International Relations

Article Business

Effects of Digital Finance on Green Innovation considering Information Asymmetry: An Empirical Study Based on Chinese Listed Firms

Tao Kong, RenJi Sun, Guanglin Sun, Youtao Song

Summary: Digital finance has a significant positive impact on firms' green innovation by alleviating information asymmetry, improving environmental information disclosure quality, and reducing financial constraints.


Article Economics

The European Semester as Goldilocks: Macroeconomic Policy Coordination and the Recovery and Resilience Facility

Bart Vanhercke, Amy Verdun

Summary: The European Semester has become the main institutional vehicle for the Recovery and Resilience Facility, changing the power balance among key actors and giving social actors a stronger voice. The role of the European Commission is increasingly pivotal, while member states also have more options through submitting national plans. The EU's response to the Covid-19 pandemic further solidified its socio-economic governance architecture.


Article Economics

The hidden costs of environmental upgrading in global value chains

Stefano Ponte

Summary: This paper argues that value chain-oriented forms of sustainability governance fail to address environmental issues and instead allow lead firms to extract value from suppliers while creating barriers for smaller and marginalized actors.


Article Environmental Studies

Carbon emission and economic output of China's marine fishery - A decoupling efforts analysis

Qiang Wang, Shasha Wang

Summary: The study found that the decoupling state of all coastal regions improved, with Guangdong province showing the best decoupling state and strong decoupling progress. Carbon intensity was not only a major contributor to carbon reduction, but also a key driver of decoupling efforts. Industry structure was identified as the primary inhibitor in most coastal regions. All coastal regions made decoupling efforts during the study period, with over half of them making strong decoupling efforts.


Article Business

Will Gold Always Shine amid World Uncertainty?

Chi-Wei Su, Lidong Pang, Muhammad Umar, Oana-Ramona Lobont

Summary: This article investigates the relationship between the world uncertainty index (WUI) and gold price (GP) using the quantile on quantile (QQ) approach. The findings suggest that the impact of WUI on GP varies in different quantiles and shows cyclical patterns. The positive influence indicates that gold shines during economic or political chaos, while the negative impacts of WUI on GP cannot be ignored. Additionally, the gold market acts as a barometer of global risk according to the compound influence from GP to WUI.


Article Business, Finance

Trade policy responses to the COVID-19 pandemic crisis: Evidence from a new data set

Simon Evenett, Matteo Fiorini, Johannes Fritz, Bernard Hoekman, Piotr Lukaszuk, Nadia Rocha, Michele Ruta, Filippo Santi, Anirudh Shingal

Summary: This paper presents new high-frequency data on trade policy changes targeting medical and food products since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. It reveals a rapid increase in trade policy activism in February and March 2020, but also highlights extensive heterogeneity across countries in their use of trade policy measures.


Article International Relations

Delegating strategic decision-making to machines: Dr. Strangelove Redux?

James Johnson

Summary: This article analyzes the impact of AI on the strategic decision-making process and discusses the risks and trade-offs of delegating military force to machines. It argues that substituting human critical thinking and intuition with AI can be fundamentally destabilizing, and also considers the use of AI-enhanced social media by non-state and state proxy actors.


Article Business

Investment Lag, Financially Constraints and Company Value-Evidence from China

Liurui Deng, Yiwen Zhao

Summary: In this study, a valuation model was developed to examine the impact of financing constraints and investment time lags on company value. Using data from 622 listed companies in China, it was found that investment has a one-period time lag effect and that cash flow and debt financing costs play a role in determining company value.


Article International Relations

Post-Cold War sanctioning by the EU, the UN, and the US: Introducing the EUSANCT Dataset

Patrick M. Weber, Gerald Schneider

Summary: The European Union, the United Nations, and the United States frequently use economic sanctions. However, from 1989 to 2015, the usage and overall success of sanctions did not grow. While the US is the most active sanctioner, the EU and the UN appear to be more successful.


Article Economics

International financial subordination: a critical research agenda

Ilias Alami, Carolina Alves, Bruno Bonizzi, Annina Kaltenbrunner, Kai Koddenbrock, Ingrid Kvangraven, Jeff Powell

Summary: Despite differences in economic strength, Developing and Emerging Economies (DEEs) are still subordinate in the global monetary and financial system. In order to better understand this phenomenon, the concept of international financial subordination (IFS) is introduced, and a pluridisciplinary research agenda is proposed.


Article Business

Missing Data Preprocessing in Credit Classification: One-Hot Encoding or Imputation?

