterprises?

Lina Yan, Zi Nie, Yajun Deng

Summary: This study empirically explores the impact of reverse mixed-ownership reform on the cost of equity financing for private enterprises and the underlying mechanism. The findings show that reverse mixed-ownership reform significantly reduces the cost of equity financing for private enterprises, with improved information disclosure quality and equity liquidity playing intermediary roles. The study also reveals that the cost of equity financing for private enterprises is significantly reduced in highly competitive industries and regions with lower levels of marketization.