Lean Yu, Rongtian Zhou, Rongda Chen, Kin Keung Lai

Summary: Missing data has become a serious problem in credit risk classification and this study proposes a one-hot encoding-based data preprocessing method to solve this problem. The experimental results suggest that the proposed method performs the best with high missing rates and the random sample imputation method performs better with low missing rates.


Article Area Studies

Small is beautiful but not trendy: Understanding the allure of big hydraulic works in the Euphrates-Tigris and Nile waterscapes

Hussam Hussein, Ahmet Conker, Mattia Grandi

Summary: This paper analyzes the trend of massive hydraulic infrastructure construction and how government elites justify their actions, using insights from major transboundary waterscapes. The study identifies four distinctive discursive practices that are efficiently used in the case studies.


Article International Relations

Chinese Power and the State-Owned Enterprise

Randall W. Stone, Yu Wang, Shu Yu

Summary: China exercises significant influence over outward foreign direct investment, particularly through state-owned and globally diversified firms. The government links investments to state policies, uses investment directives and state visits as instruments, and leverages political events and national recognition to shape FDI outcomes. This intervention appears to be systematic and is primarily observed in state-owned enterprises.


Article Economics

Fossilised Capital: Price and Profit in the Energy Transition

Brett Christophers

Summary: The relative profitability of fossil-fuel and renewable-energy production will have a significant impact on future investment trajectories. Europe's three oil and gas majors are facing the challenge of energy transition and its implications for the global energy transition.


Article Economics

Growing differently? Financial cycles, austerity, and competitiveness in growth models since the Global Financial Crisis

Karsten Kohler, Engelbert Stockhammer

Summary: This paper contributes to the recent growth models debate through a cross-country analysis of growth drivers before and after the 2008 Global Financial Crisis (GFC). It argues that the dichotomy of export-led versus (debt-financed) consumption-led growth has lost its usefulness since the GFC, and shows that Comparative Political Economy (CPE) needs to broaden its analysis of growth drivers to understand how the GFC transformed growth models.


Article International Relations

Vaccinating Against Hate: Using Attitudinal Inoculation to Confer Resistance to Persuasion by Extremist Propaganda

Kurt Braddock

Summary: Research has shown that attitudinal inoculation is effective in promoting resistance to persuasion. This study addresses the gap in the literature by testing the effectiveness of inoculation in preventing the adoption of beliefs and attitudes consistent with violent extremist ideologies. The results suggest that inoculation reduces support for extremist groups by increasing psychological reactance and decreasing perceptions of credibility. The source of the inoculation message and the ideological focus of the propaganda do not moderate these relationships.


Article Environmental Studies

Survival of the Richest, not the Fittest: How attempts to improve governance impact African small-scale marine fisheries

Ifesinachi Okafor-Yarwood, Nelly I. Kadagi, Dyhia Belhabib, Edward H. Allison

Summary: The African Union prioritizes the sustainable use of fisheries resources in developing the Blue Economy. However, the current fisheries governance mechanisms in Africa tend to constrain small-scale fisheries while failing to regulate the industrial fisheries sector, leading to the marginalization of small-scale fisheries. Despite higher incidences of Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated fishing in industrial fisheries, governance mechanisms continue to favor the industrial sector over small-scale fisheries.


Article International Relations

Publicly attributing cyber attacks: a framework

Florian J. Egloff, Max Smeets

Summary: This article describes the process of public attribution and provides a framework to guide and improve state decision making regarding public attribution of cyber intrusions. Public attribution is a complex process that involves trade-offs of multiple considerations. The key to successful public attribution lies in having a strategic, coordinated pragmatic approach and assessing the potential negative counter effects on a case-by-case basis.


Article Economics

Power and the Practice of Transnational Private Regulation

Tim Bartley

Summary: Private regulation practices can be explained through a multifaceted analysis of power, focusing on power struggles, corporate power saturation, and the construction of state power. By studying examples from private rules in land and labor and accounts of standards wars, a better understanding of these practices can be achieved.


Article Economics

Feminist global political economies of work and social reproduction

Alessandra Mezzadri, Susan Newman, Sara Stevano

Summary: The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of social reproduction as an analytical lens for understanding capitalist processes. Drawing on insights from Feminist IPE, Feminist Economics, and Feminist Political Economy of Development, the authors propose using social reproduction as a prism to examine labor and work in the Global South from a feminist standpoint. Insights from these feminist perspectives offer a comprehensive way to analyze the complexities of labor in the Global South and how reproductive dynamics shape the global economy in various ways, including state relations, care provisions, blending of productive and reproductive temporalities, paid/unpaid work within and beyond the household, and global processes of commodification.